Michal Hejč's research while affiliated with CZECH-IN and other places

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Publications (10)

Fig. 2-The use of the data quality model (ISO/IEC 25012) The organisations which want to introduce a data quality model will have to design their own data quality management process, in which the specific roles and the responsibilities for each activity, which is part of the process, will have to be highlighted. The data quality model should be used over data life cycle phases (e.g. appraisal, cleanse, parse, transform, match, display) within an organisation when setting quality goals, requirements, measures, evaluation method. It is not practically possible to measure all characteristics for all parts of large databases of an EIS [3]. Similarly it is not usually practical to measure quality in use for all possible user-task scenarios for decision making about Environmental Systems. Resources for evaluation need to be allocated among the different types of measures dependent on the objectives of an investigation of Environmental Systems and the 
  • Data
  • File available

September 2014


129 Reads


Michal Hejč

Figure 1. 
Information Tools for Supporting Implementation of Integrated Waste Management System in the Framework of the Czech Republic

January 2010


81 Reads


8 Citations

The paper introduces the research project No SPII2/F1/30/07, which is solved by SITA CZ and ECO-Management with the collaboration of the Masaryk University. The main goal of the project is the devel-opment of information, manager and economic tools supporting an integrated waste management system of the Czech Republic in compliance with the EU waste legislation, the Thematic Strategy on the preven-tion and recycling of waste and further connected EU standards. The paper focuses on analysis of informa-tion tools support of this project.

Figure 1 of 1

January 2010


98 Reads

There is presented a model for the evaluation of cost and price relationships in the municipal waste management in the Czech Republic (CZ), created by the authors solved the project for the Ministry of Environment. The model was developed based on appropriate input macroeconomic variables and it enables to simulate the development of variant waste landfill fees and the inclusion or exclusion of certain equipment in preparation for energy recovery (ER) or mechanical-biological treatment (MBT) of waste in selected locations and the prescribed annual capacity. Based on data from annual reports municipalities (if available) on the production of municipal waste and estimate its quantity by using a sophisticated model, including demographic and socio-economic impacts. The model is based on an analysis of factors determining the costs for landfills, ER and MBT facilities and calculates the price for waste management for each municipality in CR, including its foreseeable development by 2020. The article gives a detailed description of the model and its outputs in relation to changes in modeling fees in accordance with the implementation of the European Waste Framework Directive into Czech legislation.

Figure 1. Model of waste production in communities (Hej č and H ř ebí č ek, 2007). 
Table 1 . Data quality model.
Table 2 illustrates
Primary environmental data quality model: Proposal of a prototype of model concept

January 2008


189 Reads


10 Citations

There is the short overview of the terms data quality and environmental information, following up the model definition in the paper. It introduces one such prototype of model - easy to implement, covering all modelling niches in environmental informatics and promising easy model knowledge sharing - it will be suitable to make a basis for appropriate model library. There is also discussed the use of the model and its role in the process of measurement of data quality. The concept is illustrated by the case study of the South Moravian region waste management data evaluation (realized by authors) and compared with the approach of the Ministry of Environment of the Czech Republic. Short conclusion suggests the future exploitation of possible new ways of dealing with the primary data uncertainty.

Fig. 2-The use of the data quality model (ISO/IEC 25012) The organisations which want to introduce a data quality model will have to design their own data quality management process, in which the specific roles and the responsibilities for each activity, which is part of the process, will have to be highlighted. The data quality model should be used over data life cycle phases (e.g. appraisal, cleanse, parse, transform, match, display) within an organisation when setting quality goals, requirements, measures, evaluation method. It is not practically possible to measure all characteristics for all parts of large databases of an EIS [3]. Similarly it is not usually practical to measure quality in use for all possible user-task scenarios for decision making about Environmental Systems. Resources for evaluation need to be allocated among the different types of measures dependent on the objectives of an investigation of Environmental Systems and the 
Quality of Data, Information and Indicators in Environmental Systems

January 2008


1,752 Reads


5 Citations

Imprecision of data and their inequality are important characteristic features of Environmental Systems monitoring and investigation. When making evaluations, conclusions and the decisions from collected environmental data, processed information and developed indicators one has to be very careful not to make fatal decision mistake. The important task of computing indicators is to deal with the inequality data and using appropriate Data Quality models and methodologies to reduce the risk of mistake. The paper presents general Data Quality model for computer systems processing environmental data, information and indicators to support organizations that acquire, manipulate and use data with the necessary quality characteristics to achieve their objectives. These characteristics are described for any computer system application (e-Environment, e-Government) and each characteristic may vary in importance depending on specific requirements of the applications of the computer system. It is taken into account all environmental data types, assigned data values and relationships between data in the paper. The case study of the assessment of quality of regional waste management data, information and indicators is presented.

