M. Scarano's scientific contributions

Publications (4)

A population of Microtus (Tyrrhenicola) henseli (Major) coming from the late Pleistocene ossiferous breccias of Cava Alabastro (Is Oreris, south-western Sardinia) is considered. The analysis of the M 3 and M 1 shows a great morphological variability that permits to distinguish 11 morphological variants in M 1 and 8 in M 3. A similar variability cha...
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Fossil birds and mammals from cave deposits in Ingarano are described. The age of this fauna is referable to late Pleistocene by the occurrence of Nyctea scandiaca, Coelodonta antiquitatis, Equus hydruntinus and Cervus dama dama. The occurrence of peculiar faunal features permits some palaeoclimatic and palaeoenvironmental considerations. -from Eng...


... An overview is given by Topál (2001), who describes Pleistocene fossils from Hungary, Romania, Spain, and Austria. From the Iberian and Apennine peninsula, records of the Young Pleistocene are also reported (Minieri et al. 1995). ...
... The bone breccias and cave deposits are principally situated from the karst areas of the central and western subregions of Sardinia (e.g. Barbagia, Baronie, Ogliastra, Nurra, Monreale, Sulcis-Iglesiente) (Comaschi Caria, 1970;Malatesta, 1954Malatesta, , 1970Malatesta, , 1977Ulzega et al., 1980;Gliozzi et al., 1984;Minieri et al., 1995;Palombo et al., 2003;Abbazzi et al., 2004;Madurell-Malapeira et al., 2015;. However, bone breccias rich in mammal remains were also recorded at small calcareous outcrops (e.g. ...
... Mammal remains from Ingarano have been studied in a number of works (Capasso Barbato et al. 1992;Petronio et al. 1996;Petronio and Sardella 1998;Bedetti and Pavia 2007;Iurino 2014;Iurino et al. 2015;Mecozzi et al. 2020bMecozzi et al. , 2021b. The level B was dated with the 329 Th/ 234 U method providing an age of 40 ± 2 ka. ...