N Z Abou-Zeid's scientific contributions

Publication (1)

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Prevalence of toxoplasmosis was investigated in small ruminants (292 sheep & 81 goats) and equine (54 horses and 79 donkeys) from Dakahlia governorate, Egypt in the period from October 2013 – October 2014. The annually incidences were estimated by using latex agglutination test (LAT); indirect hemagglutination test (IHAT) and enzyme linked immunoso...


... gondii was higher in older animals (Akande et al., 2016;Al-mabruk et al., 2013;Boughattass et al., 2011;Figueiredo et al., 2001;Ishaku et al., 2018;Lahmar et al., 2015;Younis et al., 2015). This could be attributed to the fact that with increasing age, the probability of animals being exposed to environments contaminated with feline faeces (having oocysts) also increases. ...