M W Köllermann's research while affiliated with University of Hamburg and other places

Publications (41)

In a prospective study 209 patients with prostatic cancer stage C who were seen between 1968-1974 received endocrine treatment and radiotherapy (6000 r) of the prostate without inclusion of regional lymph nodes. The patients were seen every 6 months up to 8 years. 247 transrectal biopsies and 7 transurethral resections of the prostate were performe...
33 patients with 46 sterile vesicoureteral refluxes were followed by repeated clinical-urological and radiological studies over a period from 1 to more than 6 years. The results of the evaluation, obtained by only looking at the urograms, were compared with the following measurements: the length of each kidney, the length ratio right to left, and t...
In a prospective study, 39 female patients with recurrent urinary tract infections were treated by internal urethrotomy. Their susceptibility to recurrent urinary tract infection was unchanged by this operation.
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Ploidy and cell-cycle stage were determined by flow cytometry (FCM) in 46 human renal carcinomas. Cell populations with aneuploid DNA were detected in 46% of these. In the investigated samples, the fraction of cells with abnormal DNA content varied from 8 to 100%. The proliferative activity was generally low as indicated by the small fractions of c...
The effect of vinblastine sulfate on the acceptance and growth of a very malignant, human adenocarcinoma of the kidney (RCCI) on nude mice was investigated. Without any treatment, this tumor has an acceptance rate of 100%. Subcutaneously transplanted pieces of tumor, measuring 3 X 3 X 1 mm, commence to grow rapidly 1 week after transplantation and...
Tissues of human renal cell carcinoma and of its lymph-node metastases were transplanted between the 1st and the 4th passage on 80 nu/nu mice. Growth of tumor was observed in all cases. Chromosomal analyses proved the tumor origin of the transplants. The primary tumor showed two histological patterns: a granular solid cell carcinoma and sarcomatoid...
The effect of vinblastine sulfate on the acceptance and growth of a very malignant, human adenocarcinoma of the kidney (RCC1) on nude mice was investigated. Without any treatment, this tumor has an acceptance rate of 100%. Subcutaneously transplanted pieces of tumor, measuring 3 × 3 × 1 mm, commence to grow rapidly 1 week after transplantati...
Tissues of human renal cell carcinoma and of its lymph-node metastases were transplanted between the 1st and the 4th passage on 80 nu/nu mice. Growth of tumor was observed in all cases. Chromosomal analyses proved the tumor origin of the transplants. The primary tumor showed two histological patterns: a granular solid cell carcinoma and sarcomatoid...
In a randomized study of human renal adenocarcinomas the tumours were either preirradiated with 25 Gy of 42 MeV X-rays or removed without pretreatment. Nephrectomy was performed 3 1/2 weeks after the end of irradiation or in the untreated series immediately after diagnosis. The impairment of cell proliferation after irradiation was determined by fl...
With the help of three arguments which come from the data analysis of a special consulting hour is demonstrated the ascents of germs into the prevesical urinary tracts in female patients with relapsing, non-obstructive urinary infections not in the least in every case lead to a recognizable lesion of the kidney. The thesis is erected that the gener...
Wir benutzen den Begriff Harnwegsinfekt synonym mit dem der „signifikanten Bakteriurie“. So definiert, stellt der Harnwegsinfekt lediglich ein Krankheitszeichen dar. Er hat weder eine einheitliche Pathogenese noch Prognose und ist daher Ausdruck ganz verschiedener Erkrankungen. Um so bedeutsamer ist es bei Untersuchungen über Harnwegsinfekte, das U...
An der Urologischen Universitätsklinik Hamburg wurden seit 1975 20 genitalkorrigierende Operationen bei Mann-zu-Frau-Transsexuellen nach unterschiedlichen Techniken durchgeführt.
31 patients with prostatic carcinoma stage C were treated by combined perineal and transurethral cryosurgery. Additionally in all patients a subcapsular orchiectomy was performed. A distinct tumour reduction was found in all patients. Six months after the freezing a palpable tumour could be detected only in 4 cases out of 29. At different time inte...
Of 85 adults with end stage renal disease examined consecutively for renal transplantation 25 (29.4 per cent) had vesicoureteral reflux. Of these 25 patients 11 had a nephropathy as the cause of renal failure that was unrelated to reflux (for example glomerulonephritis) and 12 had, in addition to vesicoureteral reflux, a history of urinary tract in...
Techniques to localize an upper urinary tract infection--the bladder wash-out test and the ureteral catheterization method--are described. Case reports are given to demonstrate the usefulness of these methods when surgical treatment of urinary tract infections seems to be indicated.
