María J. García-Rubio's scientific contributions

Publication (1)

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La tarea de fluidez verbal (FV) es una medida de la flexibilidad cognitiva y la estrategia de búsqueda dentro del léxico y el tema semántico. En este trabajo, se probó el uso de estrategias organizativas, es decir, agrupación y cambio en la fluidez semántica y fonológica en niños españoles sanos divididos en dos grupos: el grupo 1 de niños más pequ...


... Based on these studies, verbal fluency performance in typically developing children and adolescents seems to improve with age and to be more strongly associated with switching than clustering (e.g., Arán Filippetti and Allegri 2011;Sánchez-López et al. 2021;Tallberg et al. 2010). Most studies failed to record significant age-related changes for the mean cluster size, suggesting that clustering-primarily related to lexico-semantic knowledge, as mentioned earlier-is an easier, perhaps automatic, or earlier emerging strategy than switching. ...