M. Belin's research while affiliated with Paris Diderot University and other places

Publications (23)

STM images of clean vicinal copper surfaces are presented. The order of magnitude of the diffusion coefficient deduced from these images show that they reflect the structure of the surface in equilibrium at room temperature, on a length-scale of tens of nm. The correlation function along step edges and the terrace-width distribution are evaluated a...
We have obtained atomically resolved scanning tunneling microscopy images of sulfur adsorbed on two copper surfaces. These surfaces, the Cu(11,1,1) face and the Cu(8,1,0) face, which are both vicinal from the (100) plane, differ essentially by the atomic structure of their step edges. Two sulfur superstructures are resolved on both surfaces, a p(2×...
Two superstructures of adsorbed sulfur coexisting on the stepped Cu(11 1 1) surface are identified by scanning tunneling microscopy. A p(2×2) and a c(4×2) structures are atomically resolved and their interaction with the steps investigated. The direction taken by a step edge is found to be strongly correlated with the sulfur arrangement on the adja...
Scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) has been established as an important surface sensitive technique both in the domain of atomic imaging [1] and surface electronic spectroscopy [2]. The interpretation of the images relies mostly on the theory of Tersoff and Hamman [3], who have demonstrated that, in the limit of small applied bias and for a spheri...
An insulating layer is produced on aluminum by glow discharge in CF4. This substrate, used as the insulator of metal-insulator-metal diodes is characterized by Inelastic Electron Tunneling Spectroscopy as an aluminum trifluoride AlF3. The adsorption of ammonia, benzylamine. formic and propiolic acid on this substrate is investigated. A comparison b...
The electronic transitions 5I8→5I7 of Ho3+ and 4I15/2→4I13/2 of Er3+ ions have been previously observed by inelastic tunneling spectroscopy at 645 and 811 meV, respectively [A. Adane et al., Solid State Commun. 16 1071 (1975)]. In this paper we present an analysis of the intensity of the observed structures in order to understand why the oscillator...
This paper is devoted to the study of aluminum-oxide-metal tunneling junctions where the oxide has been grown on aluminum by glow discharge in water vapor. The inelastic electron tunneling spectra obtained from these samples have been investigated and new assignments of the observed bands are proposed. In particular, evidence for the presence of A1...
This paper is devoted to an experimental study of relative intensities in inelastic electron tunneling spectra of organic molecules. The theoretical framework is given by the first theory of tunneling intensities, the theory of Scalapino and Marcus. We compare the predictions of this theory with our experimental data and find evidence for an import...
The difficulties in assigning certain modes of carboxylic acids adsorbed on alumina are discussed. The study of the spectra of marked acetic acid CH3C18O18OH adsorbed on alumina has allowed us to clarify the assignments of the acetate ion formed. Then an examination of the spectra at very low coverages has enabled us to propose a model for the adso...
Inelastic Election Tunneling Spectrometry (IETS) yielded useful information on the interaction of Acetylcholine and its analog β-Methylacetylcholine with an alumina surface. The spectra obtained are discussed in comparison with infrared and Raman spectra of the same molecules in solid state and in aqueous solutions studied previously by the authors...
The theoretical upper limit of the critical temperature of superconducting materials is discussed. It is concluded that a metal that does not have a high Debye temperature (as do metallic H, B, Be or their alloys) cannot become a high Tc superconductor. Various attempts at enhancing the Tc of Be by quench condensing with various elements, by coevap...
Inelastic Electron Tunneling Spectroscopy of CO adsorbed on alumina supported Rh allows the observation of the low frequency metal-carbon vibrational modes (~1000 cm−1) that cannot be seen by Infrared Spectroscopy. We present a preliminary attempt to assign the modes observed, using istopic shifts .
We wish to discuss the application of IETS to the observation of electronic, rather than vibrational transitions. This extension of the method seemed interesting for several reasons. First, one can expect electronic energy levels to be particularly sensitive to the binding of the molecule to the oxide layer, and to give useful information on absorp...
Beryllium is an exciting superconductor in that the theoretical upper limit for its Tc is 140 K. We discuss here the possibility of increasing the critical temperature of the vapour quenched phase whose Tc is already 9.5 K. Tunnelling into films of this phase indicates that it is a weak coupling superconductor (λ < 0.6). Consequently, its Tc could...
Up to a recent time, Inelastic Electron Tunneling has been observed when exciting vibrational modes of ions. In this paper, we report the excitation of transition in rare earth oxides involving the motion of electrons. This confirms the generality of this new spectroscopy. The theoretical explanation of the size of the experimental effects needs im...
The inelastic tunneling of electrons in a metal-insulator-metal junction has been shown to be a spectroscopic method for studying the vibrational modes of the whole system. In the present paper we consider the possibility of deducing precise information from this spectroscopy. The low-voltage part of the spectrum (i.e., the d2I/dV2-vs-V characteris...
Tunneling experiments have been performed into the N side of N-S (Cu-Pb) sandwiches. Oscillations in the electron tunneling density of states for energies E less than Delta, the energy gap of lead, has been shown. These oscillations correspond to bound states for the quasi-particles in the pair potential well.


