Meng-Xiang Lin's research while affiliated with University of Pennsylvania and other places

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Publications (21)

Probing parity violation in the stochastic gravitational wave background with astrometry
  • Article

April 2024


10 Reads


2 Citations

Physical Review D


Meng-Xiang Lin



Sam S. C. Wong

Astrometry holds the potential for testing fundamental physics through the effects of the stochastic gravitational wave background (SGWB) in the ∼1–100 nHz frequency band on precision measurements of stellar positions. Such measurements are complementary to tests made possible by the detection of the SGWB using pulsar timing arrays. Here, the feasibility of using astrometry for the identification of parity-violating signals within the SGWB is investigated. This is achieved by defining and quantifying a nonvanishing EB correlation function within astrometric correlation functions and investigating how one might estimate the detectability of such signals.


Late time modification of structure growth and the S 8 tension

March 2024


3 Reads

Physical Review D

Meng-Xiang Lin






Jessica Muir

The S8 tension between low-redshift galaxy surveys and the primary cosmic microwave background (CMB) signals a possible breakdown of the ΛCDM model. Recently differing results have been obtained using low-redshift galaxy surveys and the higher redshifts probed by CMB lensing, motivating a possible time-dependent modification to the growth of structure. We investigate a simple phenomenological model in which the growth of structure deviates from the ΛCDM prediction at late times, in particular as a simple function of the dark energy density. Fitting to galaxy lensing, CMB lensing, baryon acoustic oscillations, and supernovae datasets, we find significant evidence—2.5–3σ, depending on analysis choices—for a nonzero value of the parameter quantifying a deviation from ΛCDM. The preferred model, which has a slower growth of structure below z∼1, improves the joint fit to the data over ΛCDM. While the overall fit is improved, there is weak evidence for galaxy and CMB lensing favoring different changes in the growth of structure.

A test of gravity with Pulsar Timing Arrays
  • Article
  • Publisher preview available

November 2023


9 Reads


9 Citations

Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics

Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics

A successful measurement of the Stochastic Gravitational Wave Background (SGWB) in Pulsar Timing Arrays (PTAs) would open up a new window through which to test the predictions of General Relativity (GR). We consider how these measurements might reveal deviations from GR by studying the overlap reduction function — the quantity that in GR is approximated by the Hellings-Downs curve — in some sample modifications of gravity, focusing on the generic prediction of a modified dispersion relation for gravitational waves. We find a distinct signature of such modifications to GR — a shift in the minimum angle of the angular distribution — and demonstrate that this shift is quantitatively sensitive to any change in the phase velocity. In a given modification of gravity, this result can be used, in some regions of parameter space, to distinguish the effect of a modified dispersion relation from that due to the presence of extra polarization modes.

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Late Time Modification of Structure Growth and the S8 Tension

August 2023


9 Reads

The $S_8$ tension between low-redshift galaxy surveys and the primary CMB signals a possible breakdown of the $\Lambda$CDM model. Recently differing results have been obtained using low-redshift galaxy surveys and the higher redshifts probed by CMB lensing, motivating a possible time-dependent modification to the growth of structure. We investigate a simple phenomenological model in which the growth of structure deviates from the $\Lambda$CDM prediction at late times, in particular as a simple function of the dark energy density. Fitting to galaxy lensing, CMB lensing, BAO, and Supernovae datasets, we find significant evidence - 2.5 - 3$\sigma$, depending on analysis choices - for a non-zero value of the parameter quantifying a deviation from $\Lambda$CDM. The preferred model, which has a slower growth of structure below $z\sim 1$, improves the joint fit to the data over $\Lambda$CDM. While the overall fit is improved, there is weak evidence for galaxy and CMB lensing favoring different changes in the growth of structure.

Dark matter trigger for early dark energy coincidence

May 2023


7 Reads


24 Citations

Physical Review D

Early dark energy (EDE), whose cosmological role is localized in time around the epoch of matter-radiation equality in order to resolve the Hubble tension, introduces a new coincidence problem: Why should the EDE dynamics occur near equality if EDE is decoupled from both matter and radiation? The resolution of this problem may lie in an early dark sector (EDS), wherein the dark matter mass is dependent on the EDE scalar field. Concretely, we consider a Planck-suppressed coupling of EDE to dark matter, as would naturally arise from breaking of the global U(1) shift symmetry of the former by quantum gravity effects. With a sufficiently flat potential, the rise to dominance of dark matter at matter-radiation equality itself triggers the rolling and subsequent decay of the EDE. We show that this trigger EDS model can naturally resolve the EDE coincidence problem at the background level without any fine-tuning of the coupling to dark matter or of the initial conditions. When fitting to current cosmological data, including that from the local distance ladder and the low-redshift amplitude of fluctuations, the trigger EDS maximum-likelihood model performs comparably to EDE for resolving the Hubble tension, achieving H0=71.2 km/s/Mpc. However, fitting the Planck cosmic microwave background data requires a specific range of initial field positions to balance the scalar field fluctuations that drive acoustic oscillations, providing testable differences with other EDE models.

