Monika Prylińska's research while affiliated with Nicolaus Copernicus University and other places

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Publications (12)

The proper functioning of the sense of smell and its disturbances on the example of COVID-19 infection
  • Article
  • Full-text available

April 2022


4 Reads

Journal of Education Health and Sport

Marcin Kożuchowski


Monika Prylińska

COVD-19 disease causes a wide range of respiratory symptoms. One of them is the olfactory disorder, which is also associated with other viral infections. Impaired sense of smell is associated with damage to the respiratory epithelium. Sniffing problems lasting longer than a few days are reported by more than half of patients infected with SARSCov-2 virus. This problem affects the quality of life and may result, among other things, in eating disorders or an increase in exposure to harmful chemicals. The olfactory epithelium, containing receptor cells, is primarily responsible for the proper functioning of the sense of smell. Impaired smell in COVID 19 is associated with damage to the respiratory epithelium. The article is a review of the scientific literature, in which the issues related to the physiology and anatomical structure of the olfactory organ and the influence of SARSCov-2 virus infection on olfactory disorders were discussed.


Epistaxis etiology and treatment

September 2021


24 Reads

Journal of Education Health and Sport

Epistaxis occurs in approximately 60% of the general population. Every tenth person requires treatment in a hospital setting. Epistaxis occurs in all age groups, reaching its peak in children around 10 years of age and in adults around 80 years of age. The frequency and intensity of epistaxis are anatomically based on numerous vascular connections. The cause of epistaxis in most cases can be determined on the basis of a detailed history and physical examination. There are a number of treatments available for nose bleeds. From widely available methods such as nasal tamponade to more advanced endovascular procedures.

A child with vitiligo

September 2021


25 Reads

Journal of Education Health and Sport

Vitiligo is a chronic skin condition which affects 0,5-2% of the world’s population, without any sex or ethnical predilection. Clinically it is characterized by the development of well-defined depigmented macules. Although its etiopathogenesis is exquisitely compound and remains not fully anderstood, it is known that it results from the destruction of melanocytes present in the skin. The aim of this paper is to present vitiligo clinical picture in a children population, its etiopathogenesis and available therapeutical methods. There are many therapeutic options for vitiligo, none of which is fully effective, hence appropriate patients education concerning various medical and cosmetic therapies, as well as the psychological aspects of the disease, is extremely important.

Figure 1. Target shield symptom.
Figure 2. Massive maculopapular lesions covering the skin of the entire body.
The results of laboratory tests during hospitalisation
Dress Syndrome in 7-year-old Male Child – Case Report

January 2021


135 Reads


2 Citations

Journal of Mother and Child

Drug rash with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms (DRESS) is a severe drug-induced hypersensitivity reaction, which, due to the asymptomatic beginning and non-specific nature of symptoms, is hard to identify. This report presents the case of a 7-year-old boy, who was referred to the Department of Paediatric Surgery with fever up to 38°C, vomiting and diarrhoea, accompanied by erythematous, maculopapular rash. Based on laboratory and radiology tests and specific diagnostic criteria, DRESS syndrome was diagnosed. The presented case report emphasises the need to carry out differential diagnosis, including the potentially life-threatening DRESS syndrome, with common symptoms in children such as fever and rash.

Falls among the elderly

September 2020


98 Reads


2 Citations

Journal of Education Health and Sport

Weronika Topka


Małgorzata Maria Kwiatkowska





Wiktoria Gajos

Falls are a significant problem among the elderly. Every third person falls at least once a year. Falls lead to injuries, limiting the mobility of the elderly. As a result of falls, serious fractures occur, which cause hospitalization and are the main cause of death due to accidents. The causes of falls are complex and most often arise from several overlapping factors. Efforts should be made to eliminate external factors in order to minimize the risk of falling among people over 60 years of age. Daily physical activity, individual assessment of risk factors and optimal adaptation of the environment play an important role in preventing falls. The aim of the study was to discuss the problem of falls in the population of geriatric patients.

Hip arthroplasty as a chance for a normal life

September 2020


35 Reads

Journal of Education Health and Sport

The aim of the study is to review and analyze the medical literature on hip arthroplasty.Hip arthroplasty is a popular procedure in orthopedics nowadays. Implantation of an artificial joint allows the patient to return to work, practice hobbies or sportsand most importantly have a pain free life. The paper describes the theoretical basis of hip arthroplasty, types of procedures used in orthopedics in this field, the most important contraindications and the importance of physiotherapeutic treatment. The treatment, combined with well and individually planned pre- and postoperative rehabilitation, can bring spectacular results. The postoperative rehabilitation program is selected individually. It should be noted that every patient is different, therefore the improvement plan sometimes has to be reviewed on an ongoing basis during its implementation. The main goals of rehabilitation after artificial joint implantation are: to reduce pain, increase the range of motion of the operated joint and strengthen the muscles of the entire body.

