Linsay J Macdonald's research while affiliated with The University of Edinburgh and other places

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Publications (6)

Contribution of Endogenous Glucocorticoids and Their Intravascular Metabolism by 11β-HSDs to Postangioplasty Neointimal Proliferation in Mice
  • Article

November 2012


15 Reads


18 Citations



Linsay J Macdonald


Lucinda Low




Patrick W F Hadoke

Exogenous glucocorticoids inhibit neointimal proliferation in animals. We aimed to test the hypothesis that endogenous glucocorticoids influence neointimal proliferation; this may be mediated by effects on systemic risk factors or locally in vessels and modulated by either adrenal secretion or enzymes expressed in vessels that mediate local inactivation [11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type II (11β-HSD2) in endothelium] or regeneration [11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type I (11β-HSD1) in smooth muscle] of glucocorticoids. Femoral artery wire angioplasty was conducted in C57BL/6J, Apo-E(-/-), 11β-HSD1(-/-), Apo-E, 11β-HSD1(-/-) (double knockout), and 11β-HSD2(-/-) mice after glucocorticoid administration, adrenalectomy, glucocorticoid or mineralocorticoid receptor antagonism, or selective 11β-HSD1 inhibition. In C57BL/6J mice, neointimal proliferation was reduced by systemic or local glucocorticoid administration, unaffected by adrenalectomy, reduced by the mineralocorticoid receptor antagonist eplerenone, and increased by the glucocorticoid receptor antagonist RU38486. 11β-HSD2 deletion had no effect on neointimal proliferation, with or without eplerenone. 11β-HSD1 inhibition or deletion had no effect in chow-fed C57BL/6J mice but reduced neointimal proliferation in Apo-E(-/-) mice on Western diet. Reductions in neointimal size were accompanied by reduced macrophage and increased collagen content. We conclude that pharmacological administration of glucocorticoid receptor agonists or of mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists may be useful in reducing neointimal proliferation. Endogenous corticosteroids induce beneficial glucocorticoid receptor activation and adverse mineralocorticoid receptor activation. However, manipulation of glucocorticoid metabolism has beneficial effects only in mice with exaggerated systemic risk factors, suggesting effects mediated primarily in liver and adipose rather than intravascular glucocorticoid signaling. Reducing glucocorticoid action with 11β-HSD1 inhibitors that are being developed for type 2 diabetes appears not to risk enhanced neointimal proliferation.