A Test of Gravity with Pulsar Timing Arrays

April 2023


8 Reads

A successful measurement of the Stochastic Gravitational Wave Background (SGWB) in Pulsar Timing Arrays (PTAs) would open up a new window through which to test the predictions of General Relativity (GR). We consider how these measurements might reveal deviations from GR by studying the overlap reduction function -- the quantity that in GR is approximated by the Hellings-Downs curve -- in some sample modifications of gravity, focusing on the generic prediction of a modified dispersion relation for gravitational waves. We find a distinct signature of such modifications to GR -- a shift in the minimum angle of the angular distribution -- and demonstrate that this shift is quantitatively sensitive to any change in the phase velocity. In a given modification of gravity, this result can be used, in some regions of parameter space, to distinguish the effect of a modified dispersion relation from that due to the presence of extra polarization modes.

A Dark Matter Trigger for Early Dark Energy Coincidence

December 2022


5 Reads

Early dark energy (EDE), whose cosmological role is localized in time around the epoch of matter-radiation equality in order to resolve the Hubble tension, introduces a new coincidence problem: why should the EDE dynamics occur near equality if EDE is decoupled from both matter and radiation? The resolution of this problem may lie in an {\it early dark sector} (EDS), wherein the dark matter mass is dependent on the EDE scalar field. Concretely, we consider a Planck-suppressed coupling of EDE to dark matter, as would naturally arise from breaking of the global $U(1)$ shift symmetry of the former by quantum gravity effects. With a sufficiently flat potential, the rise to dominance of dark matter at matter-radiation equality itself triggers the rolling and subsequent decay of the EDE. We show that this {\it trigger} EDS (tEDS) model can naturally resolve the EDE coincidence problem at the background level without any fine tuning of the coupling to dark matter or of the initial conditions. When fitting to current cosmological data, including that from the local distance ladder and the low-redshift amplitude of fluctuations, the tEDS maximum-likelihood model performs comparably to EDE for resolving the Hubble tension, achieving $H_0 =71.2$ km/s/Mpc. However, fitting the \emph{Planck} cosmic microwave background data requires a specific range of initial field positions to balance the scalar field fluctuations that drive acoustic oscillations, providing testable differences with other EDE models.

Early dark sector, the Hubble tension, and the swampland

August 2022


6 Reads


46 Citations

Physical Review D

We consider the interplay of the early dark energy (EDE) model, the swampland distance conjecture (SDC), and cosmological parameter tensions. EDE is a proposed resolution of the Hubble tension relying upon a near-Planckian scalar field excursion, while the SDC predicts an exponential sensitivity of masses of other fields to such an excursion, m∝e−c|Δϕ|/Mpl with c∼O(1). Meanwhile, EDE is in tension with large-scale structure (LSS) data, due to shifts in the standard Λ cold dark matter parameters necessary to fit the cosmic microwave background. One might hope that a proper treatment of the model, e.g., accounting for the SDC, may ameliorate the tension with LSSs. Motivated by these considerations, we introduce the early dark sector (EDS) model, wherein the mass of dark matter is exponentially sensitive to super-Planckian field excursions of the EDE scalar. The EDS model exhibits new phenomenology in both the early and late Universe, the latter due to an EDE-mediated dark matter self-interaction, which manifests as an enhanced gravitational constant on small scales. This EDE-induced dark-matter-philic “fifth force,” while constrained to be small, remains active in the late Universe and is not screened in virialized halos. We find that the new interaction with dark matter partially resolves the LSS tension. However, the marginalized posteriors are nonetheless consistent with fEDE=0 at 95% CL once the Dark Energy Survey year 3 measurement of S8 is included. We additionally study constraints on the model from Atacama Cosmology Telescope data and find a factor of 2 improvement on the error bar on the SDC parameter c, along with an increased preference for the EDE component. We discuss the implications of these constraints for the SDC and find the tightest observational constraints to date on a swampland parameter, suggesting that an EDE description of cosmological data is in tension with the SDC.

