Mohamed Abdouh's research while affiliated with McGill University Health Centre and other places

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Publications (9)

UM cells developed spheroid-like MCTs under AF culture conditions that displayed different behavior. A, B 5 × 10³ UM cells were plated on ULAP, in the presence or absence of MC. Forming MCTs were analysed at day 4 using an IncuCyte System. Figures displayed MCTs scanned at 4 × magnification. C Variation of MCTs size as analysed by total area of cultures shown in A and B. Data are presented as mean ± SEM, (n = 5, **p < 0.01, #P < 0.05, ##P < 0.01, ###P < 0.001) *for differences in total area between ± MC, and # for differences in total area -MC. D Cell–cell interaction and morphological arrangement of MCTs developed at day 4 on ULAP were processed for H&E and Trichrome staining. Representative images showed that UM cells established weak cell–cell interaction, except for MEL285, which developed a tissue like structure. E 20 × 10³ UM cells were seeded in 20 µl of medium and cultured in HD condition. Representative pictures of the spheres formed on day 4 in the presence (+) or absence (−) of MC are shown. F–H Formed MCTs were analyzed by their area and perimeter to describe cell density and compactness. F The spherical structures formed were considered as particles and analyzed with the macro shown. G Graphs of area and perimeter of MEL270 cells that were cultured under HDMC conditions. Note that higher number of cells associated with larger area and perimeter (denoted by #). In contrast, MCTs compaction increased with incubation length (day 2 compared to day 1 denoted by *). Data are presented as mean ± SEM, (n = 5, #p < 0.05, ###p < 0.001, ***p < 0.001). H Representative MCTs pictures taken on day 1 and 2 with different number of cells
UM cell forming MCTs developed on AF environment maintained their vitality and proliferative potential. A UM cells were maintained on ULAP method. Scans using an IncuCyte System at day 4 are shown (4 × magnification). B Size of formed MCTs (shown in A) as displayed by total area. Data are presented as mean ± SEM, (n = 10, ***p < 0.001). C Representative image showing the vitality of formed MCTs as measured by the Live/Dead probes. D, E Mean fluorescence intensity was measured using an IncuCyte System, where the green mean intensity denotes the esterase enzymatic activity of cells (D), while the altered membrane integrity is reflected by the red mean intensity (E). Data are presented as mean ± SEM, (n = 5, *p < 0.05; ***p < 0.001). F Growing UM cells derived MCTs were analyzed for cell proliferation as measured by the levels of DNA incorporation of the thymidine analogue EdU. Nuclei were counterstained with Hoechst 33342 (blue). Note the active DNA synthesis occurring at the periphery of the MCTs. (G-I) UM cells-formed MCTs were analysed for their growth (size), and vitality at different time-points (4 days vs. 7 days). Data are presented as mean ± SEM, (n = 5, *p < 0.05; ***p < 0.001). J Representative images of formed MCTs using bright field imaging (left panels) or fluorescence imaging displaying the overlap of green (vitality probe) and red (membrane damage probe) channels (right panels)
Dissimilar morphological adaptation with a comparable level of vitality on AD conditions. A, B Arrangement of UM cells seeded on top of BME (left panels) compared to cells cultured on standard 2D setting (right panels). A For UM cells group 1 (MEL270, OMM2.5 and MP46), note that cells cultures on top of a BME formed irregular tight aggregates of different sizes as observed by rounded filamentous-actin distribution and nuclear disposition in the space. In contrast, the same cells maintained in standard 2D conditions acquired stretched and flat appearance as observed on representative phase contrast images. B For UM cells Group 2 (MEL285, 92.1, and MP41), note that cells adhere on top of BME forming flat patches with more affinity to the substrate than to cell–cell interaction shown by phalloidin/DAPI staining in 3D (left panels). Right panels: similar morphological arrangements onto 2D treated surfaces shown with phase contrast images. C–E Arrangement of UM cells embedded within a layer of BME. After 13 days in culture, morphological adaptation (C, D) and vitality (E) was evaluated. C, D Phase contrast images illustrate how cells arranged from day 1 to day 13. C UM cells were rounded at the beginning showed by asterisks. Arrowheads indicating clusters of irregular shapes, and different sizes that MEL270, OMM2.5, and MP46 cells formed. Arrows depicting few cells from OMM2.5 and MP46 that are capable to stretch acquiring a mesenchymal phenotype. D Right at the beginning MEL285 cells stretched and flattened within the BME indicated by arrows, while 92.1 and MP41 remain isolated and rounded indicated by asterisks. E UM cell enzymatic activity as measured by the reduction capacity of the CCK8 probe. Note that regardless of cell arrangements, MEL270, OMM2.5 and MEL285 cells displayed comparable vitality. Lower vitality was observed for MP46 and 92.1 cells, and MP41 cells have the lowest reducing enzymatic capacity of all UM tested. Data are presented as mean ± SEM, (n = 3, *p < 0.05; **p < 0.01; ***p < 0.001)
UM cells cultured under 3D culture environment efficiently released VEGF following hypoxia. Initially equal number of cells for all methods were allowed to form their tumor clusters for 16 h. After which all 2D or 3D formation UM cells were maintained in hypoxic atmosphere (1% O2) for 24 h. The levels of released VEGF was measured in the supernatant. The differences analysed were against the VEGF level reached on 2D condition. Data are presented as mean ± SEM, (n = 3, *p < 0.05; ***p < 0.001)
Delineating three-dimensional behavior of uveal melanoma cells under anchorage independent or dependent conditions
  • Article
  • Full-text available

