Marcus Goetz's research while affiliated with Universität Heidelberg and other places

Publications (15)

About one decade has passed since US vice president Al Gore articulated his vision of Digital Earth DE. Within this decade, a global multi-resolution and three-dimensional 3D representation of the Earth, which sums up the DE vision, increasingly gained interest in both public and science. Due to the desired high resolution of the available data, hi...
Route planning services for a priori route planning on computers or on-demand planning on mobile devices are omnipresent, not only for vehicles but also for bicyclists or pedestrians. Furthermore, public or commercial buildings such as hospitals, hotels or shopping malls are getting bigger and their inner complexity increases. Additionally, most of...
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Location-Based-Services (LBS), such as route planning or Point-of-Interest (POI) search are well-known and their consumption is quite common on personal computers. Simultaneously, mobile devices, such as tablets or smart phones, penetrate the market and offer great potentials for sophisticated and advanced LBS. Based on the open and free OSM data,...
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Volunteered geographic information (VGI) describes the collaborative and voluntary collection of any kind of spatial data, and has evolved to become an important source for geo-information. Users participate in VGI communities and share their data with other community members at no charge. The data is based on personal measurements or personal know...
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Crowdsourced geodata has been proven to be a rich and major data source for environmental simulations and analysis, as well as the visualization of spatial phenomena. With the increasing size and complexity of public buildings, such as universities or hotels, there is also an increasing demand for information about indoor spaces. Trying to stimulat...
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The OpenStreetMap (OSM) project, a well-known source of freely available worldwide geodata collected by volunteers, has experienced a consistent increase in popularity in recent years. One of the main caveats that is closely related to this popularity increase is different types of vandalism that occur in the projects database. Since the applicabil...
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Routing services for outdoor areas are omnipresent and also three-dimensional (3D) visualization is quite common within this area. Recent research efforts are now trying to adapt well known outdoor routing services to complex indoor environments. However, most of the current indoor routing systems only focus on two-dimensional visualization, thus o...
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High-quality geographic data sources are eminent for urban data management and the creation of detailed 3D city models. In the last two decades, Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) increasingly gained attractiveness to both amateur users and professionals, resulting in a broad availability of urban data within VGI communities and especially Op...
Conference Paper
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Global online maps are an important tool and data sets such for such maps are normally provided by commercial providers or public authorities. Nevertheless, the ever expanding trend of collaboratively collected geodata by hobbyists, namely Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI), increases regarding both data quantity and quality. Therefore, VGI c...
Extensive and high-quality geographic data sources are important for any kind of spatial analysis or application, especially in the field of urban data management. In the last couple of years, Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) has increasingly gained attractiveness not only to amateur users, but also to professionals in the geoinformation in...
Extensive and high-quality geographic data sources are important for any kind of spatial analysis or application, especially in the field of urban data management. In the last couple of years, Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) has increasingly gained attractiveness not only to amateur users, but also to professionals in the geoinformation in...
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Car routing solutions are omnipresent and solutions for pedestrians also exist. Furthermore, public or commercial buildings are getting bigger and the complexity of their internal structure has increased. Consequently, the need for indoor routing solutions has emerged. Some prototypes are available, but they still lack semantically-enriched modelli...
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As the mobile Internet becomes ubiquitous with increasing bandwidth and as a broad range of always more powerful mobile devices appear Location Based Services (LBS) finally have become commonplace ten years after the first LBS hype. On the other hand 3D city models are being introduced to mobile navigation systems and scientist investigated that th...
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Introduction Volunteered geographic information describes a relatively new phenomenon in geoinformatics. One of the most popular and most promising examples is OpenStreetMap (OSM). OSM is a community based approach aiming at collecting and sharing any kind of geographic information in a Web 2.0 platform. Regarding the quality of OSM, it has been de...


