Mayukh Lahiri's research while affiliated with Oklahoma State University - Stillwater and other places

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Publications (86)

FIG. 2: Proposed experimental scheme, also applicable to noise-resistant phase imaging with undetected photons. (For an alternative setup, see SM [19].) Two nonlinear crystals are pumped with mutually incoherent laser beams. Two signal beams are superposed by a beamsplitter (BS) and coincidence counts are measured at two points in an output of BS. Paths of idler photons from the two sources are made identical, resulting in phase-subtractive interference of two signal photons. Information of spatially dependent phase α(r) introduced by a phase object to undetected idler photons appears in the interference pattern.
FIG. 3: Interferograms containing information of phase objects. Two-photon phase-stable interference patterns are created by detecting signal photons (810 nm) only, but they contain information of spatially dependent phase (α) introduced to undetected idler photons (1550 nm). (a) One-dimensional phase α(x) = x 2 (top left) results in the coincidence counting rate shown in top middle. Coincidence rates along the line x ′ = 0 on the detector is shown in top right. (b) Twodimensional phase α(x, y) = (x 3 + y 3 )/10 (bottom left) leads to four-dimensional coincidence map P (2) (x, y; x ′ , y ′ ). The xy-plane cross-section (bottom middle) and xx ′ -plane crosssection (bottom right) of the coincidence map are shown.
FIG. 4: An alternative setup that employs a single crystal. The crystal is pumped from two sides by two mutuallyincoherent pump beams with stochastic phase difference Θ. Mirrors are used to align paths of signal and idler photons by reflecting them back through the crystals. Signal photons are then detected, while idler photons are not.
Phase-Subtractive Interference and Noise-Resistant Quantum Imaging with Two Undetected Photons
  • Preprint
  • File available

June 2024

Chandler Tarrant


Mayukh Lahiri

We present a quantum interference phenomenon in which four-photon quantum states generated by two independent sources are used to create a two-photon interference pattern without detecting two of the photons. Contrary to the common perception, the interference pattern can be made fully independent of phases acquired by the photons detected to construct it. However, it still contains information about spatially dependent phases acquired by the two undetected photons. This phenomenon can also be observed with fermionic particles. We show that the phenomenon can be applied to develop an interferometric, quantum phase imaging technique that is immune to uncontrollable phase fluctuations in the interferometer and allows image acquisition without detecting the photons illuminating the object.


Quantum state tomography of undetected photons

February 2024


18 Reads


1 Citation

Physical Review A


Jaroslav Kysela





Anton Zeilinger

The measurement of quantum states is one of the most important problems in quantum mechanics. We introduce a quantum state tomography technique in which the state of a qubit is reconstructed, while the qubit remains undetected. The key ingredients are (i) employing an additional qubit, (ii) aligning the undetected qubit with a known reference state by using path identity, and (iii) measuring the additional qubit to reconstruct the undetected qubit state. We establish theoretically and demonstrate experimentally the method with photonic polarization states. The principle underlying our method could also be applied to quantum entities other than photons.

Single-qubit measurement of two-qubit entanglement in generalized Werner states

November 2023


19 Reads

Physical Review A

Conventional methods of measuring entanglement in a two-qubit photonic mixed state require detection of both qubits. We generalize a recently introduced method which does not require detection of both qubits, by extending it to cover a wider class of entangled states. Specifically, we present a detailed theory that shows how to measure entanglement in a family of two-qubit mixed states, obtained by generalizing Werner states, without detecting one of the qubits. Our method is interferometric and does not require any coincidence measurement or postselection. We also perform a quantitative analysis of anticipated experimental imperfections. We show that the method is resistant to a decrease in the interference visibility resulting from such imperfections.

Noise-resistant phase imaging with intensity correlation

September 2023


71 Reads


3 Citations

Science Advances

Interferometric methods form the basis of highly sensitive measurement techniques from astronomy to bioimaging. Interferometry typically requires high stability between the measured and reference beams. The presence of rapid phase fluctuations washes out interference fringes, making phase profile recovery impossible. This challenge can be addressed by shortening the measurement time. However, such an approach reduces photon-counting rates, precluding applications in low-intensity imaging. We introduce a phase imaging technique which is immune to time-dependent phase fluctuations. Our technique, relying on intensity correlation instead of direct intensity measurements, allows one to obtain high interference visibility for arbitrarily long acquisition times. We prove the optimality of our method using the Cramér-Rao bound in the extreme case when no more than two photons are detected within the time window of phase stability. Our technique will broaden prospects in phase measurements, including emerging applications such as in infrared and x-ray imaging and quantum and matter-wave interferometry.