May 2024


20 Reads

Cancer Cell International


Jade M. E. Lasiste


Mohamed Abdouh




Background Although rare, uveal melanoma (UM) is a life-threatening malignancy. Understanding its biology is necessary to improve disease outcome. Three-dimensional (3D) in vitro culture methods have emerged as tools that incorporate physical and spatial cues that better mimic tumor biology and in turn deliver more predictive preclinical data. Herein, we comprehensively characterize UM cells under different 3D culture settings as a suitable model to study tumor cell behavior and therapeutic intervention. Methods Six UM cell lines were tested in two-dimensional (2D) and 3D-culture conditions. For 3D cultures, we used anchorage-dependent (AD) methods where cells were embedded or seeded on top of basement membrane extracts and anchorage-free (AF) methods where cells were seeded on agarose pre-coated plates, ultra-low attachment plates, and on hanging drops, with or without methylcellulose. Cultures were analyzed for multicellular tumor structures (MCTs) development by phase contrast and confocal imaging, and cell wellbeing was assessed based on viability, membrane integrity, vitality, apoptotic features, and DNA synthesis. Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) production was evaluated under hypoxic conditions for cell function analysis. Results UM cells cultured following anchorage-free methods developed MCTs shaped as spheres. Regardless of their sizes and degree of compaction, these spheres displayed an outer ring of viable and proliferating cells, and a core with less proliferating and apoptotic cells. In contrast, UM cells maintained under anchorage-dependent conditions established several morphological adaptations. Some remained isolated and rounded, formed multi-size irregular aggregates, or adopted a 2D-like flat appearance. These cells invariably conserved their metabolic activity and conserved melanocytic markers (i.e., expression of Melan A/Mart-1 and HMB45). Notably, under hypoxia, cells maintained under 3D conditions secrete more VEGF compared to cells cultured under 2D conditions. Conclusions Under an anchorage-free environment, UM cells form sphere-like MCTs that acquire attributes reminiscent of abnormal vascularized solid tumors. UM cells behavior in anchorage-dependent manner exposed diverse cells populations in response to cues from an enriched extracellular matrix proteins (ECM) environment, highlighting the plasticity of UM cells. This study provides a 3D cell culture platform that is more predictive of the biology of UM. The integration of such platforms to explore mechanisms of ECM-mediated tumor resistance, metastatic abilities, and to test novel therapeutics (i.e., anti-angiogenics and immunomodulators) would benefit UM care.


