Naseem Akhtar Qureshi's scientific contributions

Publications (17)

Background: Speech fluency disorders determined by a variety of complex biological and environmental interactions are common problems of children, adolescents, adults and older adults around the world and need therapeutic interventions for improving the quality of life of those who stutter. Objective: This descriptive study aims to mainly focus on...
Speech fluency disorder is a common problem among children across the world, though majority of stutters recover either spontaneously or with appropriate interventions including speech therapy and related knowledge and awareness upsurge. This paper describes a skeleton of a new training course intended for the teaching of different perspectives of...
Background: Prior to 1973, homosexuality was considered a mental disorder. Gay Rights Movement in European-Western world, controversial variegated theories and political all out efforts ultimately removed homosexuality from Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-I&II) with highly conflicting consequences to major religions of th...
Background: Speech fluency disorder(SFD), a common disorder is reported in all age groups of people but most commonly in children around the world. Objective: This study aimed to review critically several aspects of SFD, specifically epidemiological parameters, etiological foundations, clinical and treatment perspectives. Methods: Electronic search...
Background: Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) has questioning origin in Wuhan, an industrial city of China. The novel coronavirus 2 (NCV2) was first identified in December 2019, and World Health Organization (WHO) declared the outbreak a global public health emergency on 30 January 2020, officially named it as COVID-19 on...
Background: Mental Health First Aid, an important component of metal health educational programs, targets naive community members, public, allied mental health personnel, and mental health experts with specific reference as to how these trained aiders should help people in crisis or with mental health conditions in the community. Objective: This st...
Background: Mosques are the most holy places in the eyes of Allah-Exalted and Glorified, and the religious mosque leaders (Khateebs) who read 15-20 minutes Khutbah prior to Friday Prayers have great knowledge in religion of Islam and are considered the peace-building leaders through delivering the pertinent Friday sermons around the world. Objectiv...
Background: Suicide is an intentional fatal act of self-destruction and largely preventable phenomenon. Early Identification of suicide risk factors, proactive preventive steps and therapeutic interventions tend to reduce robustly its epidemiological trends including associated high mortality around the world. Objective: This review study aimed to...
Background: Mental health awareness surveys that assess the broad knowledge of various stakeholders including public nationwide help in the development of relevant strategies to enhance their poor mental health literacy. Objective: The aim of this telephone polling survey was to measure mental health awareness of general public in Saudi Arabia. Met...
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This book covers all areas of medical sciences. The contributions by the authors include food hygiene and safety, haemostatic disorders, sickle cell disease, hypercoagulability, claustrophobia, autosomal recessive, ultrasonography, superb micro-vascular imaging, papillary thyroid micro carcinoma, black ink sonographic pattern, human papillomavirus,...
Background: Idiopathic Raynaud’s disease is twice common in women than their counterparts, and secondary Raynaud’s disease co-occurs with a variety of medicosurgical conditions. Both diseases are managed by several medications which are invariably associated with various adverse effects. Objective: This study aimed to describe several standardized...
Objective: Pregnancy a normal physiological condition is worsened by morning sickness, nausea and vomiting of pregnancy, hyperemesis gravidarum, Wernicke’s encephalopathy and Korsakoff syndrome in vulnerable women with gestation. This report of three cases described hyperemesis gravidarum, Wernicke’s encephalopathy and Korsakoff syndrome in the wor...
Background: Hyperemesis gravidarum tends to rapidly progress into Wernicke encephalopathy and Korsakoff syndrome and, therefore, needs to be recognized early and managed promptly with targeted multimodal therapies. Objective: This study critically reviewed the relevant literature on clinical perspectives of hyperemesis gravidarum, Wernicke encephal...
Background: Myofascial pain syndrome is a common pain condition characterized by a key symptoms and signs, determined by multiple etiologies, comorbid with a variety of systemic diseases and regional pain syndromes and managed by diverse therapies with variable outcomes. Objective: This study aimed to concisely report 11 cases of myofascial pain sy...
Background: Primary Raynaud’s disease preferentially afflicts women with 5% prevalence rate reported in general population, manifests triphasic color phenomenon along with paresthesia involving distal digits and toes and triggered by severe cold and stress. Objective: This review critically describes several perspectives of Raynaud’s diseases with...