Modified gravitational wave propagation with higher modes and its degeneracies with lensing

August 2022


11 Reads


18 Citations

Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics

Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics

Low-energy alternatives to General Relativity (GR) generically modify the phase of gravitational waves (GWs) during their propagation. As detector sensitivities increase, it becomes key to understand how these modifications affect the GW higher modes and to disentangle possible degeneracies with astrophysical phenomena. We apply a general formalism — the WKB approach — for solving analytically wave propagation in the spatial domain with a modified dispersion relation (MDR). We compare this WKB approach to applying a stationary phase approximation (SPA) in the temporal domain with time delays associated to the group or particle velocity. To this end, we extend the SPA to generic signals with higher modes, keeping careful track of reference phases and arrival times. We find that the WKB approach coincides with the SPA using the group velocity, in agreement with the principles of wave propagation. We then explore the degeneracies between a GW propagation with an MDR and a strongly-lensed GW in GR, since the latter can introduce a frequency-independent phase shift which is not degenerate with source parameters in the presence of higher modes. We find that for a particular MDR there is an exact degeneracy for wave propagation, unlike with the SPA for particle propagation. For the other cases, we search for the values of the MDR parameters that minimize the χ ² and conclude that strongly-lensed GR GWs could be misinterpreted as GWs in modified gravity. Future MDR constraints with higher mode GWs should include the possibility of frequency-independent phase shifts, allowing for the identification of modified gravity and strong lensing distortions at the same time.

Modified gravitational wave propagation with higher modes and its degeneracies with lensing

March 2022


23 Reads

Low-energy alternatives to General Relativity (GR) generically modify the phase of gravitational waves (GWs) during their propagation. As detector sensitivities increase, it becomes key to understand how these modifications affect the GW higher modes and to disentangle possible degeneracies with astrophysical phenomena. We apply a general formalism -- the WKB approach -- for solving analytically wave propagation in the spatial domain with a modified dispersion relation (MDR). We compare this WKB approach to applying a stationary phase approximation (SPA) in the temporal domain with time delays associated to the group or particle velocity. To this end, we extend the SPA to generic signals with higher modes, keeping careful track of reference phases and arrival times. We find that the WKB approach coincides with the SPA using the group velocity, in agreement with the principles of wave propagation. We then explore the degeneracies between a GW propagation with an MDR and a strongly-lensed GW in GR, since the latter can introduce a frequency-independent phase shift which is not degenerate with source parameters in the presence of higher modes. We find that for a particular MDR there is an exact degeneracy for wave propagation, unlike with the SPA for particle propagation. For the other cases, we search for the values of the MDR parameters that minimize the $\chi^2$ and conclude that strongly-lensed GR GWs could be misinterpreted as GWs in modified gravity. Future MDR constraints with higher mode GWs should include the possibility of frequency-independent phase shifts, allowing for the identification of modified gravity and strong lensing distortions at the same time.

Citations (10)

... 2 Gravitational waves with very low frequencies may also induce substantial astrometric deflections independent of source distance, as was considered in Refs. [25][26][27][28][29][30][31][32][33]. 3 While such masses conflict with the conventional lower bound of approximately 10 −22 − 10 −20 eV [34][35][36][37][38][39][40][41], these cosmic relics might exist as a sub-component of the observed dark matter density. ...


Astrometric Detection of Ultralight Dark Matter
Probing parity violation in the stochastic gravitational wave background with astrometry
  • Citing Article
  • April 2024

Physical Review D

... We believe that this result is useful to describe variations of the standard HD function, for instance when there are additional polarization modes (vector and/or scalar) that may arise in alternative-gravity theories [22,23] for which a different angular correlation functions are expected. Anisotropy, linear, or circular polarization in the stochastic GW background [24] gives rise to extra structure in the two-point correlation function and cannot be written simply in terms of the angular separation of the two pulsars. ...

A test of gravity with Pulsar Timing Arrays
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics

Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics

... In addressing the Hubble tension, Lin et al. [16] proposed a potential resolution in the Early Dark Sector (EDS), where dark matter mass depends on the Early Dark Energy (EDE) scalar field. They explored a Plank-suppressed EDE coupled with dark matter, finding that this Triggered Early Dark Sector (tEDS) model naturally resolves the coincidence problem of EDE on the background level. ...

Dark matter trigger for early dark energy coincidence
  • Citing Article
  • May 2023

Physical Review D

... One of the most well-studied extensions to ΛCDM in the last several years has been the broad class of early dark energy (EDE) models, which have been shown to alleviate the Hubble tension when fit to Planck data (Alexander & McDonough 2019;Lin et al. 2019;Poulin et al. 2019;Karwal et al. 2022;McDonough et al. 2022;Rezazadeh et al. 2022;Sabla & Caldwell 2022;Lin et al. 2023). ...