Loneliness among seniors

September 2020


68 Reads

Journal of Education Health and Sport

Introduction: Loneliness is a universal phenomenon that affects people of any age. But it becomes especially painful for people over 60 years of age. Loneliness makes seniors vulnerable to isolation and marginalization.Aim: The aim of the article is to present the topic of loneliness among the elderly.Material and methods: The article analyzes the current literature from EBSCO and Google Scholar websites. The keywords used are: loneliness, elderly, loneliness, senior.Results: Loneliness is one of the greatest problems of the modern world. There are many causes of loneliness from geographic factors to loneliness caused by illness. The factor determining loneliness is the conscious withdrawal of seniors from activity due to, for example, their disability.Conclusions: Loneliness and loneliness contribute to the deterioration of the quality of life of seniors.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome in children population – current knowledge summary

September 2020


17 Reads


1 Citation

Journal of Education Health and Sport

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Myalgic Encephalomyelits (CFS/ME) is a chronic disease with complex pathophysiology and unknown etiology. It occurs both in children and adolescents, as well as in adults, with equal frequency. The clinical course is characterized by progressive fatigue, a significant reduction in the body's efficiency, lack of relief despite rest, and numerous accompanying symptoms. Pathognomonic symptom for PE is the increase in fatigue after physical or mental exertion and the persistence of these symptoms for several hours or days. The basis for effective treatment is primarily non-pharmacological treatment, including determining the optimal balance between physical activity and rest, which is aimed at preventing post-workout fatigue. Pain, insomnia, IO, and other symptoms can be treated with medication. So far, little research has been done on the diagnosis and treatment of this disease in children. This publication aims to summarize the knowledge currently available on the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome in children and adolescents.

Evaluation of Fatigue in Scientific and Clinical Practice -Review of Assessment Scales

August 2020


297 Reads

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (CFS/ME) is a severe , disabling disease characterized with unexplained fatigue lasting for six or more consecutive months and other, additional symptoms. The etiology has not been proven yet, and the diagnosis is clinical, made on exclusion of other illnesses connected with fatigue and fulfil of special diagnostic criteria. To properly conduct scientific research and clinical practice with CFS patients, there are needed objective measuring scales for evaluation the severity of fatigue, as well as other accompanying symptoms. Objective assessment of fatigue is difficult to achieve. In this paper review we present a current knowledge update, about the fatigue and non-fatigue measures scales for CFS patients.

A person with diabetes as a patient -basic rules of conduct

September 2019


27 Reads

Journal of Education Health and Sport

BACKGROUND: Diabetes is very widespread disease. More and more patients suffer from hyperglycaemia and low levels of insulin because of obesity, aging and wrong diet. The most important in treatment based on health condition is to normalize glucose level. It is recommended to treat patients to avoid many complications of hyperglycaemia, e.g. cardiovascular diseases, stroke episodes, neuropathy or nephropathy. The most common cause of death are cardiovascular problems and renal failure. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A proper review of published literature provide to define laboratory indexes, risk factors, complications to precise methods of treatment among patients with diabetes. RESULTS: The problem of growing number of people suffering from diabetes is an important issue to find solutions to conduct their treatment. Basic method is a change of diet and body loss. The most important medicament in treatment is metformin. To achieve the best results of conducting therapy should be extended by pioglitazone or liraglutide. Also addition of aspirin lower dyslipidemia problems. Such a combination provides to minimise side effects of sickness. CONCLUSIONS: Number of people suffering from DM is still and will be growing over the next years. It is significant to diagnose these people because untreated diabetes provides to many complications e.g. stroke or acute coronary syndrome. It is important to examine patients correctly what allows to turn on correct treatment. Basic standards in treatment should contain lower glucose levels, avoid complications to enhance life quality. . Expanded therapy is also concentrated on hypertension, acidosis and ketoacidosis coma to obtain beneficial effects.

Citations (3)

... DRESS syndrome is a distinctive, severe, and atypical drug reaction [1] includes drug rash with eosinophilia and organ dysfunction symptoms [2], as well as haematological abnormalities [3]. This disease is diagnosed using the RegiSCAR (European Registry of Severe Cutaneous Adverse Reaction) scoring system [3] which was created to assign DRESS cases a "no," "possible," "probable," or "definite" status [4]. ...


A case report on drug rash with Eosinophiilia and systemic symptoms (DRESS) syndrome
Dress Syndrome in 7-year-old Male Child – Case Report

Journal of Mother and Child

... The World Health Organization defines falls as events in which an individual unintentionally rests on the ground, floor, or other lower level, excluding intentional changes in position to rest on furniture, walls, or other objects [1][2][3]. The consequences of falls can be severe, leading to injuries such as fractures, reduced mobility, disability, and even death, particularly in frail elderly individuals [4,5]. The causes are multifactorial and can result in physical and psychological consequences, including hospitalizations, restriction of usual activities, institutionalization, injuries, and functional decline [6][7][8][9]. ...

Falls among the elderly

Journal of Education Health and Sport

... Research by Katharine A. Rimes and Janet Wingrove (2013) shows the importance of music, visualization and mindfulness in the re-education of perceived stress. In the case of suspected chronic fatigue, it is important, first of all, to make an early diagnosis, educate the patient and his family, and undertake appropriate treatment (Prylińska, skierkowska, Topka, Kwiatkowska, 2020). Taking diagnostic and therapeutic and, above all, preventive measures seems to be even more timely in view of the pandemic. ...

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome in children population – current knowledge summary

Journal of Education Health and Sport