Data uncertainty analysis in environmental management

December 2007


33 Reads


Imprecision of input data is an important characteristic feature of environmental monitoring. When making evaluations, conclusions and the decisions from collected data, one has to be very careful not to make fatal mistake. The important task of computing and current information and communication technology is to deal with the primary data uncertainty and thus to reduce the risk of mistake. At present new approaches and methodologies to handle environmental data uncertainty are explored as opposite to standard. The paper presents comparison of such new approach against European Environment Agency and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency standards in the several cases of the assessment environmental management indicators in the Czech Republic. The new approach brings more modular way of dealing with uncertainty and is supposed to bring better results and less workload then standard approach. (© 2008 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)


61 Reads


1 Citation

SITA CZ a.s. 1 PROJEKT VAV "INTEGROVANÉ SYSTÉMY NAKLÁDÁNÍ S ODPADY" V závěru roku 2007 byly zahájeny práce na projektu VaV "Výzkum integrovaného systému nakládání s odpady a nových podpůrných nástrojů pro jeho zavedení", číslo projektu SPII2F1-30-07. Na řešení projektu se podílí společnosti SITA CZ a.s. jako řešitel a ECO – Management, s.r.o. jako spoluřešitel. Cílem projektu je návrh optimálního systému nakládání se základními odpadovými proudy z produkce obcí včetně drobných živností. Biologicky rozložitelné odpady jsou i vzhledem k cílům stanoveným předpisy EU a ČR jednou z nejvýznamnějších oblastí zaměření projektu. V této oblasti byly v úvodní části řešení projektu zpracovány rešerše domácích zdrojů a zdrojů vybraných evropských zemí.

Citations (5)

... When it comes to making appropriate decision in relation to the waste management of USW, two factors are important -the total volume of the waste and its composition. Both of these factors change with time and socioeconomic conditions (Hejč, Hřebíček, 2008;Singh et al., 2011). We consider in our USW model that waste usually contains remains of food and vegetables, paper: i.e., biodegradable waste (BMW); plastic, glass and metal containers, printed matter (newspapers, magazines, and books): i.e., recyclable waste (RMW); destroyed products, ashes and rubbish, used or unwanted consumer goods, including shoes and clothing: i.e., mixed household waste (MMW); and the rest of waste which does not belong to BMW, RMW and MMW (Hřebíček, Kalina, Soukopová, 2013b) to follow European List of Waste (Commission Decision 2000/532/EC) and Annex III to Directive 2008/98/EC. ...


Case study: Prognostic model of Czech municipal waste production and treatment
Primary environmental data quality model: Proposal of a prototype of model concept

... Přístupná aplikace bere také ohled na odlišné technické možnosti jednotlivých uživatelů (operační systém, prohlížeč, typ hardware -zastaralé PC, notebook, mobilní telefon). Počet takto znevýhodněných uživatelů může v obecné rovině podle výzkumného projektu "Přístupnost webových stránek orgánů státní správy" [3] dosahovat 20 až 30 % podle toho, koho považujeme za znevýhodněné uživatele, což je pro mnohé jistě nečekaně vysoké číslo. ...

Přístupnost webových stránek orgánů státní správy

... The average proportion of impurities in separate biowaste is signifi cantly higher (compared with the situation in Tišnov, where the proportion of impurities is about 2%). [Chudárek, 2008] It is diffi cult to process separate biodegradable waste from the Kromeriz site into usable product in If the eff ort to make people separate biodegradable waste more eff ectively fails, the management of Biopas Company will be considering using waste for energy production. ...


... Notwithstanding, challenges exist in enhancing the accessibility of environmental data sets, such as concerns regarding data quality, privacy, and ownership. Effective management of big data for environmental sustainability requires adopting data integration, standardization, and quality control strategies, as Hřebíček and Hejč [13] highlighted. Implementing environmentally sustainable practices heavily relies on data-driven decision-making, which involves systematically collecting, analyzing, and visualizing data to inform policies and interventions to foster environmental sustainability [14,15]. ...

Quality of Data, Information and Indicators in Environmental Systems

... Further, the simple model, which is generated emissions from the transport of MSW. b) The waste production sub-model of [7], [9], [10] for the determination of the quantity and composition of MSW at every source (municipality). This quantity and composition MSW were calibrated with the database of collected data from annual waste reports of municipalities regarding the quantity and separated components of MSW. ...

Information Tools for Supporting Implementation of Integrated Waste Management System in the Framework of the Czech Republic