Horizontal Transfer of Malignant Traits and the Involvement of Extracellular Vesicles in Metastasis

June 2023


104 Reads


5 Citations


Metastases are responsible for the vast majority of cancer deaths, yet most therapeutic efforts have focused on targeting and interrupting tumor growth rather than impairing the metastatic process. Traditionally, cancer metastasis is attributed to the dissemination of neoplastic cells from the primary tumor to distant organs through blood and lymphatic circulation. A thorough understanding of the metastatic process is essential to develop new therapeutic strategies that improve cancer survival. Since Paget’s original description of the “Seed and Soil” hypothesis over a hundred years ago, alternative theories and new players have been proposed. In particular, the role of extracellular vesicles (EVs) released by cancer cells and their uptake by neighboring cells or at distinct anatomical sites has been explored. Here, we will outline and discuss these alternative theories and emphasize the horizontal transfer of EV-associated biomolecules as a possibly major event leading to cell transformation and the induction of metastases. We will also highlight the recently discovered intracellular pathway used by EVs to deliver their cargoes into the nucleus of recipient cells, which is a potential target for novel anti-metastatic strategies.

Workflow. A schematic of the steps taken for the spectroscopic characterization of patient-derived EVs and pattern detection via Artificial Intelligence (AI). A EVs isolation and membrane-fluorescent labeling with PKH67 for healthy controls and cancer patient-derived samples. B FCS measurements were taken on the samples and the autocorrelation plots (vs. correlation time) were obtained from their fluorescence intensity fluctuations. C The autocorrelation plots were subjected to the fast Fourier transform (FFT) algorithm to obtain their power spectra. The power spectra exhibit finer spectral features which allowed optimal machine-driven classification. The power spectra were subjected to classification by various machine algorithms including machine learning (ML) classifiers, spectral image-based convolutional neural networks (Image CNN and ResNet), and an image-based quantum neural network (QNN). Statistical measures were used as validation tools of the ML algorithms’ performance and support applicability in computational oncology and clinical medicine
FCS Autocorrelation spectra and processed Power Spectra. A Autocorrelation spectrum of Healthy control, with 30 s acquisition time. B Power spectrum of Healthy control corresponding to A. C Autocorrelation spectrum of Cancer patient sample with 30 s acquisition time. D Power spectrum of Cancer sample corresponding to C
ML classification on FCS Power spectra. The validation test size was set to 50:50 training: testing split for all ML classifiers performance assessment. All tests were initially performed using an 80:20 split but for stringent conditions were subjected to a 50:50 split, wherein the performance in the 80:20 or 70:30 were better than that of 50:50. Selected power spectral frequencies (Hz) for analysis: 0, 0.237, 1.896, 2.60699, 2.72549
Convolutional Neural Networks’ Performance on Power Spectra Images (N = 118). A Image CNN confusion matrix. Final accuracy: 82.61%. Final loss with tenfold CV: 0.74. B tenfold cross-validation curve for Image CNN in A. Blue: training performance. Orange: validation. C Quantum neural network (QNN) performance on an 80:20 training: testing validation set. Classification Accuracy: 83.33%. D QNN performance on a 60:40 validation set. Classification accuracy: 78%. E Residual neural network image classification (on power spectra). Learning curve for Resnet 34. Classification accuracy: 82.6%. The generic Image CNN in figure A and the Resnet 34 both performed equally with a classification accuracy near 82%, confirming the method’s consistency (color figure online)
Feature extraction on FCS power spectra. A Diffusion map, a type of nonlinearity reduction, performed on the FCS power spectra. A clear separation is seen by their first two Diffusion Components (DC). B Isomap nonlinear dimensionality reduction on the FCS power spectra. C Multifractal power law analysis on FCS power spectra, wherein the slope denotes the Holder exponent. D Multifractal Hurst exponent analysis on the power spectra. E Random Forest Learning curve with a tenfold cross-validation on the Hurst exponent data. F Linear dimensionality reduction by principal component analysis (PCA) on the power spectra
Machine intelligence-driven classification of cancer patients-derived extracellular vesicles using fluorescence correlation spectroscopy: results from a pilot study

