M.L. Medina's research while affiliated with ICESI University and other places

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Publications (2)

Frontonasal encephalocele: Report of a case with prenatal diagnosis
  • Article

January 2016


9 Reads

M.L. Medina




The encephalocele is a major birth defect characterized by herniation of neural tissue and meninges through a defect in the skull, due to alterations of neural tube closure occurring in fourth week of pregnancy. Prenatal diagnosis is possible through 2D and 3D ultrasound. We report a case of anterior encephalocele, a rare disease among the defects of neural tube closure, with diagnosis by 3D and 2D ultrasonography, which was confirmed at birth by clinical findings and scan.


Meckel syndrome with omphalocele and cleft lip

January 2014


15 Reads


2 Citations

Revista Cubana de Obstetricia y Ginecologia

The Meckel Gruber syndrome is a lethal, rare and autosomal disorder. It is characterized by multiple malformations, among these the triad of occipital encephalocoele, large polycystic kidneys and post-axial polydactyly. A case with multiple malformations, including the less frequent as omphalocele, hypospadias and cleft lip is presented.

Citations (1)

... Treinta y cinco años más tarde, en 1969, el tercer equipo investigativo propuso el actual nombre que hoy recibe esta enfermedad, en honor a los precursores de este hallazgo científico. 1,2 Esta entidad enmarcada en las del tipo de las ciliopatías, se caracteriza por un desorden autosómico recesivo, de mortalidad absoluta en la totalidad de los casos reportados; con una tasa de prevalencia históricamente descrita, la que varía en un rango entre 1:13 250 y 1:14 0000 nacidos vivos, afectando a individuos de toda raza y etnia, de ambos sexos. [3][4] La presencia de la triada: riñones hiperplásicos poliquísticos, encefalocele occipital y polidactilia postaxial bilateral, determina el diagnóstico de certeza de esta enfermedad, en la que al menos dos de estos elementos deben estar presentes; la que a demás pues cursar con malformaciones a nivel oral, genital, del Sistema Nervioso Central (SNC) y fibrosis hepática. ...


Meckel Gruber Syndrome in an Indigenous Newborn with No Prenatal Control
Meckel syndrome with omphalocele and cleft lip
  • Citing Article
  • January 2014

Revista Cubana de Obstetricia y Ginecologia