Matthieu Rivain's scientific contributions

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Publications (5)

Parameters for additive MPC on hypercube, short signature
Parameters for threshold with ℓ = 3, q = 256
RYDE: A Digital Signature Scheme based on Rank-Syndrome-Decoding Problem with MPCitH Paradigm
  • Preprint
  • File available

July 2023


40 Reads

Loïc Bidoux



Thibauld Feneuil




Adrien Vinçotte

We present a signature scheme based on the Syndrome-Decoding problem in rank metric. It is a construction from multi-party computation (MPC), using a MPC protocol which is a slight improvement of the linearized-polynomial protocol used in [Fen22], allowing to obtain a zero-knowledge proof thanks to the MPCitH paradigm. We design two different zero-knowledge proofs exploiting this paradigm: the first, which reaches the lower communication costs, relies on additive secret sharings and uses the hypercube technique [AMGH+22]; and the second relies on low-threshold linear secret sharings as proposed in [FR22]. These proofs of knowledge are transformed into signature schemes thanks to the Fiat-Shamir heuristic [FS86].


MIRA: a Digital Signature Scheme based on the MinRank problem and the MPC-in-the-Head paradigm

July 2023


79 Reads

We exploit the idea of [Fen22] which proposes to build an efficient signature scheme based on a zero-knowledge proof of knowledge of a solution of a MinRank instance. The scheme uses the MPCitH paradigm, which is an efficient way to build ZK proofs. We combine this idea with another idea, the hypercube technique introduced in [AMGH+22], which leads to more efficient MPCitH-based scheme. This new approach is more efficient than classical MPCitH, as it allows to reduce the number of party computation. This gives us a first scheme called MIRA-Additive. We then present an other scheme, based on low-threshold secret sharings, called MIRA-Threshold, which is a faster scheme, at the price of larger signatures. The construction of MPCitH using threshold secret sharing is detailed in [FR22]. These two constructions allows us to be faster than classical MPCitH, with a size of signature around 5.6kB with MIRA-Additive, and 8.3kB with MIRA-Threshold. We detail here the constructions and optimizations of the schemes, as well as their security proofs.

Zero-Knowledge Protocols for the Subset Sum Problem from MPC-in-the-Head with Rejection

January 2023


8 Reads


11 Citations

We propose (honest verifier) zero-knowledge arguments for the modular subset sum problem. Previous combinatorial approaches, notably one due to Shamir, yield arguments with cubic communication complexity (in the security parameter). More recent methods, based on the MPC-in-the-head technique, also produce arguments with cubic communication complexity. We improve this approach by using a secret-sharing over small integers (rather than modulo q) to reduce the size of the arguments and remove the prime modulus restriction. Since this sharing may reveal information on the secret subset, we introduce the idea of rejection to the MPC-in-the-head paradigm. Special care has to be taken to balance completeness and soundness and preserve zero-knowledge of our arguments. We combine this idea with two techniques to prove that the secret vector (which selects the subset) is well made of binary coordinates. Our new protocols achieve an asymptotic improvement by producing arguments of quadratic size. This improvement is also practical: for a 256-bit modulus q, the best variant of our protocols yields 13 KB arguments while previous proposals gave 1180 KB arguments, for the best general protocol, and 122 KB, for the best protocol restricted to prime modulus. Our techniques can also be applied to vectorial variants of the subset sum problem and in particular the inhomogeneous short integer solution (ISIS) problem for which they provide an efficient alternative to state-of-the-art protocols when the underlying ring is not small and NTT-friendly. We also show the application of our protocol to build efficient zero-knowledge arguments of plaintext and/or key knowledge in the context of fully-homomorphic encryption. When applied to the TFHE scheme, the obtained arguments are more than 20 times smaller than those obtained with previous protocols. Eventually, we use our technique to construct an efficient digital signature scheme based on a pseudo-random function due to Boneh, Halevi, and Howgrave-Graham.

Pseudorandom generation in the cut-and-choose phase
Best proof size (and the used M) according to the parameter n
Shared permutation for syndrome decoding: new zero-knowledge protocol and code-based signature

October 2022


44 Reads


29 Citations

Designs Codes and Cryptography

The threat of a coming quantum computer motivates the research for new zero-knowledge proof techniques for (or based on) post-quantum cryptographic problems. One of the few directions is code-based cryptography for which the strongest problem is the syndrome decoding (SD) of random linear codes. This problem is known to be NP-hard and the cryptanalysis state of affairs has been stable for many years. A zero-knowledge protocol for this problem was pioneered by Stern in 1993. As a simple public-coin three-round protocol, it can be converted to a post-quantum signature scheme through the famous Fiat-Shamir transform. The main drawback of this protocol is its high soundness error of 2/3, meaning that it should be repeated \(\approx 1.7 \lambda \) times to reach a \(\lambda \)-bit security. In this paper, we improve this three-decade-old state of affairs by introducing a new zero-knowledge proof for the syndrome decoding problem on random linear codes. Our protocol achieves a soundness error of 1/n for an arbitrary n in complexity \(\mathcal {O}(n)\). Our construction requires the verifier to trust some of the variables sent by the prover which can be ensured through a cut-and-choose approach. We provide an optimized version of our zero-knowledge protocol which achieves arbitrary soundness through parallel repetitions and merged cut-and-choose phase. While turning this protocol into a signature scheme, we achieve a signature size of 17 KB for a 128-bit security. This represents a significant improvement over previous constructions based on the syndrome decoding problem for random linear codes.

Syndrome Decoding in the Head: Shorter Signatures from Zero-Knowledge Proofs

October 2022


11 Reads


32 Citations

Zero-knowledge proofs of knowledge are useful tools to design signature schemes. The ongoing effort to build a quantum computer urges the cryptography community to develop new secure cryptographic protocols based on quantum-hard cryptographic problems. One of the few directions is code-based cryptography for which the strongest problem is the syndrome decoding (SD) for random linear codes. This problem is known to be NP-hard and the cryptanalysis state of the art has been stable for many years. A zero-knowledge protocol for this problem was pioneered by Stern in 1993. Since its publication, many articles proposed optimizations, implementation, or variants.In this paper, we introduce a new zero-knowledge proof for the syndrome decoding problem on random linear codes. Instead of using permutations like most of the existing protocols, we rely on the MPC-in-the-head paradigm in which we reduce the task of proving the low Hamming weight of the SD solution to proving some relations between specific polynomials. Specifically, we propose a 5-round zero-knowledge protocol that proves the knowledge of a vector x such that \(y=Hx\) and \({\text {wt}}(x)\le w\) and which achieves a soundness error closed to 1/N for an arbitrary N.While turning this protocol into a signature scheme, we achieve a signature size of 11–12 KB for 128-bit security when relying on the hardness of the SD problem on binary fields. Using larger fields (like \(\mathbb {F}_{2^8}\)), we can produce fast signatures of around 8 KB. This allows us to outperform Picnic3 and to be competitive with SPHINCS+, both post-quantum signature candidates in the ongoing NIST standardization effort. Moreover, our scheme outperforms all the existing code-based signature schemes for the common “signature size \(+\) public key size” metric.

Citations (2)

... Then the algorithm enumerates all candidates for x 21 and x 22 , that is all permutations of any selection of (n − m + u)/2 entries of x. For each such vector the left (resp. ...


PERK: compact signature scheme based on a new variant of the permuted kernel problem
Syndrome Decoding in the Head: Shorter Signatures from Zero-Knowledge Proofs
  • Citing Chapter
  • October 2022