FIG. S4: Illustration of the entanglement measurement scheme in presence of experimental imperfections. The misalignment of idler beams and loss of idler photons between the two sources (Q1 and Q2) is modeled by an attenuator with polarization dependent transmissivity. TH and TV are amplitude transmission coefficients of the attenuator corresponding to H and V polarizations. Remaining symbols are same as those in Fig. 2 of the main paper.
Single-qubit measurement of two-qubit entanglement in generalized Werner states

June 2023


73 Reads

Conventional methods of measuring entanglement in a two-qubit photonic mixed state require the detection of both qubits. We generalize a recently introduced method which does not require the detection of both qubits, by extending it to cover a wider class of entangled states. Specifically, we present a detailed theory that shows how to measure entanglement in a family of two-qubit mixed states - obtained by generalizing Werner states - without detecting one of the qubits. Our method is interferometric and does not require any coincidence measurement or postselection. We also perform a quantitative analysis of anticipated experimental imperfections to show that the method is experimentally implementable and resistant to experimental losses.

One-Photon Measurement of Two-Photon Entanglement

March 2023


60 Reads


8 Citations

Physical Review Letters

Measuring entanglement is an essential step in a wide range of applied and foundational quantum experiments. When a two-particle quantum state is not pure, standard methods to measure the entanglement require detection of both particles. We realize a conceptually new method for verifying and measuring entanglement in a class of two-part (bipartite) mixed states. Contrary to the approaches known to date, in our experiment we verify and measure entanglement in mixed quantum bipartite states by detecting only one subsystem, the other remains undetected. Only one copy of the mixed or pure state is used but that state is in a superposition of having been created in two identical sources. We show that information shared in entangled systems can be accessed through single-particle interference patterns. Our experiment enables entanglement characterization even when one of the subsystems cannot be detected, for example, when suitable detectors are not available.

Noise Resistant Phase Imaging with Intensity Correlation

January 2023


48 Reads

Interferometric methods, renowned for their reliability and precision, play a vital role in phase imaging. Interferometry typically requires high coherence and stability between the measured and the reference beam. The presence of rapid phase fluctuations averages out the interferogram, erasing the spatial phase information. This difficulty can be circumvented by shortening the measurement time. However, shortening the measurement time results in smaller photon counting rates precluding its applicability to low-intensity phase imaging. We introduce and experimentally demonstrate a phase imaging technique that is immune to position-independent, time-dependent phase fluctuation. We accomplish this by measuring intensity correlation instead of intensity. Our method enables using long measurement times and is therefore advantageous when the photon flux is very low. We use a Fisher information-based approach to show that the precision of phase reconstruction achieved using our method is in fact the best achievable precision in the scenario when two photons are detected per phase stability time.

Figure 3. The experimental setup for the proposed quantum tomography method of polarization states. The pump, the idler and the signal photons are represented by the green, red and blue lines, respectively. One photon pair is created in a coherent superposition of three nonlinear crystals (NL1-NL3). Idler beams are overlapped in order to erase the which-source information, the lack of which induces coherence of the signal photon. Signal photons emitted in each crystal are superposed on a beam splitter (BS), split into H and V polarization by a polarizing beam splitter (PBS) and detected by detectors D1 and D2. The recorded intensities of the signal photon exhibit interference as the independent phase φ is varied. Our method allows one to identify the polarization state of the idler photon emitted in crystal NL1 (source Q1) even though it is never detected. a, b, b , and c stand for optical paths.
Figure 4. Experimental results for pure state tomography of photons that are never detected. Main results of visibility measurements are shown in the left panels. The red and blue colors represent the horizontal and vertical polarization, respectively. (a) The idler photon is prepared in different linear polarization states by HWP I , see the Bloch sphere in the inset. The signal photon visibility for each linear polarization is plotted against the angle of the plate HWP I . (b) The idler photon is prepared in different elliptical polarization states by QWP I , starting in |H Ib . The signal photon visibility is plotted against the angle of the plate QWP I . The calibrated experimental data points in (a) and (b) are in agreement with the theoretical predictions, which are given by the solid lines. The idler states |D Ib and |A Ib , designated by (1) and (2) in (a), and |R Ib and |L Ib , designated by (3) and (4) in (b), are all represented by the same visibilities of the signal photon.
Quantum state tomography of undetected photons

November 2022


174 Reads

The measurement of quantum states is one of the most important problems in quantum mechanics. We introduce a quantum state tomography technique in which the state of a qubit is reconstructed, while the qubit remains undetected. The key ingredients are: (i) employing an additional qubit, (ii) aligning the undetected qubit with a known reference state by using path identity, and (iii) measuring the additional qubit to reconstruct the undetected qubit state. We theoretically establish and experimentally demonstrate the method with photonic polarization states. The principle underlying our method could also be applied to quantum entities other than photons.

