Lynn Crawford's research while affiliated with The University of Sydney and other places

Publications (4)

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Project leadership increasingly occurs in the context of ecological risks, whether from a viral pandemic or an anthropogenically changing climate. It requires adaptability to change, especially as projects grow in complexity, becoming seen as interventions into wider systems. In this paper, we take a socialized perspective, synthesising recent work...
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In this article, we consider a variety of different mechanisms through which crises such as COVID-19 can propagate from the micro-economic behaviour of individual agents through to an economy’s aggregate dynamics and subsequently spill over into the global economy. Our central theme is one of changes in the behaviour of heterogeneous agents, agents...
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Preparing well before entering a contract is always vital, independent of the characteristics of the project and type of contract. However, as projects become larger and more complex, and value for stakeholders and society becomes the dominating perspective on success, the need for well-developed collaboration is becoming more and more critical. In...
The discipline of project management has evolved over the years, yet projects still run into trouble, failing entirely, running late, or not delivering expected benefits. Program and portfolio managers need assistance identifying potentially troubled projects while they are being delivered, allowing time to intervene. We report on our investigation...


... Such a reductionist approach is particularly problematic for wicked problems because they defy objective decisions of what is good or bad (Rittell and Webber, 1973). Whyte et al.'s (2022) 'socialised leadership' perspective challenges this mainstream project leadership theory and research by proposing active engagement with plurality of values through continued democratic deliberations and moving beyond the cognitive undertone in equating the creation of a value and a vision. However, crucial limitations remain that revolve around privileging compromise making over E-mail address: ...
... The EMH suggests that such phenomena occur due to rational agents reacting to external news in the market [19]. However, when such dynamics emerge endogenously, i.e. in the absence of external news, the traditional economic frameworks struggle to explain such stylized facts [20] or the deviation from equilibrium [21], demanding adequate models explaining the 'wildness' of market dynamics [22][23][24]. ...
... Finally, this study suggests that neglecting safety can lead to financial losses, encouraging the rigorous monitoring of safety performance and appropriate budget allocation at all project stages. Table 2 shows comparative and improvement strategies in contract management of different types of industries [50][51][52][53][54][55][56]. This table indicates the role of clear, specific, and adaptable contracts in promoting technology transfer, collaboration, and dispute resolution across industries like oil, construction, manufacturing, and higher education. ...
... We expect these practices to interact with the project managers' psychological traits and their incentives to accurately report their projects' health. In addition, we encourage researchers to investigate the consequences of statusreporting behavior for project portfolios (e.g., Hopmere et al., 2020) and across multiple project sequences (e.g., Felix, 2016;Kock & Gemünden, 2019;Midler, 2013). For example, if project managers pursue the strategy to secure more resources by intentionally misreporting the project status, this could very well not only affect other projects' resource allocation but also shape the climate of a company. ...