... In the same fashion, even though the work that has been done on alloys of Be (Z = 4) is less, the potential for high T C values in Be compounds has been shown practically [25,26]. Beryllium tends to form Be-rich compounds like ReBe 22 , but unlike the case of the super hydrides, these low-Z rich compounds can often be synthesized at ambient pressure. ...
... That the mechanism of the current flow through one monolayer is tunneling in nature has also been confirmed by direct measurements of tunneling spec tra [168,314] and the Josephson effect [315]. ...
... The analysis of the terrace width distribution were performed on stepped Cu (001) and (111) Table 3. Studies by Rousset et al. [167] of the terracewidth distribution on Cu(1,1,11) and Cu(810) at room temperature were found to fit a Gaussian and enabled the interaction strength to be determined via (4.5). For Cu(1,1,11), A=15.6 meVÅ was obtained. ...
... Inhomogeneous superconducting states also exhibit features at energies inside the gap. Surface bound states in a normal metal overlayer on a superconductor were predicted first by de Gennes & Saint-James [19,20] and measured by Rowell [21] and Bellanger et al. [22]. These de Gennes-Saint-James bound states have a natural explanation in terms of the so-called Andreev reflection process, an extremely fruitful physical picture suggested in 1964 by Andreev [23,24]. ...
... 4(b), which is a mechanism extensively discussed in previous Refs. [14,[25][26][27]. Considering the lower excitation efficiency in the IES process compared with that in the CI process [28,29], the emission intensities in region (II) is expected to be significantly weaker than those in region (I), which is consistent with our experimental observation (FIG. ...
... In total these two mechanism cause a Gaussian shaped smearing of spectroscopic features of Γ Fermi,RF ≈ 9.2 meV. The third mechanism of spectral broadening is modulation broadening which causes a smearing with the shape of a semicircle χ with a diameter of 2eV mod [18,24]. ...
... [22][23][24][25] For over a quarter of a century, ASW films have been the subject of intense study for unveiling anomalous physical and thermodynamic properties of liquid water [26][27][28][29][30][31][32][33][34][35] as well as for exploring crystallization processes of interfacial water. [1][2][3][4][5][6][36][37][38][39][40][41][42][43][44] ASW films are also known as a dominant solid substance covering dust particles in interstellar space, 45,46 where an ASW mantle with a typical thickness of 5 nm coexists with a partially crystallized form of ice. 47,48 The surfaces of the ultrathin ASW and crystalline ice (CI) mantles play crucial roles in stimulating molecular evolution and spin-isomer conversion, [49][50][51] which are particularly important in astrochemical and astrophysical environments. ...
... On oxides, the acid splits heterolytically, leading to an acetate bound to the cation and a proton reacting with a surface oxygen atom or surface hydroxyl group. This has been reported for basic oxides, such as MgO [34][35][36][37] and CaO [35], and for more acidic oxides, such as GeO 2 [39], Al 2 O 3 [40], TiO 2 [41], NiO [42,43], MoO 3 [36], and α-Fe 2 O 3 [38]. On relatively acidic oxides like ZnO and MnO also a protonated form of the acid has been reported [35]. ...
... of the primitive cell of the isolated layer. –GIC, the graphitic and the intercalant lattices are incommensurate [61] , and the presence of FeCl 3 islands in the van der Waals gaps was pointed out by scanning tunnelling microscopy [62]. In the case of the SbCl 5 –GIC, according to Mössbauer spectroscopy experiments, which point out the simultaneous presence of Sb 5? (SbCl À 6 and SbCl 5 species) and Sb 3? (SbCl À 4 and SbCl 3 species) ions in proportions depending on the synthesis conditions [31, 63] , two intercalated species are present between the graphene sheets resulting from the chemical reaction [29]: ...
... There have been a number of other studies of S on Cu(111). 4,12,[15][16][17][18][19][20][21] The work most relevant to the current study is that of Wahlström et al., 20,21 who characterized this system at temperatures down to 50 K and discovered a number of low-temperature ordered phases. The lowest-coverage phase was a ( √ 43 × √ 43) R ± 7.5 • (hereafter referred to as √ 43) reconstruction with an ideal coverage of 0.27 monolayers (ML) and a disordering temperature of 170 K. ...