Quantum imaging and metrology with undetected photons: tutorial

July 2022


78 Reads


23 Citations

Journal of the Optical Society of America B

Journal of the Optical Society of America B

We present a tutorial on the phenomenon of induced coherence without induced emission, and specifically its application to imaging and metrology. It is based on a striking effect where two nonlinear crystals, by sharing a coherent pump and one or two output beams, can induce coherence between the other two output beams. This can be thought of as a type of quantum-erasure effect, where the “welcher-weg” (which-way), or in this case, “which-source,” information is erased when the shared beams are aligned. With the correct geometry, this effect can allow an object to be imaged using only photons that have never interacted with the object—in other words, the image is formed using undetected photons. Interest in this and related setups has been accelerating in recent years due to a number of desirable properties, mostly centered around the fact that the fields for detection and imaging (since separate) may have different optical properties, entailing significant advantages for various applications. The purpose of this tutorial is to introduce researchers to this area of research, to provide practical tools for setting up experiments as well as understanding the underlying theory, and also to provide a comprehensive overview of the sub-field as a whole.

Citations (43)

... This idea was demonstrated in Refs. [28,29] using an intensified CMOS camera to perform holography at the single-photon level. In this work, we show that this idea can also be achieved in a conventional holography setup. ...


Intensity correlation holography for remote phase sensing and 3D imaging
Noise-resistant phase imaging with intensity correlation
  • Citing Article
  • September 2023

Science Advances

... Particularly, the single-photon source is playing a fundamental role in the fields mentioned above. To move single-photon sources into the practical realm, a series of challenging requirements must be met, including a high spontaneous emission rate [7] and high radiation directionality and photon coherence (indistinguishability) [8]. However, when optimizing the performance of single-photon sources, it is difficult to improve the radiation directionality while maintaining a high spontaneous emission rate at the same time, which greatly limits the development of the single-photon source. ...

Quantum indistinguishability by path identity and with undetected photons
  • Citing Article
  • June 2022

Review of Modern Physics

... It was also shown that schemes for quantum imaging allow for the formation of images with sub-shotnoise levels of precision [9][10][11]. These features have been exploited to demonstrate the formation of few-photon images with high contrast [12][13][14]. Furthermore, the compatibility of quantum imaging techniques with protocols for quantum cryptography have cast interest in the development of schemes for quantum-secured imaging [3,10]. ...

Quantum imaging and metrology with undetected photons: tutorial
Journal of the Optical Society of America B

Journal of the Optical Society of America B

... Both the spatial resolution (∆x = f u λ u √ 2πw p ) and magnification (M = f c λ d f u λ u ) are reduced as the idler probe wavelength increases. Here, f u is the focal length of the lens in the undetected path, f c is the focal length of the lens in front of the camera, λ d is the detected wavelength, λ u is the undetected probe wavelength, and w p is the beam waist of the pump [40]. The focal lengths of the lenses are also likely to vary from their nominal values as the wavelengths change. ...

Resolution of Quantum Imaging with Undetected Photons


... We consider a line pair as resolvable when its MTF values for the horizontal and vertical bar patterns (including their uncertainty bars) are above 0.09 for amplitude objects and 0.27 for phase objects. Following the Rayleigh criterion [45], the optical system is able to resolve a spatial frequency of 5.6 (lines/mm) which corresponds to a feature size of 89 m for both amplitude and phase objects. ...

Resolution limit in quantum imaging with undetected photons using position correlations

... In the near field plane, photon pairs are "position correlated," which can also be employed to perform QIUL. Position based QIUL (P-QIUL) was theoretically introduced in ref. [68] and experimentally realized in refs. [69,70]. ...

Position correlation enabled quantum imaging with undetected photons

... In QOAHUL the object and reference beams are capable of interfering as a consequence of the coherence induced by the spatial and temporal overlap of their twin idler beams within the coherence time of the pump beam [35,36,38]. This overlap ensures that there is no knowledge of the which-path information, in other words, the two idler beams become indistinguishable and the observer is incapable of knowing whether the signal photon that strikes the camera plane was generated in the forward or backward path resulting in a single-photon interference pattern [35,36,39,40]. The reconstruction of the object information is also attributed to the spatial correlations shared by the photon-pair, namely momentum correlations which are the result of momentum conservation in the SPDC process [27,37]. ...

Nonclassicality of induced coherence without induced emission

Physical Review A