... MDR defines 2D representation of an environment in the form of a metric map, a topological map, and/or a combination of both. A similar standard is also under development for seamless navigation of vehicles between outdoor and indoor by ISO/TC204 ITS (Intelligent Transportation System) 3 . Moreover, ISO 17438 4 aims to develop relevant standards for indoor and outdoor seamless navigation of vehicles. ...
... Citizen-generated open data (Meijer et al., 2018) and volunteered geographic information (VGI) represented by OpenStreetMap (OSM) were created in response to demands for new geospatial data that are not covered by public data. Route plans within buildings (Goetz et al., 2013), assessments of obstructions for the physically challenged (Prandi et al., 2014), and locational cognition of bike accidents on bike paths (Ferster et al., 2017) are examples of VGI utilization. In addition to the rise of public interest in VGI in recent years, academic research on VGI has been gaining ground. ...
... Unlike the traditional, expensive, and turtle-paced method of data gathering, VGI relies heavily on individual volunteers to use digital tools to gather, store, and share data making it a faster and cheaper way of gathering updated and real-time data in a large amount to inform development decisions (Katerina Tzavella et al., 2022;Manouchehri & Moghaddam, 2017). Unfortunately, whilst the global north has long since integrated VGI in their urban development process (See: Arsanjani et al. (2015); Goetz & Zipf, (2011);Goodchild (2007a); Goodchild & Glennon (2010); Haklay et al. (2013)), Africa at large is yet to embrace it as a tool. ...
... The paper [2] is based on OpenStreetMap, providing detailed information about the landscape, the street network, and the buildings that are mapped. However, until now, this building mapping is mainly related to the outer shape of the ground space of the building and there is hardly any information about the inner structure available. ...
... Some types of user-collected data can have higher spatial and/or temporal granularity than government-produced data and thereby fill gaps and capture phenomena (e.g., public sentiment) not covered by traditional data collection practices (e.g., census data) [30]. From the perspective of data production, it is clear that the number of contributors has grown significantly [28,61,71]. Spatial data use has also changed from predominately expert-oriented to include more individual and community approaches (e.g., citizen science projects) and location-based services (see [66] for example). ...
... The geometrical and attribute information is in a JSON-based format and was adopted as a standard by the Open Geospatial Consortium (OSM) in 2021. • OSM indoor [39] can be seen more as a tagged schema in OSM rather than an independent data model, designed to represent indoor objects. It can depict individual spaces, doors, and hallways, and can be converted into the XML and GeoJSON formats. ...
... OSM enables contributors to edit, create, and delete content on the world map. Numerous studies have demonstrated that contributions to OSM are not uniform, revealing areas with substantial activity as well as those with minimal contributions [7,8]. ...
... As "connects" and "duality" are crucial attributes of State and Transition in determining the indoor network structure and corresponding cellular features, relationships between the State node and Transition node were created as DUALITY relationships; the DUALITY relationship can be used for linking features between PrimalSpaceFeature and MultiLayeredGraph. Level nodes that are not a part of the official IndoorGML schema were created because "level" was recognized as a key element for Indoor mapping in several studies [32], [36], [37]. ...
... In addition, as fundamental elements and content within OSM, building spatial data play a crucial role in monitoring 3D urban development (Barranquero et al. 2023;Bshouty, Shafir, and Dalyot 2020;Goetz and Zipf 2012), population distribution (Liu et al. 2020;Song and Sun 2010), disaster response (Goldblatt et al. 2020;Scholz et al. 2018;Zook et al. 2010), and the pursuit of sustainable urban development goals (Fritz et al. 2019;Herfort et al. 2023; Van den Hoek et al. 2021). As of the first quarter of 2023, volunteers globally have contributed over 500 million building spatial data to OSM. ...
... Following suit, Xu et al. (2022b) integrated the mask region-based convolutional neural network (Mask R-CNN) to identify buildings, correlating detected buildings with ground truths to estimate height -achieving a mean height error of 0.78 meters. Related to building heights, an emergent research domain centres around predicting the number of building storeys, which can reflect architectural structure in detail and act as a proxy of building height in some cases (Goetz and Zipf, 2012;Biljecki, 2020). For example, Roy et al. (2022) explored building morphology to infer storey data, particularly for residential structures. ...