December 2022


120 Reads


6 Citations

Neural Computing and Applications

Patient-derived extracellular vesicles (EVs) that contains a complex biological cargo is a valuable source of liquid-biopsy diagnostics to aid in early detection, cancer screening, and precision nanotherapeutics. In this study, we predicted that coupling cancer patient blood-derived EVs to time-resolved spectroscopy and artificial intelligence (AI) could provide a robust cancer screening and follow-up tools. In our pilot study, fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) measurements were taken on 24 blood samples-derived EVs. Blood samples were obtained from 15 cancer patients (presenting five different types of cancers), and nine healthy controls (including patients with benign lesions). EVs samples were labeled with PKH67 dye. The obtained FCS autocorrelation spectra were processed into power spectra using the fast Fourier transform algorithm. The processed power spectra were subjected to various machine learning algorithms to distinguish cancer spectra from healthy control spectra. The performance of AdaBoost Random Forest (RF) classifier, support vector machine, and multilayer perceptron were tested on selected frequencies in the N = 118 power spectra. The RF classifier exhibited the highest classification accuracy and performance metrics in distinguishing the FCS power spectra of cancer patients from those of healthy controls. Further, neural computing via an image convolutional neural network (CNN), ResNet network, and a quantum CNN were assessed on the power spectral images as additional validation tools. All image-based CNNs exhibited a nearly equal classification performance and reasonably high sensitivity and specificity scores. Our pilot study demonstrates that AI-algorithms coupled to time-resolved FCS power spectra can accurately and differentially classify the complex patient-derived EVs from different cancer samples of distinct tissue subtypes. As such, our findings hold promise in the diagnostic and prognostic screening in clinical medicine.

Simplified schematic workflow of EV‐ADD. Workflow is presented in three steps: (1) identification of studies on EV‐DNA isolated from in‐vitro and human biofluids samples; (2) screening of data for eligibility in EV‐ADD; and finally (3) inclusion and upload of EV‐DNA data to EV‐ADD. As the EV‐ADD relies on publications from the EV community, clear communication and feedback between researchers and database curators is essential to maintain the EV‐DNA lifecycle.
Search results on EV‐ADD. (A) An example of a query for “KRAS gene” as a search criterion in EV‐ADD. (B) The database retrieves data on type of diseases, number of patients, EV‐ADD data score system (% score), type of EV‐DNA detected, source of biofluids, EV‐DNA fragment size, methods of EV isolation, EV purification and characterization, subtypes of EVs, EV‐DNA isolation techniques, EV‐DNA quantification methods, volume of biofluids, enzymatic treatments, reference (Möhrmann et al., 2018), method of DNA detections, results, application, PubMed ID, EV‐TRACK ID and score (if any). NTA = nanoparticle tracking analysis, SEM = scanning electron microscopy, WB = western blot
(A) An overview of the main functions in the EV‐ADD. Published data on EV‐DNA isolated from human biofluids is manually curated and annotated in a web‐based application in the EV‐ADD which can be searched and sorted based on various categories. (B) EVs can be isolated from human biofluids using (C) various EV purification techniques and (D) EV‐DNA can then be isolated using commercial kits or in‐house protocols. (E) Lastly, EV‐DNA mutations, SNPs and CNVs can be detected using various PCR and sequencing techniques. UC = ultracentrifugation, ddPCR = Droplet Digital PCR, qPCR = Quantitative PCR, RT‐PCR = Reverse Transcription PCR
EV‐ADD, a database for EV‐associated DNA in human liquid biopsy samples

