Luz Herrero Castilla's scientific contributions

Publication (1)

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Microalgae wastewater treatment systems have the potential for producing added-value products. More specifically, cyanobacteria are able to accumulate polyhydroxybutyrates (PHBs), which can be extracted and used for bioplastics production. Nonetheless, PHB production requires proper culture conditions and continue monitoring, challenging the state-...


... Thermomechanical studies of polymer systems were performed using thermomechanical analyzer Discovery 450 TMA (TA Instruments, Waters Co., USA) with the penetration method in the mode of uniaxial constant load (σ = 0.5 MPa) using the UIP-70M unit. Linear heating of the samples was performed at a rate of 2.5 • C/min [29,30]. The research was conducted in the temperature range from 20 to 200 • C. ...