M. Moneimne's research while affiliated with University of Pennsylvania and other places

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Publications (1)

Figure 1. Overview of the framework.
Figure 2. (a) Initial position of an agent in a "restaurant"; (b) possible positions (goals) for this agent; (c) agent can find a more comfortable position in the restaurant and move; (d) there is no position comfortable enough, so the agent moves to another "restaurant. "
Figure 3. Illustration of the first decision layer: discomfort level for different clothing factors as the air temperature changes.
Figure 4. Effect of temporal exposure window on thermal comfort: no integration in (a) and with integration in (b). Snapshots (2D view on the top, oblique 3D view on the bottom) were taken when door closed.
Figure 5. Simulation results using different weights ? for the thermal and density discomfort levels. Images on the top are 2D views of the environment, and the bottom images are 3D views.


Crowd Simulation Incorporating Thermal Environments and Responsive Behaviors
  • Article
  • Full-text available

August 2018


717 Reads


8 Citations

Presence Teleoperators & Virtual Environments

L. Chen






Crowd simulation addresses algorithmic approaches to steering, navigation, perception, and behavioral models. Significant progress has been achieved in modeling interactions between agents and the environment to avoid collisions, exploit empirical local decision data, and plan efficient paths to goals. We address a relatively unexplored dimension of virtual human behavior: thermal perception, comfort, and appropriate behavioral responses. Thermal comfort is associated with the ambient environment, agent density factors, and interpersonal thermal feedback. A key feature of our approach is the temporal integration of both thermal exposure and occupant density to directly influence agent movements and behaviors (e.g., clothing changes) to increase thermal comfort. Empirical thermal comfort models are incorporated as a validation basis. Simple heat transfer models are used to model environment, agent, and interpersonal heat exchange. Our model’s generality makes it applicable to any existing crowd steering algorithm as it adds additional integrative terms to any cost function. Examples illustrate distinctive emergent behaviors such as balancing agent density with thermal comfort, hysteresis in responding to localized or brief thermal events, and discomfort and likely injury produced by extreme packing densities.


Citations (1)

... Weather has been identified as one of the triggering causes of riots or violent behavior in crowds (Anderson & Anderson, 1998;Wijermans et al., 2007). The effect of temperature on human behavior is widely studied in the literature (Lynott et al., 2017;Chen et al., 2018). Temperature can influence human behavior both in direct and indirect ways. ...


Crowd risk prediction in a spiritually motivated crowd
Crowd Simulation Incorporating Thermal Environments and Responsive Behaviors

Presence Teleoperators & Virtual Environments