Natalia Nazarova's research while affiliated with National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and other places

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Publications (17)

Fig. 1. Diagrams of a high-voltage inverter resonant charger: a - structural diagram; b - substitution scheme
Dependence of the output current I R of high-voltage transformerless resonant chargers for capacitive energy storage devices depending on the relative frequency q and relative load resistance k
Development of method for frequency regulation of output current in high-voltage transformerless resonant chargers of capacitive energy storage devices
  • Article
  • Full-text available

February 2024


10 Reads

Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies


Natalia Nazarova


Iryna Vinnychenko

The object of research is high-voltage systems of electric discharge installations for various technological purposes. The work reports solving the problem of enabling the rate of charging of a capacitive energy storage, set by the requirements of a certain high-voltage technology. The quantitative characteristics of the deviation of the output current of the resonant inverter from the set stabilized value when changing the switching frequency of inverter switches in the range of output voltage change from 0 to 20 kV were determined. Using the Fourier transform of the rectangular input voltage, the frequency regulation possibility of the output current of the charger for capacitive energy storage devices was analyzed. Estimation dependences of the output current of resonant inverter on the load resistance and frequency deviation from resonant frequency were derived. These dependences could be used to implement frequency control over the switching inverter transistors, with the help of which the given effective value of the output current of the resonant inverter is obtained. A method of frequency regulation of the output current in high-voltage transformerless resonant charging devices of capacitive energy storage devices has been developed. Special feature of this method is that it is based on the frequency dependence of reactive resistances of the inductance and capacitance of the resonant circuit connected in series. Owing to that, it makes it possible to adjust the switching frequency of the inverter’s power switches depending on the relative resistance of the load and the specified growth rate of the capacitive energy storage voltage. The results reported here could be used in the design of benches for testing the electrical strength of high-voltage cables, as well as for the construction of high-voltage transformerless chargers in systems of electric discharge impulse processing of materials


Structure and properties of carbon-containing nanostructured coatings on metal surfaces obtained by electric discharge in gas and electric explosion of electrical conductors

June 2023


7 Reads

Applied Nanoscience


N. S. Nazarova


L. Z. Boguslavskii




The article presents a study of the structure and properties of carbon-containing nanostructured coatings obtained by electric discharge methods. X-ray structural analysis of coatings was carried out using a DRON-4-07 diffractometer with a copper tube. Images of the surface morphology were obtained using a JSM-6700F scanning electron microscope. The coating surfaces were examined using a Solver P47H atomic force microscope. The surface hardness of the obtained samples was determined using a ball with a diameter of 1.588 mm at a load of 588.4 N. The method of electric discharge treatment of carbon-containing gases allows to obtain a nanostructured coating of almost the same size particles that form micrometer globules. Nanocarbon coating has no impurities. Particle sizes are no more 40 nm. This coating is X-ray amorphous and attenuates X-rays at wavelength \(\lambda_{{k_{\alpha } }}\) = 0,154,178 nm on average by 51%. Electric discharge through a metal conductor in carbon-containing gas allows to obtain a nanostructured composite coating, which consists of carbon, metal and carbide globules and is uniform in particle size. The particle sizes obtained from tungsten wires are 40 nm, and from titanium wires—100 nm. The hardness of the substrate surface is significantly increased due to the applied coating.

The Dependence of the Deviation of the Output Stabilized Current of the Resonant Power Supply during Frequency Control in the Systems of Materials Pulse Processing

November 2021


5 Reads

Modeling Control and Information Technologies

The calculated dependences for determining the deviation of the output current of the resonant power supply of the materials pulsed processing system from a given stabilized value are obtained. The inversely proportional dependence of the output current on the frequency at the input of the series resonant circuit is obtained. These dependencies can be applied for the frequency control of the inverter’s switches commutation which stabilizes the RMS value of the output current. At the close to short circuit modes, the deviation of the output current from the stabilized value does not exceed 2%, and therefore it can be ignored.

Control of the Process of Electrodischarge Synthesis of Nanocarbon from Gaseous Hydrocarbons on Metal Surfaces

May 2019


15 Reads


2 Citations

Surface Engineering and Applied Electrochemistry

A system for controlling the process of the high-voltage high-frequency electric discharge synthesis of nanocarbon on metal surfaces in a carbon gas medium has been developed. The criteria that determine the production mode of the synthesis of nanocarbon are defined. The synthesis control is performed according to the minimax optimality criterion. It allows the current value in the range of the production mode of the synthesis of carbon nanomaterials with an onion-like structure to be maintained. The control of the movement of the metal surface sample with respect to the electrode in the course of synthesis ensures the uniformity of coating the surface with a layer of a synthesized nanocarbon material.

Citations (10)

... High-voltage transformerless resonance chargers (TlRC) of capacitive energy storage devices (CESD) [2] can become an effective alternative to existing installations for testing the electrical strength of high-voltage cables with a rectified voltage of 70 kV. They could also be used instead of traditional chargers with step-up transformers in systems of electric discharge impulse processing of materials [3,4]. ...


Development of method for frequency regulation of output current in high-voltage transformerless resonant chargers of capacitive energy storage devices
Transformerless High-Voltage Resonant Charging Systems for Capacitive Energy Storage Devices for Electro-Discharge Technologies
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • October 2022

... As shown in [2], such systems will make it possible to significantly reduce the mass and dimensions of capacitor chargers and test facilities based on them. Power sources providing high voltage above 50 kV [5] or below [6,7] are usually required for electric discharge treatment of dielectric media. In such cases, pulse current generators (PCG) [8] with CESD storage capacitors [9], which form discharge pulses with long current-free pauses [10], are traditionally used. ...