October 2022


131 Reads


16 Citations

Journal of Extracellular Vesicles

Journal of Extracellular Vesicles

Extracellular vesicles (EVs) play a key role in cellular communication both in physiological conditions and in pathologies such as cancer. Emerging evidence has shown that EVs are active carriers of molecular cargo (e.g. protein and nucleic acids) and a powerful source of biomarkers and targets. While recent studies on EV-associated DNA (EV-DNA) in human biofluids have generated a large amount of data, there is currently no database that catalogues information on EV-DNA. To fill this gap, we have manually curated a database of EV-DNA data derived from human biofluids (liquid biopsy) and in-vitro studies, called the Extracellular Vesicle-Associated DNA Database (EV-ADD). This database contains validated experimental details and data extracted from peer-reviewed published literature. It can be easily queried to search for EV isolation methods and characterization, EV-DNA isolation techniques, quality validation, DNA fragment size, volume of starting material, gene names and disease context. Currently, our database contains samples representing 23 diseases, with 13 different types of EV isolation techniques applied on eight different human biofluids (e.g. blood, saliva). In addition, EV-ADD encompasses EV-DNA data both representing the whole genome and specifically including oncogenes, such as KRAS, EGFR, BRAF, MYC, and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). An EV-ADD data metric system was also integrated to assign a compliancy score to the MISEV guidelines based on experimental parameters reported in each study. While currently available databases document the presence of proteins, lipids, RNA and metabolites in EVs (e.g. Vesiclepedia, ExoCarta, ExoBCD, EVpedia, and EV-TRACK), to the best of our knowledge, EV-ADD is the first of its kind to compile all available EV-DNA datasets derived from human biofluid samples. We believe that this database provides an important reference resource on EV-DNA-based liquid biopsy research, serving as a learning tool and to showcase the latest developments in the EV-DNA field. EV-ADD will be updated yearly as newly published EV-DNA data becomes available and it is freely available at

Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 3
Figure 5
The kinetics and fragmentation of cell-free DNA from cultured cancer cells are influenced by anticancer treatments

July 2022


62 Reads

Liquid biopsy-based detection of circulating free DNA (cfDNA) is a promising tool to monitor tumor progression and treatment response. cfDNA release is thought to result from a combination of cell death (apoptosis and necrosis), and active cellular secretion. As such, cytotoxic anti-cancer therapies can impact cfDNA kinetics. This makes the interpretation of cfDNA analyses pivotal for its applicability as a biomarker. In this study, we assessed the kinetics and fragmentation of cfDNA in cancer cells of various origins following standard anti-cancer treatments with different cytotoxic effects and mechanisms of action.Human colorectal carcinoma, lung adenocarcinoma, and uveal melanoma cancer cells were subjected to different forms of cytotoxic stress, including induction of apoptosis (tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (Apo2L/TRAIL)), cell cycle arrest (Roscovitine, Valproic acid), necrosis (radiotherapy), and senescence. Following treatments, cells were analyzed for their cell cycle progression, level of senescence, and mechanism of cell death (apoptosis vs. necrosis). Heat treatment was used as a control for necrosis-related cell death. Total cfDNA and mutant cfDNA (based on the mutations of each parental cell line) were isolated from cultured media and quantified using the Qubit assay and digital droplet PCR targeting, respectively. Fragment length of the isolated cfDNA was visualized using the Bioanalyzer 2100.Total and mutant cfDNA levels increased during all cytotoxic treatments in a concentration-dependent manner. Notably, cells undergoing apoptosis shed higher levels of cfDNA compared to necrotic and senescent cells. In addition, electropherogram images showed that cytotoxic conditions alter fragment size distribution, with smaller fragments of <200bp associated with apoptosis and >1000 bp with necrosis.The kinetics and fragmentation of released cfDNA are influenced by cytotoxic insults. Determining the characteristics of cfDNA can facilitate and improve its use as a clinical biomarker during anti-cancer therapy. Our data pave the way for the establishment of criteria to apply when monitoring cfDNA for cancer management based on the anticancer therapeutic strategy.