Fig. 1. TCN 201 antagonism of NMDAR-mediated responses is both subtype-and glycine-dependent and more potent than TCN 213. (ai), upper panel, molecular structure of TCN 201. Lower panel, TEVC currents recorded from an oocyte expressing GluN1/GluN2A NMDARs in response to application of glutamate (30 mM) and glycine (10 mM, left-hand trace; 30 mM, righthand trace). TCN 201 (10 mM) was applied as indicated and inhibited the glutamate/glycine-evoked response but the extent of the inhibition was dependent on the glycine concentration. (aii), upper panel, molecular structure of TCN 213. Lower panel, a series of similar TEVC current traces in equivalent conditions, but recorded in the presence of TCN 213 (10 mM). (aiii), bar graphs summarizing the mean data obtained from a series of experiments that investigated the glycine-dependency of TCN 201 (10 mM, n ¼ 12; 30 mM, n ¼ 8) and TCN 213 (10 mM, n ¼ 11; 30 mM, n ¼ 9) antagonism of steady-state responses at GluN1/GluN2A NMDARs. (b), a series of representative TEVC current traces illustrating similar experiments as in (a), but where the glycine concentration was fixed (30 mM) and glutamate was applied at either 3, 10 or 30 mM. The bar graph
Fig. 3. Schild analysis of TCN 201 antagonism of GluN1/GluN2A NMDAR-mediated responses. (a), illustration of a set of TEVC current traces, obtained from an oocyte expressing GluN1/GluN2A NMDARs, used to generate 'two-point' doseeresponse curves in either the absence or presence of TCN 201 (0.3 and 1 mM; n ¼ 7). (b), as in (a) but for higher TCN 201 concentrations (3 and 10 mM; n ¼ 7). (c) and (d), partial, low-concentration, doseeresponse curves obtained from the TEVC current traces illustrated in (a) and (b), respectively, and used to estimate dose ratios (DR 0.3, 1, 3, 10 ). The slope of the fitted line to the control responses (no TCN 201;-) was used to fit the responses obtained in the presence of 0.3 mM (•), 1 mM (▲), 3 mM (▼) and 10 mM (♦). (e), Schild plot for antagonism by TCN 201 of GluN1/GluN2A NMDARs using dose-ratios estimated from a series experiments such as that illustrated in (c) and (d). A 'free' fit of the 0.3, 1 and 3 mM TCN 201 data points gave has a slope of 0.98 which was considered not to be significantly different from 1 (95% confidence
Fig. 4. Antagonism by TCN 201 of native NMDAR-mediated responses in rat cortical cultures. (a), left, example steady-state whole-cell currents activated by NMDA (50 mM) and glycine (3 mM) recorded from cortical pyramidal cells voltage-clamped at À70 mV from (ai), DIV 9e10 neurones, (aii), DIV 9e10 neurones transfected with GluN2A NMDAR subunits, and (aiii), DIV 15e18 neurones. To the right, traces illustrate the sensitivity of each of these NMDAR-mediated currents to the GluN2B-selective antagonist, ifenprodil (3 mM) and the subsequent sensitivity of the ifenprodil-insensitive component of this current to TCN 201 (10 mM). (b), left, bar graph summarizing the mean percentage ifenprodil block of NMDARmediated currents recorded from DIV 9e10 neurones (n ¼ 7), GluN2A-transfected DIV 9e10 neurones (n ¼ 6), and DIV 15e18 neurones (n ¼ 9). Right, mean percentage TCN 201 block (expressed as a percentage of the original current magnitude) of NMDAR-mediated currents recorded from neurones in each of the three categories illustrated in (a). (c), plot illustrating the extent of ifenprodil and TCN 201 antagonism of NMDA-evoked currents from the same cell. Despite a wide range in the amount of block produced by either ifenprodil or TCN 201 (particularly for recordings from GluN2A-transfected and from neurones in older cultures) the data show a strong (negative) correlation (R 2 ¼ 0.91).
Inhibition curves for TCN 201 antagonism of GluN1/GluN2A NMDAR-mediated responses activated by co-agonists glycine or d-serine. (ai), TEVC trace recorded from an oocyte expressing GluN1/GluN2A NMDARs and voltage-clamped at −30 mV. The upper bar in this trace and in panels (aii), (ci) and (cii) indicates the duration of the bath application of glutamate/glycine, while the shaded bar in this panel (and in (ai), (ci) and (cii)) indicates the co-application TCN 201. Increasing concentrations of TCN 201 were applied, cumulatively, as indicated by the arrowheads. (aii), as in (ai), but currents are evoked using a higher concentration of glycine (30 μM). Note that TCN 201-mediated inhibition is less at this higher glycine concentration. (b), mean normalised inhibition curves for TCN 201 block of GluN1/GluN2A NMDAR-mediated currents evoked by glutamate (30 μM) and either 3 μM (n = 15; ■), 10 μM (n = 5; ) or 30 μM (n = 10; ) glycine. The solid curves show the fit with the minimum fitted as a free parameter, whereas the dashed curves show the fit of the data points when the minimum valued was constrained to 0 (see Materials and methods). (ci), as in (ai) but where currents were evoked by glutamate (30 μM) and d-serine (3 μM), again increasing concentrations of TCN 201 (0.03–10 μM) were applied, cumulatively, as indicated by the arrowheads. (cii), as in (ci), but where currents were the d-serine was 30 μM. (d), mean normalised inhibition curves for TCN 201 block of GluN1/GluN2A NMDAR-mediated currents activated by glutamate (30 μM) and either 3 μM (n = 6; ■), 10 μM (n = 6; ) or 30 μM (n = 6; ) d-serine.
Schild analysis of TCN 201 antagonism of GluN1/GluN2A NMDAR-mediated responses. (a), illustration of a set of TEVC current traces, obtained from an oocyte expressing GluN1/GluN2A NMDARs, used to generate ‘two-point’ dose–response curves in either the absence or presence of TCN 201 (0.3 and 1 μM; n = 7). (b), as in (a) but for higher TCN 201 concentrations (3 and 10 μM; n = 7). (c) and (d), partial, low-concentration, dose–response curves obtained from the TEVC current traces illustrated in (a) and (b), respectively, and used to estimate dose ratios (DR0.3, 1, 3, 10). The slope of the fitted line to the control responses (no TCN 201; ■) was used to fit the responses obtained in the presence of 0.3 μM (), 1 μM (), 3 μM () and 10 μM (). (e), Schild plot for antagonism by TCN 201 of GluN1/GluN2A NMDARs using dose-ratios estimated from a series experiments such as that illustrated in (c) and (d). A ‘free’ fit of the 0.3, 1 and 3 μM TCN 201 data points gave has a slope of 0.98 which was considered not to be significantly different from 1 (95% confidence interval: 0.85–1.14). Thus the solid line is the fit of the respective data points to the Schild equation (i.e. the slope of this line is unity). The intercept on the abscissa (where the log10 value of the dose-ratio – 1 equals zero) gives an equilibrium constant (KB) value for TCN 201 of 70 nM. Data from McKay et al. (2012) where the KB value for TCN 213 was determined, is illustrated in grey for reference. The dotted line shows the fit of all data points with a modified equation (see Material and methods; Christopoulos and Kenakin, 2002) that takes into account allosteric modulation of glycine binding by TCN 201. The fit predicts an allosteric KB# value of 56 nM and an allosteric constant (α) of 0.0123. (f), Schild plot for antagonism by TCN 201 of GluN1/GluN2A NMDARs but using d-serine, rather than glycine, as the GluN1-site agonist. Again the solid line is the fit of the data to the Schild equation and gives a KB value for TCN 201 in these experiments of 81 nM. The dotted line shows the fit of all data points to the modified equation and predicts an allosteric KB# value of 66 nM and an allosteric constant of 0.0106.