Early dark sector, the Hubble tension, and the swampland
  • Citing Article
  • August 2022

Physical Review D

... If lensed GW events are observed, they could enable many scientific pursuits, including the detection of intermediatemass and primordial BHs (Lai et al. 2018;Diego 2020;Basak et al. 2022), MACHOs (Basak et al. 2022), and a better comprehension of the nature of dark matter (Basak et al. 2022;Oguri & Takahashi 2020Wang et al. 2021b;Cao et al. 2022a). The effectively expanded detector network that can detect lensed events and has excellent timing accuracy may also enable the search for the associations of fast radio bursts and GWs (Singh et al. 2023), precise tests of the cosmology (Jana et al. 2022), speed of gravity (Collett & Bacon 2016;Fan et al. 2017;Baker & Trodden 2016;Ezquiaga et al. 2022), polarization (Goyal et al. 2020), and propagation (Mukherjee et al. 2019a,b;Chung & Li 2021;Finke et al. 2021;Iacovelli et al. 2022). In the wave optics limit, they may break the masssheet degeneracy (Cremonese et al. 2021) and allow to measure the velocity of the lens (Itoh et al. 2009). ...

Modified gravitational wave propagation with higher modes and its degeneracies with lensing
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics

Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics

... As pointed out in [13], the phase velocity other than the group velocity v p = ω(k)/k is the parameter entering the observable, where ω(k) and k are the angular frequency (or energy) and the wavenumber (or momentum) of the gravitational wave, respectively. While we have v p > 1 in canonical massive gravity, theories with v p < 1, which we refer to as subluminal gravity, can naturally arise from various effective field theories of gravity [24][25][26]. In this paper, we derive analytical expressions for the coefficients of the multipole moments of ORF for both v p > 1 and v p < 1 cases. ...

Gravitational wave propagation beyond general relativity: waveform distortions and echoes
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics

Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics

... However, recent precise measurements of the cosmological parameters lead to some puzzling tensions. Especially for the measurement of the Hubble constant, the values of the Hubble constant inferred from the Planck CMB observations (assuming the ΛCDM model; Aghanim et al. 2020) and obtained through the distance ladder measurements (model independent; Riess et al. 2022) are in more than 5σ tension (Riess et al. 2022), which is now commonly considered a severe crisis for cosmology (Riess 2019;Verde et al. 2019); see, e.g., Yang et al. (2018), Guo et al. (2019Guo et al. ( , 2020, Riess (2019), Verde et al. (2019), Cai (2020), Ding et al. (2020), Di Valentino et al. (2020aValentino et al. ( , 2020bValentino et al. ( , 2021, Feng et al. (2020a), Hryczuk & Jodłowski (2020), Li & Zhang (2020), Lin et al. (2020), Liu et al. (2020), Vagnozzi (2020Vagnozzi ( , 2021, Zhang & Huang (2020), Cai et al. (2021), Gao et al. (2021), Abdalla et al. (2022), Vagnozzi et al. (2022), Wang et al. (2022c), and Zhao et al. (2022) for recent related discussions. On the other hand, the cosmological constant Λ in the ΛCDM model is equivalent to the vacuum energy also sufferred from serious theoretical challenges, namely, the "fine-tuning" and "cosmic coincidence" problems (Sahni & Starobinsky 2000;Bean et al. 2005). ...

Testing H 0 in acoustic dark energy models with P l a n c k and ACT polarization data
  • Citing Article
  • December 2020

Physical Review D

... Outstandingly, our approach makes use of time diffeomorphisms (in addition to spatial diffeomorphisms) in order to unify both (1) and (2) under a single soft theorem (valid as long as the evolution of long wavelength modes remains adiabatic). It is well known that time diffeomorphisms break the comoving gauge chose to study primordial perturbations [13][14][15][16] (see also [56,57]). However, as we shall point out, one can perform time diffeomorphisms without breaking the choice of comoving gauge provided that long wavelength perturbations are reabsorbed away into the background. ...

Curvature perturbations in the effective field theory of inflation
  • Citing Article
  • December 2019

Physical Review D

... For this reason, it is instructive to establish that independent anomalies are indeed consistently pointing to qualitatively similar deviations from Planck-ΛCDM [57] behaviour. To that end, it is noteworthy that popular resolutions to H 0 tension, which introduce prerecombination physics to adjust the BAO scale [58][59][60][61][62][63][64], typically lead to larger values of physical matter density Ω m h 2 relative to Planck [57], thereby alleviating tension with JWST [13,[65][66][67][68]. See also [68,69] for implications of JWST data for other models claiming to alleviate H 0 tension. ...

Acoustic dark energy: Potential conversion of the Hubble tension
  • Citing Article
  • September 2019

Physical Review D

... value of H 0 [20]. Among the extensions of this archetypal model -including nonminimal coupled scalar fields [21][22][23][24][25][26][27], different scalar field potentials [28,29], sign of the kinetic term [30], and the addition of allowed Galileon-like terms within Horndeski theory [31,32], or phenomenological parameterizations [33] -the most successful model studied so far has been the 'early modified gravity' (EMG) model presented in ref. [34]. In the EMG model, a self-interacting scalar field non-minimally coupled to gravity evolves from the radiation era, driven by the coupling to non-relativistic matter. ...

Phenomenology of modified gravity at recombination
  • Citing Article
  • February 2019

Physical Review D