Márcia Ferret Renner's research while affiliated with Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul and other places

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Publications (12)

Figura 1. As cores roxa e branca, a nordeste, representam as partes mais altas do planalto, baixando para oeste (amarelo); os verdes, escuro e claro, indicam as terras mais baixas, da Depressão Central, Planície Costeira e Campanha. As elevações a sudeste (amarelo) são a Serra do Sudeste, de formação geológica distinta do planalto.
Figura 2. Pico do Monte Negro, ao fundo, em São José dos Ausentes: ponto mais alto do planalto oriental.
Figura 3. Fragmento de Floresta de Araucária (Araucaria angustifolia), em São José dos Ausentes.
Figura 4. Cascata no Rio Cerquinha, em Bom Jesus, RS. Nota-se extensa presença de Pinus elliotti (extensão verde-escura da mata).
Figura 7. Regiões herpetofaunísticas da América do Sul, adaptado de Duellman (1979), sendo: (A) Andes; (AC) Costa Atlântica; (AD) Deserto do Atacama; (AF) Florestas Austrais; (AM) Amazônia; (B) Terras Altas Brasileiras; (CA) Caatinga; (CD) Deserto Costeiro do Caribe; (CE) Cerrados; (CH) Chocó; (ES)
Herpetofauna do Planalto Oriental do Rio Grande do Sul Guia fotográfico para reconhecimento de espécies
  • Book
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March 2019


822 Reads

Márcia Ferret Renner


Marcos Di-Bernardo






Redescription, geographic distribution and ecological niche modeling of Elapomorphus wuchereri (Serpentes: Dipsadidae)

December 2017


1,360 Reads


2 Citations

Phyllomedusa Journal of Herpetology

The original description of Elapomorphus wuchereri Günther, 1861 included a drawing and brief comments about the morphology of three specimens; two of the latter belong to another species and the holotype is lost. Based on the discovery of new specimens, we redescribe Elapomorphus wuchereri and designate a neotype. We discuss the variation and the taxonomic history of the species, and based on the results of a species distribution model analysis (SDM), we describe the distribution, extent of occurrence, and conservation status.

Figure 3. Dorsal and ventral view of Apostolepis barrioi (MNHNP 11548) showing the immaculate white ventral coloration. 
Figure 4. Holotype of Apostolepis barrioi (MACN 49402). 
Revalidation of Apostolepis barrioi (Serpentes: Dipsadidae)

December 2017


424 Reads


9 Citations

Phyllomedusa Journal of Herpetology

With 32 species, Apostolepis is the most diverse genus in the tribe Elapomorphini. The description of Apostolepis barrioi is based on one specimen and the taxon later was synonymized with A. dimidiata. Based on a examination of new specimens, the taxon is resurrected to full species rank. Apostolepis barrioi differs from all congeners by having an immaculate white venter, narrow dorsolateral stripes not in contact with the ventrals, and a terminal black shield. With the addition of A. barrioi, the number of species of the genus increases to 33; however, more systematic research on the status of the species in the group is required, especially for those species that were described on the basis of only on few specimens.

Revalidation of Apostolepis barrioi (Serpentes: Dipsadidae)

December 2017


12 Reads


2 Citations

Phyllomedusa Journal of Herpetology

With 32 species, Apostolepis is the most diverse genus in the tribe Elapomorphini. The description of Apostolepis barrioi is based on one specimen and the taxon later was synonymized with A. dimidiata. Based on a examination of new specimens, the taxon is resurrected to full species rank. Apostolepis barrioi differs from all congeners by having an immaculate white venter, narrow dorsolateral stripes not in contact with the ventrals, and a terminal black shield. With the addition of A. barrioi, the number of species of the genus increases to 33; however, more systematic research on the status of the species in the group is required, especially for those species that were described on the basis of only on few specimens.

Redescription, geographic distribution and ecological niche modeling of Elapomorphus wucheren (Serpentes: Dipsadidae)

December 2017


11 Reads


1 Citation

Phyllomedusa Journal of Herpetology

The original description of Elapomorphus wuchereri Günther, 1861 included a drawing and brief comments about the morphology of three specimens; two of the latter belong to another species and the holotype is lost. Based on the discovery of new specimens, we redescribe Elapomorphus wuchereri and designate a neotype. We discuss the variation and the taxonomic history of the species, and based on the results of a species distribution model analysis (SDM), we describe the distribution, extent of occurrence, and conservation status.

