N.W. Millard's research while affiliated with National Oceanography Centre and other places

Publications (2)

A system has been developed which enables up to 18 neutrally buoyant floats at various depths to be tracked simultaneously from a ship, compatible with hydrographic observations being made at the same time. It was used in the Mid-Ocean Dynamics Experiment during April and May 1973. Approximately one fix per day was obtained on each of the float, wh...
A recently developed transponder tracking system was first used as part of the I. O. S. contribution to MODE I in April and May 1973. Eighteen neutrally buoyant floats may be placed at any depth between 500 m and 4,500 m and tracked simultaneously from the ship for up to a month. The floats may be recovered on an acoustic command and re-used. The a...


... Also among such vehicles with relative speeds are the solar-powered vehicles (Crimmins et al. 2006;Carragher et al. 2013), wave gliders (Manley and Willcox 2010;Daniel et al. 2011), and other varied surface crafts (Curcio et al. 2005;Xu et al. 2008;Brizzolara and Brizzolara 2016;Liu et al. 2016). Considering the more Lagrangian observations, the large number of autonomous drifters (Davis 1991;Niiler 2001;Lumpkin and Pazos 2007;Centurioni et al. 2017a) and of floats (Swallow 1955;Swallow, McCartney, and Millard 1974;Roemmich et al. 2001;Davis, Sherman, and Dufour 2001;Roemmich et al. 2004Roemmich et al. , 2009Riser et al. 2016) that presently roam the world's oceans provide large data sets. Related platforms are the hybrid profilers (Pinkel et al. 2011;Lucas et al. 2016), the miniature autonomous underwater explorers (Jaffe et al. 2017), and other semi-drifting surface crafts. ...