Lothar Thiele's research while affiliated with ETH Zurich and other places

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Publications (638)

Inter-Task Energy-Hotspot Elimination in Fixed-Priority Real-Time Embedded Systems
  • Article

January 2024


7 Reads

IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems



Lothar Thiele

Multitask real-time embedded systems are often restricted by tight energy budgets, whilst they usually have environmental interactions through software-controlled energy-hungry peripheral modules like LTE, WiFi, and GSM. The way that the driver calls are used within the embedded software to do such a control introduces program energy-hotspots (EHs) from the peripheral module perspective, namely the code pieces wasting the system energy. By the energy waste, we mean that the energy consumption is reducible via some program code modifications without threatening the system schedulability and logical correctness. This paper examines the program EHs of fixed-priority real-time tasks where two types of energy inefficiency can occur: Intra-task type, causing energy waste even if a task runs individually, and inter-task type, happening due to the interaction between different system tasks, namely preemption scenarios even if there is no intra-task EH. The main cause of such EHs is the unnecessary time intervals between the driver calls, causing extra energy consumption by peripheral modules. We propose some static analysis methods to automatically detect and eliminate both types of intra-and inter-task EHs regarding their mutual relevance, according to the extreme (worst-case and best-case) execution times of certain task code parts. Our manipulations on the tasks to eliminate the EHs include some program code modifications with the awareness of system schedulability and logical correctness, and changing some scheduling decisions, namely limiting the preemption points. After applying our proposed method to the test tasks, our simulation results show an energy reduction of up to 19 percent.


Fig. 1: Overview of MIMONet. In the left part, gray circles represent neurons inducing intra-model redundancy. In the right part, green circles denote sharable neurons inducing inter-model redundancy. Best viewed in color. reduces the intra-model redundancy. However, it does not consider the characteristics of the MIMO framework, for instance, the MIMO framework is naturally multi-branching and exists inter-model redundancy. Therefore, aiming to reduce such redundancy intuitively can boost model compression performance. Furthermore, inspired by the idea from one cross-model compression work MTZ [21], we perform weights merging between multiple independent branches to improve model compression efficacy further. In summary, in MIMONet we focus on both intra-model redundancy and inter-model redundancy, and thus can theoretically further improve the compression effectiveness and achieve efficient on-device deployment.
Fig. 3: Data examples of RAVDESS dataset [13].
MIMONet: Multi-Input Multi-Output On-Device Deep Learning
  • Preprint
  • File available

July 2023


34 Reads

Future intelligent robots are expected to process multiple inputs simultaneously (such as image and audio data) and generate multiple outputs accordingly (such as gender and emotion), similar to humans. Recent research has shown that multi-input single-output (MISO) deep neural networks (DNN) outperform traditional single-input single-output (SISO) models, representing a significant step towards this goal. In this paper, we propose MIMONet, a novel on-device multi-input multi-output (MIMO) DNN framework that achieves high accuracy and on-device efficiency in terms of critical performance metrics such as latency, energy, and memory usage. Leveraging existing SISO model compression techniques, MIMONet develops a new deep-compression method that is specifically tailored to MIMO models. This new method explores unique yet non-trivial properties of the MIMO model, resulting in boosted accuracy and on-device efficiency. Extensive experiments on three embedded platforms commonly used in robotic systems, as well as a case study using the TurtleBot3 robot, demonstrate that MIMONet achieves higher accuracy and superior on-device efficiency compared to state-of-the-art SISO and MISO models, as well as a baseline MIMO model we constructed. Our evaluation highlights the real-world applicability of MIMONet and its potential to significantly enhance the performance of intelligent robotic systems.


Figure 5: Test accuracies of original and localised (up to 99%) AGCRNs and AGFormers, tested on blockchain datasets (Bytom, Decentraland and Golem). Horizontal dash lines represent the baselines of non-localised AGCRNs and AGFormers.
Computation cost during inference on original and 99%-localised AGCRNs and AGformsers. The amount of computation is measured in MFLOPs, and acceleration factors are calculated in the round brackets.
Performance of 99%-localised AGCRNs compared with other non-localised ASTGNN architectures on transportation datasets.
Classification accuracy (%) of localised GCN and GAT on citation graph datasets.
Dataset-specific hyperparameter setup for AGCRN and AGFormer.
Localised Adaptive Spatial-Temporal Graph Neural Network