... But it does not mean that other speech disorders as mentioned in earlier paragraphs are not obstacles to speech. In fact, A.A. Alhabeeb, A.M. Aldossari, and N.A. Qureshi [Alhabeeb, Aldossari, Qureshi, 2021] posit that speech fluency disorder can be burdensome, full of complexities, and neurological in nature. Similarly, P. Madaan et al. [Autism, epiletpsy …, 2020] state that autism can be complex in that there exists some form of relationship between autism, epilepsy, and developmental regression. ...
... At present, DS is considered as a "multifactorial" disorder characterized by genetic and neural abnormalities (e.g., Alm, 2004;Drayna and Kang, 2011;Craig-McQuaide et al., 2014;Barnes et al., 2016;Etchell et al., 2018;Benito-Aragon et al., 2020;Busan, 2020;Chang and Guenther, 2020). In this context, even if various ways of intervention may be proposed, a "crucial" solution is still not available (e.g., Brignell et al., 2020;Connery et al., 2020; see also Qureshi et al., 2021). Considering that stuttering may be viewed as a "motor timing disorder" (e.g., Etchell et al., 2014; see also Chang et al., 2016), dysfluencies are usually improved when people who stutter are facing with external "cues" (such as choral speech, the use of a metronome, and altered auditory feedback) (e.g., Foundas et al., 2004;Etchell et al., 2014;Park and Logan, 2015) inducing a change in the spontaneous rhythm of speech. ...
... These steps were taken in many countries affected by COVID-19 to control human-to-human transmission [1,4,7]. From mental health (MH) perspectives, the COVID-19 pandemic and associated preventive measures including social isolation have caused increasingly severe stress on people worldwide, leading to a MH crisis and suicide epidemic [1,8,9]. Additionally, epidemics and pandemics of fatal viral infections including COVID-19 are associated with overwhelming acute and longterm psychological stress, leading to diverse mental illnesses and medical diseases [8,10]. ...
... But the factors that protect an individual from acting on suicidal urges have little been studied. This is even though the lower rates of suicides have mainly been attributed to the protective influence of religion and family [7][8][9] . Research has shown that patients who struggle with their suicidal urges have reasons that help them in protection from acting on their suicidal thoughts. ...
... Mental health literacy is positively correlated with perceived social support, which is a common mediating variable in psychological research and plays an important protective role for individuals' mental health; studies have found that individuals with lower perceived social support are more likely to experience physical and psychological symptoms such as anxiety and depression and thus have better levels of mental health literacy [35,36]. Although this survey has had a stimulating effect on mental health literacy, the results suggest that there is still a need for a range of activities to improve mental health literacy in the population [37]. At the same time, the positive correlation between perceived social support and subjective well-being is consistent with the findings of Liu et al. [38] study on university students, which found that young and middle-aged people who obtain support from family, friends and other social sources have a greater sense of well-being, and individuals with higher perceived social support are usually able to navigate life more positively, set clear goals, and enhance their subjective well-being. ...
... According to prestigious authors, the optimal cut-off value of a tumor size which will enable to predict the risk of a lymph node metastasis (LNM) in a papillary thyroid microcarcinoma were the following: Nowadays, thanks to the publication of three important researches focusing on the percentage of biological risk factors due to the non-occult tumors of very small size, the cut-off has dropped to 0.3 cm [30][31][32][33][34]. ...
... Results: All three patients were admitted to the hospital with manifestations of HG and WE and one of them showed additional features of Korsakoff syndrome. One patient developed intractable Salahuddin et al.; JAMMR, 30(4): 1-11, 2019; Article no.JAMMR.50190 2 hyponatremia and central pontine myelinolysis. ...
... Other popular treatments include manual therapy and dry cupping. Numerous studies have compared the effectiveness of each treatment in short-term relief of myofascial pain (38)(39)(40)(41)(42). An additional therapeutic alternative is acupuncture; in the scientific literature many authors have highlighted the effectiveness of this treatment in patients with myofascial pain syndrome (43,44). ...
... Each of these acupoints holds significance as it corresponds to a distinct organ of the human body or physiological function within it. Stimulating acupoints is thought to help balance the body's energy, relieve pain, and treat various health conditions [73][74][75]. Acupoint selection and stimulation are fundamental principles in acupuncture treatment. ...