Marta Chiarle's research while affiliated with Italian National Research Council and other places

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Publications (87)

Figure 2. Processing steps of the Sentinel-2 images for the retrieval of Dominant Wavelength [DW], Lake Size [LS] and Snow Cover [SC].
Figure 5. Correlation matrix among the satellite-derived parameters and the meteorological variables at basin level considering the entire snow-free season (April-October), months April to July, and months August to October. Only significant correlations (p value < 0.05) are shown.
Characterization of pluviometric events occurred between 2017 and 2022 in the Ceresole watershed.
Water Colour Changes in High-Elevation Alpine Lakes during 2017–2022: A Case Study of the Upper Orco Valley Catchment
  • Article
  • Full-text available

April 2024


44 Reads







Guido Nigrelli

The water resource is severely compromised by climate change, and its availability and quality can no longer be taken for granted, even in places considered pristine, such as mountains. In this study, we evaluated the water colour variability of three artificial mountain lakes located in a relatively small basin (Western Italian Alps) at high elevations, and related this variability to the local climate conditions of the hydrological basin to which they belong. We estimated the dominant wavelength (DW) of lake water from Sentinel-2 acquisitions for the period 2017–2022, performing a chromaticity analysis. We correlated DW with climatic parameters recorded by two automated weather stations. Average DW varies from 497 nm of Serrù Lake and Agnel Lake to 512 nm of Lake Ceresole, where DW varies seasonally (variation of 75–100 nm in one year). During April–July, the DW of Lake Ceresole is significative correlated with air temperatures and snow cover (−0.8 and +0.8, respectively). During August–October, the relationship with temperature decreases to −0.5, and a correlation of 0.5 with the amount of rainfall appears. This work shows that mountain lake waters can exhibit variable quality (expressed here by water colour) in response to meteorological and hydrological conditions and events.


First national inventory of high-elevation mass movements in the Italian Alps

February 2024


198 Reads


1 Citation

Computers & Geosciences

Climate change in the European Alps, in particular in the high-elevation environments, is causing an increase in mass movements and hazards. To learn more about relationships between mass movements and climate drivers, the location of the starting zone and date of the instability events need to be known. Nevertheless, not all existing inventories of mass movements are suitable for the purpose. For these reasons, we have implemented a specific inventory of mass movements which occurred in the Italian sector of the Alps at an elevation >1500 m. Currently, the inventory contains information relating to 772 mass movements. The most frequent types of processes documented are rockfall and debris/mud flows, with 279 and 191 cases respectively. The highest number of events occurred in 2022 (71 events), and an evident trend towards an increase over the years and during summer was found. This inventory is an excellent support tool for many activities that take place in and for the mountains, its consultation, both online and offline, makes the inventory suitable for use with different types of devices and can be used not only as a consultation tool on mass movements occurred in the past, but also to insert new events. This use can be particularly suitable for monitoring activities, managed by civil protection structures, municipalities, natural parks, environmental agencies, researchers, freelancers and so on.

Annual glaciological survey of Italian glaciers (2022)

January 2024


88 Reads


3 Citations

Geografia Fisica e Dinamica Quaternaria

Results of the annual glaciological survey (2022) conducted on Italian glaciers are here presented. About 250 volunteers operated last year in the three Alpine sectors (Piemonte - Valle d’Aosta, Lombardy and Triveneto) and in the Apennines (Calderone Glacier, Gran Sasso Group) observing two hundred and two glaciers. One hundred and eighteen glaciers were observed in the Piemonte - Valle d’Aosta sector while frontal variation was measured at the snout of sixty glaciers. Twenty-seven and fifty-seven glaciers were visited in the Lombardy Sector and in the Triveneto Sector, respectively (twenty-one and forty-three of which were measured, respectively). Mass balance measurements were conducted on nineteen Italian glaciers during the 2021-2022 hydrological year: four glaciers in the Western Alps (Piemonte - Valle d’Aosta sector), fourteen in the Eastern Alps (three in the Lombardy Sector, the other glaciers in the Triveneto Sector) and one in the Central Apennines.


January 2024


36 Reads


2 Citations

The annual glaciological survey (2021) conducted on Italian glaciers is here presented. About 200 volunteers operated last year in the three Alpine sectors (Piemonte - Valle d’Aosta, Lombardy and Triveneto) and in the Apennines (Calderone Glacier, Gran Sasso Group). One hundred and one glaciers were observed in the Piemonte - Valle d’Aosta sector while frontal variation was measured at the snout of fourty-nine glaciers. Twenty-seven and fifty-two glaciers were visited in the Lombardy Sector and in the Triveneto Sector, respectively (seventeen and fourty-four of which were measured, respectively). Data for seventeen Italian glaciers monitored during the 2020-2021 hydrological year are reported in the section on mass balance measurements: four glaciers in the Western Alps (Piemonte - Valle d’Aosta sector), twelve in the Eastern Alps (two in the Lombardy Sector, the other ten glaciers in the Triveneto Sector) and one in the Central Apennines).