Status of Apostolepis borellii Peracca 1904 (Serpentes, Xenodontinae), with restriction of the A. nigroterminata concept

April 2016


19 Reads


5 Citations

Neotropical Biology and Conservation

Neotropical Biology and Conservation

Apostolepis borellii has been considered a junior synonym of A. nigroterminata. However, examination of the holotypes showed significant differences between the species, such as head narrow (vs. wide, stocky), slandering snout (vs. wide and rounded), background color brown (vs. red), black nuchal collar wide, reaching the gular region (vs. short, not reaching gular region), tail extremity slandering with conic tip (vs. stocky, rounded tip), tail blotch complete reaching dorsals and subcaudals (vs. only dorsal, with white ring anteriorly). Apostolepis borellii occurs in the Cerrado, while A. nigroterminata, in the Amazonian Forest, two diverse biomes. The former may constitute a new group of small sized species, own from central-western Brazil to Bolivia; the latter is allocated in the nigrolineata group, both presented herein. © 2016, Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos. All rights reserved.

Apostolepis specimens observed in collections from Goiás region, central Brazil (Serpentes, Xenodontinae, Elapomorphini)

September 2012


19 Reads


2 Citations

Neotropical Biology and Conservation

Neotropical Biology and Conservation

We report on species of the tribe Elapomorphini based on specimens captured during a trip to Goiás State, Brazil. Various specimens were captured in a rescue of the Hydroelectric Power Plant Serra da Mesa, in Minaçu, North of Goiás; others, in the Universidade Nacional de Brasilia, DF, in the Zoological Park, Brasília, DF, and Universidade Católica de Goiás, Goiania. Ten species were observed, representing a very important sample of the taxon, with dominance of the species Apostolepis ammodites and A. flavotorquata.


January 2005


64 Reads


1 Citation

Discovery of new specimens of Apostolepis freitasi Lema (Serpentes, Elapomorphinae), with redescription of the species. Apostolepis freitasi Lema, 2004is known only from holotype that is a young and old specimen. The discovery of new specimens allows to amplify the knowledge of the species and redescribe it. It occurs on northeastern Brazil (Bahia), at caatinga domain. The species is similarto A. cearensis Gomes, 1915, from it differs by aspects of the coloration mainly,as the lower side of the head immaculate, instead blackish in A. cearensis, or the black tail blotch immaculate ventrally (instead entirely black). Both belong toassimilis group.

Citations (8)

... Um de nós (RSB) teve acesso a este exemplar antes do incêndio que atingiu o Instituto Butantan, identificando-o como Elapomorphus quinquelineatus. Esta mes- ma identificação foi apresentada recentemente por Entiauspe- - Neto et al. (2017b). Portanto, não há registro confirmado da presença de A. dimidiata para o Rio de Janeiro. ...


Répteis do Brasil e suas Unidades Federativas: Lista de espécies
Redescription, geographic distribution and ecological niche modeling of Elapomorphus wuchereri (Serpentes: Dipsadidae)

Phyllomedusa Journal of Herpetology

... During the last decades, a considerable number of species of Apostolepis were described based on small series and subjective morphological diagnostic characters (e.g., Lema , 2003Lema , 2004aLema , 2004bLema & Renner 2011), which were later found to be synonymous with other congeners, as these diagnoses relied largely upon polymorphic characters (Ferrarezzi et al. 2005;Entiauspe-Neto et al. 2019, 2020a, 2020b, 2021a. Lema (1993), in his work on the morphological variation of Apostolepis dimidiata Jan, 1863, proposed the synonymization of A. barrioi Lema, 1978 (later revalidated by the same author in Cabral et al. (2017)), A. ventrimaculata Lema, 1978, andA. villaricae Lema, 1978 with the former species, while also reporting on the extremes of morphological variation for the analyzed specimens. ...

Revalidation of Apostolepis barrioi (Serpentes: Dipsadidae)

Phyllomedusa Journal of Herpetology

... Apostolepis nigroterminata Boulenger, 1896 Figure 6C (Boulenger 1896, Harvey 1999, de Lema and Renner 2016. Morphometrics and pholidosis of our collected specimen are in Table 6. ...