The results of a prospective bacteriologic follow-up of 21 consecutive female patients, who had an antireflux operation are given. Only those patients with a proven active susceptibility to urinary tract infection at the time of operation were included in this study. Of these patients, 89% had persistent recurrent urinary tract infection, though th...
On account of different relapses of infections in 15 female patients with relapsing non-obstructive infections of the urinary tract without radiologically provable vesico-ureteral reflux altogether 183 washing out tests of the urinary bladder were performed. 83.6% of the tests resulted in a pure bacteriuria of the bladder and 14.2% in a supra-vesic...
On the basis of own examinations is shown: 1. In female patients with non-obstructive infections of the urinary tract and unilateral pyelonephritic cirrhosis of the kidney the recidivations of the infections are in general not to be traced back to the flaring up of old germinal areas in them. 2. For this reason the removal of the diseased kidney al...
In 40 girls and 9 women with recurrent, non-obstructive urinary tract infections, and in 5 patients with nephrolithiasis the site of infection was determined by 108 bladder washout tests. The corresponding sediments were examined for antibody-coaded bacteria using an immunofluorescence test (IFT). The IFT was positive in 18 (72%) of 25 supravesical...
Level diagnosis repeatedly performed in patients without roentgenologically demonstrable reflux demonstrated bladder bacteriuria in 80% of the cases. The remaining 20% had supravesical bacteriuria. We called this occult reflux, if reinfection was demonstrated. Contamination of the upper tract by occult reflux can, but must not induce pyelonephritis...
Of 35 female patients with vesicoureteral reflux, 9 had a cessation of their urinary tract infections while the reflux persisted. These findings contrast with the thesis that vesicoureteral reflux is the major cause of susceptibility to urinary tract infections in these patients.
Charakteristika der Nierendysgenesie sind: Hypoplasie der ableitenden Harnwege; kein funktionstüchtiges Nierengewebe; multiple kompakte oder nur lose zusammenhängende zystische Gebilde mit möglichen Verkalkungszonen; zwischen den Zysten entzündliches Narbengewebe, Knorpel und embryonale Gangsysteme; häufiger kleine als große zystische Nierenanlage.
In 17 girls and 5 women with urinary tract infection and low-pressure reflux we performed 23 bladder-washout-tests. 12 were interpreted as supravesical, 11 as vesical bacteriurias. All patients with vesical bacteriurias had a normal IVP. The majority of patients with supravesical bacteriurias had clubbing and scarring. The possibility of interpreti...
In 16 girls and 12 women with recurrent urinary tract infection without ureterovesical reflux we performed 75 bladder washout-tests. 52 (72%) tests indicated a vesical, 19 (27%) of supravesical bacteriuria. The 16 girls had less often (18%) supravesical bacteriurias than the 12 women (58%). If follows that in the absence of reflux, ascension of bac...
In 14 girls and 5 women with recurrent urinary tract infections after successfull antireflux-operation we performed 72 bladder-wash-out-tests. Whereas preoperatively 50% of the patients had a supravesical bacteriuria, only 25% had it postoperatively. Most of the postoperativ vesical and supravesical bacteriurias were interpreted as reinfections. Th...
In 52 girsl and 38 women with recurrent nonobstructive UTI 529 bacterial samples were obtained from the periurethral area under the following conditions: no bacteriuria and no chemotherapy for at least 3 weeks before the examination. In 225 samples we found E. coli and enterococci as the most frequent potentially uropathogenic bacteria. In the peri...
On the basis of the data mentioned and taking into consideration the fact that the whole complex of problems is not yet clarified unequivocally we come to the following conclusions: 1. Up to now there are no proofs for the fact that the most frequent type of reflux, i.e. the simple reflux of the urine from the urinary bladder into the upper urinary...
Swabs from the periurethra from 160 urologically normal individuals, male and female, of various age groups were examined for potentially uropathogenic enterobacteria. Children from 0--3 years constantly showed (100%) high numbers of different enterobacteria. The frequency of identification and the number of these bacteria diminished abruptly with...
Die meisten Harninfekte werden durch Enterobacteriaceen, Pseudomonaceen oder Streptokokken verursacht. Diese Keime besiedeln den Enddarm. Wir nennen sie daher „Darmkeime“. Sie sollen vom Darm über die periurethralen Schleimhäute in die Harnröhre und schließlich die Blase gelangen. Die Umgebung der Harnröhrenmündung stellte daher sozusagen das Samme...