June 2023


84 Reads

Spatial-temporal graph models are prevailing for abstracting and modelling spatial and temporal dependencies. In this work, we ask the following question: \textit{whether and to what extent can we localise spatial-temporal graph models?} We limit our scope to adaptive spatial-temporal graph neural networks (ASTGNNs), the state-of-the-art model architecture. Our approach to localisation involves sparsifying the spatial graph adjacency matrices. To this end, we propose Adaptive Graph Sparsification (AGS), a graph sparsification algorithm which successfully enables the localisation of ASTGNNs to an extreme extent (fully localisation). We apply AGS to two distinct ASTGNN architectures and nine spatial-temporal datasets. Intriguingly, we observe that spatial graphs in ASTGNNs can be sparsified by over 99.5\% without any decline in test accuracy. Furthermore, even when ASTGNNs are fully localised, becoming graph-less and purely temporal, we record no drop in accuracy for the majority of tested datasets, with only minor accuracy deterioration observed in the remaining datasets. However, when the partially or fully localised ASTGNNs are reinitialised and retrained on the same data, there is a considerable and consistent drop in accuracy. Based on these observations, we reckon that \textit{(i)} in the tested data, the information provided by the spatial dependencies is primarily included in the information provided by the temporal dependencies and, thus, can be essentially ignored for inference; and \textit{(ii)} although the spatial dependencies provide redundant information, it is vital for the effective training of ASTGNNs and thus cannot be ignored during training. Furthermore, the localisation of ASTGNNs holds the potential to reduce the heavy computation overhead required on large-scale spatial-temporal data and further enable the distributed deployment of ASTGNNs.

Representing Input Transformations by Low-Dimensional Parameter Subspaces

May 2023


40 Reads

Deep models lack robustness to simple input transformations such as rotation, scaling, and translation, unless they feature a particular invariant architecture or undergo specific training, e.g., learning the desired robustness from data augmentations. Alternatively, input transformations can be treated as a domain shift problem, and solved by post-deployment model adaptation. Although a large number of methods deal with transformed inputs, the fundamental relation between input transformations and optimal model weights is unknown. In this paper, we put forward the configuration subspace hypothesis that model weights optimal for parameterized continuous transformations can reside in low-dimensional linear subspaces. We introduce subspace-configurable networks to learn these subspaces and observe their structure and surprisingly low dimensionality on all tested transformations, datasets and architectures from computer vision and audio signal processing domains. Our findings enable efficient model reconfiguration, especially when limited storage and computing resources are at stake.

Fig. 1. In the considered scenario multiple distributed energy harvesting nodes sense the control plant and communicate this data to the MPC. The MPC determines the actuation for controlling the plant.
Fig. 2. Energy-related information flows between the main components: energy harvesting subsystem, energy consumer, finite-horizon energy control, and self-triggered MPC. The energy control updates with period ∆ epoch and determines the energy E prov (T m ) that nodes can provide in epoch m. Sensor nodes used E used (T m−1 ) in the previous epoch m − 1 and node s has initial energy storage state E stor, s (T m ). The self-triggered MPC performs unevenly distributed control updates in epoch m with distance ∆ m,i in accordance with the provided energy and control demand.
Fig. 3. The model of the energy harvesting subsystem of each node 1 ≤ s ≤ S.
Fig. 6. When the reference changes, the self-triggered MPC performs frequent control updates and thus quickly regulates the output to the new reference value. This results in higher energy usage at the harvesting-based nodes and therefore a dip in their energy storage state of charge. The short time between control updates and exploited energy flexibility are subsequently compensated by longer time intervals between control updates.
Fig. 7. A number of diferent disturbances afect the room's temperature and air quality.
Self-triggered Control with Energy Harvesting Sensor Nodes

May 2023


66 Reads

ACM Transactions on Cyber-Physical Systems

Distributed embedded systems are pervasive components jointly operating in a wide range of applications. Moving towards energy harvesting powered systems enables their long-term, sustainable, scalable, and maintenance-free operation. When these systems are used as components of an automatic control system to sense a control plant, energy availability limits when and how often sensed data is obtainable, and therefore when and how often control updates can be performed. The time-varying and non-deterministic availability of harvested energy and the necessity to plan the energy usage of the energy harvesting sensor nodes ahead of time, on the one hand, have to be balanced with the dynamically changing and complex demand for control updates from the automatic control plant and thus energy usage, on the other hand. We propose a hierarchical approach with which the resources of the energy harvesting sensor nodes are managed on a long time horizon and on a faster time scale, self-triggered model predictive control controls the plant. The controller of the harvesting-based nodes’ resources schedules the future energy usage ahead of time and the self-triggered model predictive control incorporates these time-varying energy constraints. For this novel combination of energy harvesting and automatic control systems, we derive provable properties in terms of correctness, feasibility, and performance. We evaluate the approach on a double integrator and demonstrate its usability and performance in a room temperature and air quality control case study.

LSR: Energy-Efficient Multi-Modulation Communication for Inhomogeneous Wireless IoT Networks

January 2023


24 Reads


2 Citations

ACM Transactions on Internet of Things

In many real-world wireless IoT networks, the application dictates the location of the nodes and therefore the link characteristics are inhomogeneous. Furthermore, nodes may in many scenarios only communicate with the Internet-attached gateway via multiple hops. If an energy-efficient short-range modulation scheme is used, nodes that are reachable only via high-path-loss links cannot communicate. Using a more energy-demanding long-range modulation allows connecting more nodes but would be inefficient for nodes that are easily reachable via low-path-loss links. Combining multiple modulations is challenging as low-power radios usually only support the use of a single modulation at a time. In this paper, we present the Long-Short-Range (LSR) protocol which supports low-power multi-hop communication using multiple modulations and is suited for networks with inhomogeneous link characteristics. To reduce the inherent redundancy of long-range modulations, we present a method to determine the connectivity graph of the network during regular data communication without adding significant overhead. In simulations, we show that LSR allows for reducing power consumption significantly for many scenarios when compared to a state-of-the-art multi-hop communication protocol using a single long-range modulation. We demonstrate the applicability of LSR with an implementation on real hardware and a testbed with long-range links.