Fig. 1 -Characterization of EVs derived from AH, VH, and plasma. A,B) Proteins isolated from the different assay EVs (seven UM samples and two CAT samples) were analyzed by Western blot for the expression of specific EV markers (i.e., CD63 and TSG101). C) Nanosight analyses of EVs. Representative size distribution histograms showing data of EVs from AH, plasma, and VH. Note that mean EV sizes are similar. Histograms are displayed as averaged EV concentration (black line) and the variation between four repeated measurements indicating ±1 standard error of the mean (red outline). D) Mean size of EVs isolated from AH and plasma of UM (n = 7) and cataractsuffering (CAT, n = 7) patients, and from VH of UM patients (n = 7). E) Concentrations of EVs isolated from different analytes of seven UM patients. **p ˂ 0.01. F,G) Concentrations of EVs isolated from AH (F) and plasma (G) of UM (n = 7) and cataract-suffering (CAT, n = 7) patients. ***p ˂ 0.001. H and I) The concentrations of EVs isolated from the plasma of UM patients (n = 7) were plotted against ocular tumor size (base diameter (H) and thickness (I)). No correlation was found as shown by the correlation coefficient (R). Legend close to graph D applies to graphs D, F, and G. AH = aqueous humor; CAT = cataract; EV = extracellular vesicle; VH = vitreous humor; UM = uveal melanoma.
Fig. 2 -Plasma-derived EV protein cargo mirrored that of EVs isolated from AH and VH of UM patients. Venn diagram analyses. A) The majority of proteins isolated from EVs derived from the different analytes were shared with data published in Vesiclepedia database. B) EVs isolated from the three analytes shared 209 proteins (39%). C-E) Analyses of EV protein cargo in the same analytes from different donors. Note that these EVs shared 106 proteins (33%, C) in the aqueous humor, 181 proteins (44%, D) in the vitreous humor and 247 proteins (73%, E), which is in the same range of those shared between EVs from the three analytes (39%, see B). Data were collected from three UM patient analytes repeated twice each (UM5-1, UM5-2, UM6-1, UM6-2, UM8-1, and UM8-2). AH = aqueous humor; EV = extracellular vesicle; VH = vitreous humor; UM = uveal melanoma.
Fig. 3 -Gene ontology classification of EV protein cargo. The most enriched categories in biological process (A), cellular component (B), and molecular function (C) are shown. Data were collected from three UM patient analytes repeated twice (UM5-1, UM5-2, UM6-1, UM6-2, UM8-1, and UM8-2). EV = extracellular vesicle; UM = uveal melanoma.
Characterization of Extracellular vesicles isolated from different Liquid biopsies of uveal melanoma patients

June 2022


106 Reads


11 Citations

Journal of Circulating Biomarkers

Purpose: Uveal melanoma (UM) is the most common intraocular malignant tumor in adults. Extracellular vesicles (EVs) have been extensively studied as a biomarker to monitor disease in patients. The study of new biomarkers in melanoma patients could prevent metastasis by earlier diagnosis. In this study, we determined the proteomic profile of EVs isolated from aqueous humor (AH), vitreous humor (VH), and plasma from UM patients in comparison with cancer-free control patients. Methods: AH, VH and plasma were collected from seven patients with UM after enucleation; AH and plasma were collected from seven cancer-free patients with cataract (CAT; control group). EVs were isolated using the membrane-based affinity binding column method. Nanoparticle tracking analysis (NTA) was performed to determine the size and concentration of EVs. EV markers, CD63 and TSG101, were assessed by immunoblotting, and the EV proteome was characterized by mass spectrometry. Results: Mean EV concentration was higher in all analytes of UM patients compared to those in the CAT group. In the UM cohort, the mean concentration of EVs was significantly lower in AH and plasma than in VH. In contrast, the mean size and size distribution of EVs was invariably identical in all analyzed analytes and in both studied groups (UM vs. CAT). Mass spectrometry analyses from the different analytes from UM patients showed the presence of EV markers. Conclusion: EVs isolated from AH, VH, and plasma from patients with UM showed consistent profiles and support the use of blood to monitor UM patients as a noninvasive liquid biopsy.