Status of Apostolepis borellii Peracca 1904 (Serpentes, Xenodontinae), with restriction of the A. nigroterminata concept
  • Citing Article
  • April 2016

Neotropical Biology and Conservation

Neotropical Biology and Conservation

... The taxonomy of Apostolepis has been historically unstable and confusing; several species of Apostolepis are known from less than 10 specimens, being poorly represented in scientific collections and seldom found in the field, which has likely contributed to its instability Nogueira et al. 2012;Entiauspe-Neto et al. 2019). During the last decades, a considerable number of species of Apostolepis were described based on small series and subjective morphological diagnostic characters (e.g., Lema , 2003Lema , 2004aLema , 2004bLema & Renner 2011), which were later found to be synonymous with other congeners, as these diagnoses relied largely upon polymorphic characters (Ferrarezzi et al. 2005;Entiauspe-Neto et al. 2019, 2020a, 2020b, 2021a. Lema (1993), in his work on the morphological variation of Apostolepis dimidiata Jan, 1863, proposed the synonymization of A. barrioi Lema, 1978 (later revalidated by the same author in Cabral et al. (2017)), A. ventrimaculata Lema, 1978, andA. ...

A New Species of Apostolepis (Serpentes, Colubridae, Elapomorphini), Belonging to Assimilis Group, Found in Brazilian Cerrado
  • Citing Article
  • December 2011

... Ferrarezzi et al. (2005) proposed the synonymy of A. tertualianobeui with A. assimilis, although without examining the holotypes of both species. Upon examining a large series of A. assimilis, Lema & Renner (2007) revalidated A. tertulianobeui, based on significant differences in coloration between the species. Later, Lema & Renner (2012) described Apostolepis parassimilis, based on a holotype (MCN 8535, juvenile male) from Uberlândia, Minas Gerais state, southeastern Brazil, and a paratype (MNRJ 6524, juvenile female) from "Bahia", northeastern Brazil. ...

Contribuição ao conhecimento de Apostolepis Ammodites (Serpentes, Colubridae, Elapomorphinae)
  • Citing Article
  • November 2007

... Due to their fossorial habits, Apostolepis snakes are considered rare to be sampled (Harvey 1999;Harvey et al. 2001;Lema 2001;Lema and Renner 2012). As a result, there is a low overall representativeness of this genus in museum collections, with some species being known only from their type series or by a few additional ...

Apostolepis specimens observed in collections from Goiás region, central Brazil (Serpentes, Xenodontinae, Elapomorphini)
  • Citing Article
  • September 2012

Neotropical Biology and Conservation

Neotropical Biology and Conservation

... Apostolepis assimilis can be diagnosed from A. albicollaris based on its dorsal pattern with two black stripes (uniformly red), a divided snout blotch (entire), elongated supralabial blotch, up to five scales wide (smaller, up to three scales wide). Apostolepis flavotorquata can be diagnosed from A. albicollaris based on its distinct dorsal pattern (uniformly red or with three black stripes), ventral coloration in life (yellow), and hemipenial morphology (organ long and simple, spinules restricted to proximal area, enlarged spines absent, asulcate surface calyculate) (Lema & Renner 2005). Apostolepis sanctaeritae can readily be diagnosed from A. albicollaris based on its single nuchal collar (additional white nuchal collar), smaller black nuchal collar, covering 1.5-3 scales (4-7 scales), elongated white supralabial blotch (small, tear-shaped), and a divided, white snout blotch in life (single, orange). ...

  • Citing Article

... Apostolepis vittata remained known only from its holotype, until Harvey (1999) reported two individuals from Bolivia (CM 2824 from Río San Julian, Provincia Nuflo de Chaves; BMNH 1907.10.31.62, from Puerto Suarez, Provincia German Busch), although remarking that these specimens differed greatly from the holotype, and the status of Bolivian populations should be reassessed upon availability of more material. Lema and Renner (2004) later reported the discovery of new specimens from Mato Grosso, Brazil. Lema (2002) described Apostolepis christineae on basis of an adult female (MCP 12515) from Estação Ecológica Serra das Araras, Barra dos Bugres, Mato Grosso, Brazil, separating it from Apostolepis vittata by presence of wide dark dorsal stripes (thin and incomplete, in A. vittata), absence of black gular collar, as well as absence of occipital scales. ...

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