Search for the Ways of Implementation of the Hybrid Method for Obtaining Hardening Composite Coating with Onion-like Carbon and Metal Carbides during Electrical Conductors Explosion
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • August 2021

... Стан та актуальність задачі. Електричний вибух (ЕВ) металевих провідників поперечним перерізом S 0 і довжиною l 0 у вакуумі, газовому та рідкому середовищах під дією протікаючого по ним великого імпульсного струму (ВІС) різних амплітудно-часових параметрів (АЧП) знайшов досить широке практичне застосування як в наукових (наприклад, при вивченні механізмів фазових переходів речовини [1][2][3][4][5], явищ перенесення маси, імпульсу та енергії в екстремальних умовах, у тому числі в критичних режимах протікання ядерних вибухів [6,7], одержанні м'якого рентгенівського випромінювання для керованого термоядерного синтезу [8], дослідженні процесів оптичного накачування газових лазерів і активних середовищ для квантових генераторів на парах металів [9] тощо), так і в технологічних (наприклад, при напиленні тонких покриттів для мікроелектроніки [10,11], отриманні високодисперсних провідних порошків [12][13][14][15][16], створенні швидкодіючих електровибухових розмикачів струму для сильнострумових кіл високовольтних генераторів з потужними ємнісними та індуктивними накопичувачами енергії [17], одержанні щільної високотемпературної плазми [18], високошвидкісної силової обробки та деформуванні ударними навантаженнями різних матеріалів (деталей) [19,20], проведенні сертифікаційних випробувань авіаційної та ракетнокосмічної техніки на електромагнітну сумісність і стійкість до дії блискавки (насамперед, в електричних схемах введення струму і електромагнітної енергії в об'єкти, що випробовуються) [21,22] тощо) цілях. При вивченні складного процесу ЕВ металу провідника і практичної реалізації електровибухових технологій фахівці в ході проведених робіт використовують як більш точні розрахункові чисельні методи дослідження явища ЕВ металевих провідників у газах і рідинах [4,5,7,8], так і менш точні інженерні аналітичні методи та моделі розрахунку теплофізичних, газо-, електро-та магнітогідродинамічних процесів у суцільних середовищах при протіканні зазначеного електрофізичного явища [9][10][11][12][13][14][15][23][24][25][26]. ...

Control of the Process of Electrodischarge Synthesis of Nanocarbon from Gaseous Hydrocarbons on Metal Surfaces
  • Citing Article
  • May 2019

Surface Engineering and Applied Electrochemistry

... For example, electric discharge production of carbon nanomaterials from carbon-containing gases [27,28], in which a high voltage of up to 30 kV is required to close the discharge gas channel with a frequency of up to 20 kHz, or spark plasma sintering [29]. For such applications, a resonant power source with a series resonant circuit, which provides an almost constant operating current in a wide range of changes in the load voltage, is optimal [30]. ...

The High-Voltage Electrical Engineering Systems of Gaseous Hydrocarbons Electro-Discharge Processing Design Principles
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • April 2019

... It should be noted that we have earlier developed a method for frequency-parametric regulation by discharge alternating current [22], which cannot be directly applied without improvement to regulate the output current of high-voltage resonant chargers. All this gives reason to assert that it is expedient to carry out a study on developing a new method for frequency regulation of the output current of a transformerless resonant charger to enable high voltage of CESD. ...

Source of the stabilized discharge current in carbon-containing gases with frequency-parametric regulation

Technical Electrodynamics

... In other works, it was found that tensile stresses are more effective in destroying a material by the electric discharge in a liquid than an incident compression wave [49][50][51][52][53][54][55]. ...

Adaptive Filter of Input Information Signal for Discharge Pulse Installation Control System
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • September 2018

... Independent excitation of oscillations with asynchronous control (Fig. 1, a) is carried out using an autonomous controlled oscillation generator (MO), in which parameters such as frequency, duty cycle, number of pulses can be adjusted. Converters with independent excitation of oscillations are described in [13,14]. In the control system of the converter with independent excitation of oscillations, it is necessary to provide for such characteristics of the conversion frequency control so that the desired valve switching conditions are observed throughout the control range [12,15,16]. ...

Power Converter Adaptive Control System of the Installation for Production of Nanocarbons from Gaseous Hydrocarbons
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • April 2018

... Для осуществления эксперимента по обработке растительного сырья импульсами тока использовали оборудование [42], схематично показанное на рис. 1. ...

Electrotechnical control and current protection system of the high-voltage pulse-current generator
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • May 2017

... The developed method for regulating the output current of resonant inverter can be applied to other technical applications that simultaneously require stabilization of the output current and high voltage at the output of the source. For example, electric discharge production of carbon nanomaterials from carbon-containing gases [27,28], in which a high voltage of up to 30 kV is required to close the discharge gas channel with a frequency of up to 20 kHz, or spark plasma sintering [29]. For such applications, a resonant power source with a series resonant circuit, which provides an almost constant operating current in a wide range of changes in the load voltage, is optimal [30]. ...

Properties of carbon nanomaterials produced from gaseous raw materials using high-frequency electrodischarge processing
  • Citing Article
  • March 2015

Surface Engineering and Applied Electrochemistry

... Из-за высокой твердости, прочности и химической стойкости твердые сплавы приходится перерабатывать дорогостоящими химическими способами с использованием опасных и вредных реагентов [17][18][19]. Электроэрозионное диспергирование (ЭЭД) является одним из перспективных альтернативных методов получения порошков без использования этих опасных и дорогостоящих реагентов [20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29][30][31][32][33][34][35]. ...

Electrodischarge Method for Synthesizing Nanocarbon from Gaseous Raw Hydrocarbons
  • Citing Article
  • August 2011

Surface Engineering and Applied Electrochemistry