GhostViT: Expediting Vision Transformers Via Cheap Operations

January 2023


5 Reads


1 Citation

IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence

Vision Transformers (ViTs) have recently achieved promising results in various computer vision tasks. However, ViTs have high computation costs and a large number of parameters due to the stacked multi-head self-attention (MHSA) and expanded feed-forward network (FFN) modules. Since the complexity of Transformer-based models is quadratic with the length of the input tokens, most current efforts focus on reducing the number of tokens in ViTs to improve the model efficiency. Unlike previous studies, we argue that diverse redundant features help ViTs understand the data comprehensively. In this paper, we propose GhostViT, which achieves both computation and storage efficiency. The key concept of GhostViT is to generate more diverse features using cheap operations in the MHSA and FFN modules. We experimentally demonstrate that our GhostViT can significantly reduce both the parameters and FLOPs of ViTs while achieving the similar or better accuracy. For example, about 14% of parameters and 17% of FLOPs of the DeiT-tiny model are reduced without any accuracy loss on the ImageNet-1 K dataset. The codes and trained models can be found at https://github.com/HuCaoFighting/GhostViT .

Citations (64)

... This holistic approach maximizes the potential 1 of healthcare technology, ensuring prompt and effective responses to reliability in recognizing and responding to various behaviors. 23 The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section II illustrates 24 the rationale and detailed design of the proposed RESAM system. ...


A Rapid Response System for Elderly Safety Monitoring Using Progressive Hierarchical Action Recognition
Measuring what Really Matters: Optimizing Neural Networks for TinyML

... This presents a significant challenge when dealing with large-scale spatial-temporal data, where computational efficiency is paramount. Pioneering work [10] has explored this aspect, improving the efficiency of ASTGNNs during inference via sparsification of the spatial graph. However, the sparsification of the spatial graph relies heavily on the training framework and can only be conducted after the training phase, leaving the efficiency of the training phase itself untouched. ...

Localised Adaptive Spatial-Temporal Graph Neural Network
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • August 2023

... More recent proposals such as ASTGCN [11], STG2Seq [2], and LSGCN [12] further employ attention mechanisms to model dynamic spatial dependencies and temporal dependencies. In addition, some researchers consider the out-of-distribution generalisation of STGNN, and propose a domain generalisation framework based on hypernetworks to solve this problem [10]. However, these models adopt a predefined graph structure, which may not reflect the complete spatial dependency. ...

Combating Distribution Shift for Accurate Time Series Forecasting via Hypernetworks
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • January 2023

... The authors also introduced an updated Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) schedule. This work in [19] is driven by the imperative challenge of enabling energy harvesting nodes to efficiently integrate into centrally controlled multi-hop wireless networks. Energy harvesting nodes, reliant on ambient energy sources like solar panels, confront a profound predicament due to their constrained and erratic energy availability. ...

Energy-Efficient Bootstrapping in Multi-hop Harvesting-Based Networks
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • January 2023

... The system comprises another station on stable terrain next to the RG allowing for a differential positioning calculation. Further RGs in Switzerland are equipped with permanent GNSS instruments [76] but they were not further considered in this study. Finally, at one RG (I03/Napfen) a laser distance measurement device is used to measure RG frontal advancement (i.e. ...

In situ observations of the Swiss periglacial environment using GNSS instruments

Earth System Science Data

... The actual transducer is a few grams of magnetized mass that is attached to a precisely engineered and adjusted spring. This spring has been calibrated to extract energy from the resonate frequency generated by an alternating current [33]. Nonetheless, a significant obstacle in vibration-based energy harvesting is [34] determining how to link the frequency of the device we plan to power and the selected source, which could be radio frequency, solar, or another. ...

Stochastic Guarantees for Adaptive Energy Harvesting Systems
  • Citing Article
  • November 2022

IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems

... The objective of the best effort scheduler is to maximize the performance. The problem of the resilient scheduling against the energy-harvesting rate prediction error is studied in [53]. An energy-resilient scheduler is proposed for periodic tasks with multiple performance levels. ...

Energy-Resilient Real-Time Scheduling
  • Citing Article
  • August 2022

IEEE Transactions on Computers

... In all three approaches, nodes send 20 byte data packets in communication rounds with a period of 5 min. This period is the longest supported by the hardware without losing synchronization between rounds [24]. The multi-hop communication in DRB and the multi-hop baseline follows the LWB protocol [3]. ...

Poster Abstract: Selective Flooding-Based Communication for Energy Harvesting Networks
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • May 2022

... We use two energy traces from the dataset presented in [42] from two oices starting in September 2018. Although the harvested energy in indoor environments is challenging to predict [45], the energy controller requires a prediction for each node. We evaluate the system behavior and performance for two predictors with diferent accuracies. ...

Accurate Onboard Predictions for Indoor Energy Harvesting using Random Forests
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • June 2022