Performance of the debris flow alarm system ALMOND-F on the Rochefort Torrent (Val d’Aosta) on August 5, 2022

August 2023


22 Reads


2 Citations

E3S Web of Conferences

On August 5, 2022 in the Rochefort torrent (Val Ferret, Mont Blanc), a debris flow occurred that invaded the road connecting the valley with the village of Courmayeur. The debris flow interrupted the car traffic and damaged the bridge that crosses the torrent and the aqueduct that serves the municipality of Courmayeur. Due to the recurrence of similar events, in 2017 the Valle d’Aosta Region had decided to install a monitoring and warning system for debris flows, close to the bridge on the Rochefort torrent, to interrupt the traffic in both directions through a pair of traffic lights in case of debris flow. The system, named ALMOND-F (ALarm and MONitoring system for Debris-Flow), has been installed along the torrent, few tens of meters upstream of the bridge. ALMOND-F adopts a warning algorithm that is based on the variation of the seismic signal intensity produced by debris flows and that had been thoroughly tested in previous years in the instrumented area of the Gadria basin. On August 5, 2022 the warning system activated the traffic lights and stopped the traffic about three minutes before the debris flow invaded the road. It is the first time that the ALMOND-F system is utilized in a real risk situation to protect the population, after some years of controlled tests carried out in an instrumented area. Even though this represents an undoubted technological success, the installation of ALMOND-F requires several issues to be addressed to grant the highest level of safety. For instance, the presence of other active debris-flow channels and/or natural risks in the same valley may represent a limitation to the installation of a site-specific alarm system. The installation of the Rochefort torrent, opportunely optimized also on the basis of the feedbacks of the August 5, 2022 debris flow event, could become a useful case study and so provide indications and suggestions on the mitigation of the debris flow risk through the use of warning systems.

Fig. 2 Annual TN, TX, TNn, TNx, TXn, TXx, ID and FD trends of the 1991-2020 climate normal in the Alps. Where present, the statistic significant trend is reported, respectively with 0.05 (*), 0.01 (**) and 0.001 (***) level, and with the magnitude of the slope.
Metadata of the 23 AWSs used in this study, sorted by decreasing elevation. * AWS used also for the 30-year climate normal comparison
Temperature indices selected for this study
Trends of seasonal/annual TXn and TXx time series over the 1991-2020 climate normal (for station Id. see Table 1). The significance level is 0.001 (***), 0.01 (**), 0.05 (*) and the magnitude of the slope is in °C/10 years. Empty cells indicate absence of statistically significant trends. Winter: DJF; spring: MAM; summer: JJA; autumn: SON; year: Y
1991–2020 climate normal in the European Alps: focus on high-elevation environments

August 2023


110 Reads


15 Citations

Journal of Mountain Science

Alps are an important geographical area of the European continent and, in this area, temperature increase is most evident. However, the 1991–2020 climate normal in the Alps has still not been thoroughly investigated. Aiming to fill this gap with a focus on high-elevation environments, minimum and maximum daily air temperature acquired by 23 automatic weather station were used. The results show that the mean annual values of minimum and maximum temperature for the 1991–2020 climate normal in the Alps are −2.4°C and 4.4°C, respectively, with a warming rate of 0.5°C/10 years. The mean annual temperature comparison between 1961–1990 and 1971–2000, 1961–1990 and 1981–2010, 1961–1990 and 1991–2020 climate normal show an increase of 0.3°C, 0.5°C and 0.9°C, respectively. The results also confirm that seasonal and annual temperatures are rising through the whole Alpine arc, mainly in summer and autumn. This work highlights that annual minimum and maximum temperature do not seem to be affected by a positive elevation-dependent warming. Instead, a positive elevation-dependent warming in the maximum values of the annual minimum temperature was found. If anthropogenic emissions maintain the trend of the last decades, the expected mean annual temperature of the 2001–2030 climate normal is −0.2°C, with an increase of 0.5°C if compared to the 1991–2020 climate normal and with an increase of 1.5°C if compared to the 1961–1990 climate normal. This study highlights the warming rate that is now present in the European Alps, provides indications on the warming rate that will occur in the coming years and highlights the importance of carrying out investigations that consider not only the last 30-year climate normal, but also the most recent 30-year climate normal by comparing them with each other.

Citations (57)

... This implies a higher quantity of biomass in both non-alpine and alpine ecosystems, thus resulting in a higher NDVI index. The ongoing strong glacial retreat testifies that the climate warning enhanced at the highest elevation both on a global and a local scale [21,48,[88][89][90]. The observed increasing NDVI values in the LR between the 1984 and the 2022 CE, but especially after 2011 CE, highlighted a major efficient colonisation by pioneer species and, therefore, the presence of a higher quantity of land-cover biomass, as also recorded in other proglacial areas [22,25,35]. ...