Machine learning characterization of cancer patients-derived extracellular vesicles using vibrational spectroscopies: results from a pilot study.

February 2022


107 Reads


15 Citations

Applied Intelligence

The early detection of cancer is a challenging problem in medicine. The blood sera of cancer patients are enriched with heterogeneous secretory lipid-bound extracellular vesicles (EVs), which present a complex repertoire of information and biomarkers, representing their cell of origin, that are being currently studied in the field of liquid biopsy and cancer screening. Vibrational spectroscopies provide non- invasive approaches for the assessment of structural and biophysical properties in complex biological samples. Methods In this pilot study, multiple Raman spectroscopy measurements were performed on the EVs extracted from the blood sera of n = 9 patients consisting of four different cancer subtypes (colorectal cancer, hepatocellular carcinoma, breast cancer and pancreatic cancer) and five healthy patients (controls). FTIR (Fourier Transform Infrared) spectroscopy measurements were performed as a complementary approach to Raman analysis, on two of the four cancer subtypes. The spectra were subjected to various machine learning classifiers with hyperparameter optimization to discriminate between healthy and cancer patients-derived EVs. The AdaBoost Random Forest Classifier, Decision Trees, and Support Vector Machines (SVM) distinguished the baseline corrected Raman spectra of cancer EVs from those of healthy controls (N = 18 spectra) with a classification accuracy of >90% when reduced to a spectral frequency range of 1800 − 1940 𝑐𝑚⁻¹ and subjected to a 50:50 training: testing split. FTIR classification accuracy on N = 14 spectra showed an 80% classification accuracy. Our findings demonstrate that basic machine learning algorithms are powerful applied intelligence tools to distinguish the complex vibrational spectra of cancer patient EVs from those of healthy patients. These experimental methods hold promise as valid and efficient liquid biopsy for artificial intelligence-assisted early cancer screening.

Uveal Melanoma-Derived Extracellular Vesicles Display Transforming Potential and Carry Protein Cargo Involved in Metastatic Niche Preparation

October 2020


89 Reads


29 Citations

Simple Summary Uveal melanoma is a rare but deadly cancer that shows remarkable metastatic tropism to the liver. Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are nanometer-sized, lipid bilayer-membraned particles that are released from cells. In our study we used EVs derived from primary normal choroidal melanocytes and matched primary and metastatic uveal melanoma cell lines from a patient. Analysis of these EVs revealed important protein signatures that may be involved in tumorigenesis and metastatic dissemination. We have established a model to study EV functions and phenotypes which can be used in EV-based liquid biopsy. Abstract Extracellular vesicles (EVs) carry molecules derived from donor cells and are able to alter the properties of recipient cells. They are important players during the genesis and progression of tumors. Uveal melanoma (UM) is the most common primary intraocular tumor in adults and is associated with a high rate of metastasis, primarily to the liver. However, the mechanisms underlying this process are poorly understood. In the present study, we analyzed the oncogenic potential of UM-derived EVs and their protein signature. We isolated and characterized EVs from five UM cell lines and from normal choroidal melanocytes (NCMs). BRCA1-deficient fibroblasts (Fibro-BKO) were exposed to the EVs and analyzed for their growth in vitro and their reprograming potential in vivo following inoculation into NOD-SCID mice. Mass spectrometry of proteins from UM-EVs and NCM-EVs was performed to determine a protein signature that could elucidate potential key players in UM progression. In-depth analyses showed the presence of exosomal markers, and proteins involved in cell-cell and focal adhesion, endocytosis, and PI3K-Akt signaling pathway. Notably, we observed high expression levels of HSP90, HSP70 and integrin V in UM-EVs. Our data bring new evidence on the involvement of UM-EVs in cancer progression and metastasis.