Aufgrund von Langzeitbeobachtungen in einer prospektiven Studie bei Patienten mit vesikoureteralem Reflux (VUR) mit und ohne rezidivierenden Harnwegsinfekt (HWI) ergaben sich dri Gesichtspukte.
Wir wenden in unserer Klinik folgende Methoden an, um eine Aussage zu bekommen, ob bei einem Harnwegsinfekt nur die Blase oder auch die oberen Harnwege beteiligt sind.
Bladder wash-out tests were performed in a series of patients after successful antireflux surgery. The majority (65.5%) of infections were localized in the bladder, even if the IVP demonstrated signs of pyelonephritis (renal scarring and calcieal clubbing). 21.3% of the tests demonstrated a participation of the upper urinary tract. The bladder bact...
Harninfekt und vesiko-ureteraler Reflux werden, vor allem bei weiblichen Patienten, häufig zusammen angetroffen. Es wurde immer wieder behauptet, der Reflux bedinge ganz wesentlich die Infektanfälligkeit des Harntraktes. Seine operative Beseitigung würde andererseits diese Anfälligkeit zumindest stark verringern. Davon konnten wir uns bisher nicht...
Bladder wash-out tests were performed in a series of patients after successful antireflux surgery. The majority (65.5%) of infections were localized in the bladder, even if the IVP demonstrated signs of pyelonephritis (renal scarring and calcieal clubbing). 21.3% of the tests demonstrated a participation of the upper urinary tract. Th...
It is pointed out for the first time that after supradiaphragmatic rupture of the male urethra, vesico ureteral reflux is apparently always present. The causes of this phenomenon are analyzed. The opinion is advanced that the main cause of the incompetence of the ostium is the impaired function of the trigonal musculature. Strictures and infections...
In 6 families several members had vesico-ureteral reflux and/or recurrent urinary tract infections. From the analysis of the case reports the following tentative conclusions could be drawn: Familial reflux may be caused. 1. by primary insufficiency of the vesico-ureteral junction. 2. possibly by secondary changes consequent to a familial tendency t...
Results over the last 9 yr of urological operations in 6 patients with haemophilia reflect the decreasing risk of surgical intervention as a result of optimal pre-, intra- and postoperative factor VIII and IX substitution. Both good and bad experience has dictated close collaboration with a special blood coagulation laboratory for serial determinat...
Im Laufe von neun Jahren wurden bei sechs Hämophilie-Patienten urologische operative Eingriffe vorgenommen. Die Ergebnisse spiegeln die Entwicklung zu zunehmender Einschränkung des Risikos operativer Maßnahmen unter optimaler prä-, intra- und postoperativer Substitutionstherapie wider. Negative und positive Erfahrungen bei den beschriebenen Fällen...


... While extensive studies have elucidated the bladder infection program of UPEC [25][26][27][28][29][30] , the means through which UPEC colonizes other niches remains to be fully revealed. Multiple studies have reported that UPEC colonizes the vagina prior to acute UTI 9,19,[31][32][33][34] . However, to date, there is limited knowledge into UPEC-vaginal epithelium interactions. ...
... 9 One hundred ninety of 743 (25.6%) cystitis diagnoses in cats with a diagnosis of CKD in the present study were made concurrently with the initial CKD diagnosis. It was also possible, although less likely, that a history of urinary tract infections could have predisposed some cats to CKD. 38 In the present study, diabetes mellitus was associated with a decreased risk of CKD. This finding was in contrast to results of human studies 39,40 that indicate diabetic nephropathy is an important cause of end-stage renal disease. ...
... Inappropriate dosage and antibiotic selection result in treatment failure and an increase in antibiotic resistance; recurrent UTIs in particular can cause long-term harm like renal parenchymal scarring, reduced renal function, hypertension, and chronic kidney disease [15]. Furthermore, the use of antibiotics frequently or anomalies in the urinary tract are risk factors for the development of resistance. ...
... 11 Several studies performed on tumors from different organs have shown that DNA ploidy is an additional predictor for survival and improves accurate prediction of the biologic aggressiveness of a single tumor in addition to established prognostic parameters such as tumor stage and histologic grading. [12][13][14] DNA ploidy is measured by single cell DNA cytophotometry and describes the chromosome number of tumor cells differentiating diploid tumor cells characterized by a normal set of chromosomes from aneu-ploid tumor cells showing irregular DNA content. The significance of DNA ploidy as an independent prognostic factor for RCC is less clear 15 and thus is addressed in this study. ...