NDVI Analysis for Monitoring Land-Cover Evolution on Selected Deglaciated Areas in the Gran Paradiso Group (Italian Western Alps)

... The different snow conditions between the first four winter seasons and the last two (2020-2021 and 2021-2022) do not have effects in terms of water colour, but rather in terms of water quantity; in fact, DW values do not show particular differences in all the three lakes when compared to previous years, while 2022 is the year with higher LS variation for Serrù and Agnel lakes and 2021 for Lake Ceresole. The exceptional nature of the 2021-2022 hydrological year, especially in the high mountains, is well documented by the record glacial losses measured in summer 2022 in the Italian Alps [31] and beyond [32]. The drought phenomena experienced in the past two years (e.g., [33]) is certainly the reason explaining the shrinkage of lakes during 2021-2022, but the fact that the lakes behave differently is definitely a function of the water resource management carried out by the dam operators to face the drought events and the energy demand. ...

Annual glaciological survey of Italian glaciers (2022)

Geografia Fisica e Dinamica Quaternaria

... A digital platform can greatly assist in this effort by helping travellers to discover natural sites and cultural heritage sites through the dissemination of information about destinations and conservation efforts [5]. It can also facilitate digital preservation [14], realtime disaster response through environmental monitoring [15,16], and resource management [17]. ...

First national inventory of high-elevation mass movements in the Italian Alps

Computers & Geosciences

... With respect to precipitation, as occurs in the main European mountain systems (e.g. Nigrelli and Chiarle, 2023;Cheval et al., 2014), its spatial distribution is more complex than that of temperatures due to its relationship with orographic roughness, and with exposure to moisture-carrying winds. However, most of the indices show a clear differentiated behavior between the French Pyrenees and the Spanish Pyrenees, in addition to the evident asymmetry between the Atlantic and Mediterranean slopes. ...

1991–2020 climate normal in the European Alps: focus on high-elevation environments

Journal of Mountain Science

... As regards solutions based on monitoring systems, it is possible to say that these systems are very effective for some types of mass movements but not for all. For example, the monitoring systems used to prevent and mitigate risks arising from debris flows have now reached a high level of reliability and are used in many cases in the Alps (Marchi et al., 2021;Arattano et al., 2023). Regarding solutions based on ecological approaches, we can mention the role that forests have. ...

Performance of the debris flow alarm system ALMOND-F on the Rochefort Torrent (Val d’Aosta) on August 5, 2022

E3S Web of Conferences

... The use of climate services has been recognised as key to addressing climate risks and building climate adaptive agricultural systems (Hansen et al., 2011;Magesa et al., 2023;Singh et al., 2018). Globally, the development of climate services targeting farmers has gained momentum (Ogega et al., 2020;Sánchez-García et al., 2022). The launch of the Global Framework for Climate Services emphasises the need for climate services for farmers to manage climate risks. ...

Co-design of sectoral climate services based on seasonal prediction information in the Mediterranean

Climate Services

... The prevalent rock within the region exhibits relative uniformity, featuring medium-grained texture (0.5-2 mm) and a mineral composition comprising quartz (33%), K-feldspar (15%), plagioclase (48%), and biotite (4%) 47,48 . The goal within this area is to track alterations in rock slope behaviour and ascertain the impact of climate change on the stability of the rock mass [49][50][51] . To do so, the monitoring system encompasses a meteorological station, crack meters, strain gauges, and a thermometer designed to measure temperature within the rock mass, spanning from the surface to a depth of 3 m 52 . ...

Rock temperature variability in high-altitude rockfall-prone areas
  • Citing Article
  • March 2022

Journal of Mountain Science

... En el contexto del cambio climático al que está expuesto el territorio nacional, en particular la zona central, que ha experimentado más de 13 años ininterrumpidos con escasez de precipitaciones, período conocido como "megasequía" (Garreaud et al., 2017(Garreaud et al., , 2019, surge especial interés acerca de cómo la variabilidad del clima puede alterar el comportamiento habitual de un glaciar al afectar la estabilidad de los cuerpos de hielo de modo que estos sean más propensos a desencadenar fenómenos de movimiento en masa (Ding et al., 2021;Allen et al., 2022). Cobran especial relevancia aquellas crioformas cercanas a la presencia recurrente de personas, como es el caso de los glaciares existentes en la cuenca del río Volcán (Figura 1). ...

Assessment principles for glacier and permafrost hazards in mountain regions
  • Citing Chapter
  • January 2022

... Potentially dangerous glacial lakes have been identified using a range of assessment approaches, ranging from large-scale automated methods considering key determinants such as lake size, catchment area, ice/rock avalanche potential and dam steepness 110,111 , through to detailed catchment or lake-specific assessments including field investigations [112][113][114] . Identifying the dam type of the glacial lake is a critical first step in GLOF hazard assessments, as it determines the stability of the lake, triggering processes, the potential magnitude of the GLOF and the mechanisms of drainage 115 . ...

Assessment Principles for Glacier and Permafrost Hazards in Mountain Regions

... Air temperatures are consistently rising in many mountain regions worldwide, surpassing the global warming rate (Nigrelli and Chiarle, 2021). The systematic change in warming rates with elevation was observed in different mountain ranges (Li et al., 2020b;Pepin et al., 2022;Rangwala and Miller, 2012), with contrasting regional patterns (Mountain Research Initiative EDW Working Group et al., 2015). ...

Evolution of temperature indices in the periglacial environment of the European Alps in the period 1990–2019
  • Citing Article
  • November 2021

Journal of Mountain Science