Citations (6)

... EVs serve as nano-sized carriers that mediate cell-to-cell or cell-to-environment communication. Recent studies have highlighted their involvement in cancer progression and metastasis by the horizontal transfer of signals between cancer and resident cells (Arena et al., 2023;Yi et al., 2023). In the context of adenomyosis, studies conducted by Chen et al. (2020) demonstrated that when EECs are co-cultured with EVs derived from women with adenomyosis, they exhibit enhanced invasiveness and migration, decreased expression of Ecadherin and cytokeratin 19, and increased expression of vimentin and ZEB1. ...


Overview of crosstalk between stromal and epithelial cells in the pathogenesis of adenomyosis and shared features with deep endometriotic nodules
Horizontal Transfer of Malignant Traits and the Involvement of Extracellular Vesicles in Metastasis


... The full data sets and code are published, see data availability below. CNNs have precedent in classifying optical tweezers signals, but are largely used in image based deep learning [29,[66][67][68][69]. We applied a simple 1D CNN architecture to classify the transmitted optical signal of EVs. ...

Machine intelligence-driven classification of cancer patients-derived extracellular vesicles using fluorescence correlation spectroscopy: results from a pilot study

Neural Computing and Applications

... Although the 2018 guidelines offered sample questions for researchers to critically analyze and report their findings, it lacked an exhaustive reporting guide or checklist. Additionally, MISEV2018 introduced the EV-TRACK knowledgebase, a web tool with seven facilitating elements designed to guide researchers in using the EV-METRIC, consolidating information on EV characteristics and methodologies, searching through research articles, and involving researchers in decisions regarding ongoing enhancements [24][25][26]. Authors were also prompted to submit EV profiling data to public databases, including those curated by the European Bioinformatics Institute, the US National Center for Biotechnology Information, and the Japanese Center for Information Biology. Field-specific databases such as EVpedia, Vesiclepedia (formerly ExoCarta), and the exRNA Atlas were also recommended for data submission. ...

EV‐ADD, a database for EV‐associated DNA in human liquid biopsy samples
Journal of Extracellular Vesicles

Journal of Extracellular Vesicles

... Interestingly, UM-specific EVs have been identified in conditioned culture media and biological fluids [105][106][107][108]. In fact, not only is the EV content increased in UM patients (n = 7), but 39% of their cargo is conserved across various liquid biopsy sources, such as aqueous humor, vitreous humor and plasma [109]. Therefore, if UM-specific markers could be identified, EVs could be useful biomarkers for detecting and monitoring UM. ...

Characterization of Extracellular vesicles isolated from different Liquid biopsies of uveal melanoma patients

Journal of Circulating Biomarkers

... This approach outperformed other traditional techniques with a final classification accuracy of 98.5%, while reducing testing time and memory usage. Uthamacumaran et al. [46] conducted a study using a small dataset comprising nine patients across four different cancer subtypes (colorectal cancer, hepatocellular carcinoma, breast cancer, and pancreatic cancer), along with five healthy control patients. Spectra were obtained from RS analysis of blood serum samples, paired with the Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, obtaining from these techniques 19 and 15 spectra respectively. ...

Machine learning characterization of cancer patients-derived extracellular vesicles using vibrational spectroscopies: results from a pilot study.

Applied Intelligence

... Both serum and plasma are known to contain EVs that encapsulate DNA, RNA, miRNAs and proteins (reviewed in [94,103,104]). Interestingly, UM-specific EVs have been identified in conditioned culture media and biological fluids [105][106][107][108]. In fact, not only is the EV content increased in UM patients (n = 7), but 39% of their cargo is conserved across various liquid biopsy sources, such as aqueous humor, vitreous humor and plasma [109]. ...

Uveal Melanoma-Derived Extracellular Vesicles Display Transforming Potential and Carry Protein Cargo Involved in Metastatic Niche Preparation