TCN 201 selectively blocks GluN2A-containing NMDARs in a GluN1 co-agonist dependent but non-competitive manner
  • Article
  • Full-text available

May 2012


355 Reads


68 Citations


Antagonists that are sufficiently selective to preferentially block GluN2A-containing N-methyl-d-aspartate receptors (NMDARs) over GluN2B-containing NMDARs are few in number. In this study we describe a pharmacological characterization of 3-chloro-4-fluoro-N-[4-[[2-(phenylcarbonyl)hydrazino]carbonyl]benzyl]benzenesulphonamide (TCN 201), a sulphonamide derivative, that was recently identified from a high-throughput screen as a potential GluN2A-selective antagonist. Using two-electrode voltage-clamp (TEVC) recordings of NMDAR currents from Xenopus laevis oocytes expressing either GluN1/GluN2A or GluN1/GluN2B NMDARs we demonstrate the selective antagonism by TCN 201 of GluN2A-containing NMDARs. The degree of inhibition produced by TCN 201 is dependent on the concentration of the GluN1-site co-agonist, glycine (or D-serine), and is independent of the glutamate concentration. This GluN1 agonist-dependency is similar to that observed for a related GluN2A-selective antagonist, N-(cyclohexylmethyl)-2-[{5-[(phenylmethyl)amino]-1,3,4-thiadiazol-2-yl}thio]acetamide (TCN 213). Schild analysis of TCN 201 antagonism indicates that it acts in a non-competitive manner but its equilibrium constant at GluN1/GluN2A NMDARs indicates TCN 201 is around 30-times more potent than TCN 213. In cortical neurones TCN 201 shows only modest antagonism of NMDAR-mediated currents recorded from young (DIV 9-10) neurones where GluN2B expression predominates. In older cultures (DIV 15-18) or in cultures where GluN2A subunits have been over-expressed TCN 201 gives a strong block that is negatively correlated with the degree of block produced by the GluN2B-selective antagonist, ifenprodil. Nevertheless, while TCN 201 is a potent antagonist it must be borne in mind that its ability to block GluN2A-containing NMDARs is dependent on the GluN1-agonist concentration and is limited by its low solubility.


YIA 3 Effect of intracellular glucocorticoid metabolism on neointimal proliferation in a mouse model of wire angioplasty

October 2011


8 Reads


1 Citation

Heart (British Cardiac Society)

Rationale Glucocorticoid administration increases cardiovascular risk but inhibits neointimal proliferation in animal models. Glucocorticoid activity in target tissues is regulated by the isozymes of 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (11β-HSD); type-1 regenerates active glucocorticoids and type-2 inactivates glucocorticoids. Both 11β-HSD isozymes are expressed in vessel wall as well as in liver and adipose tissue; they may modulate vascular remodelling by acting locally or by influencing systemic risk factors. This study investigated effects of these isozymes on post-angioplasty neointimal proliferation. Methodology Wire angioplasty was conducted in femoral arteries of C57Bl/6J, Apo-E knockout, 11β-HSD1 knockout, Apo-E/11β-HSD1 double-knockout and 11β-HSD2 knockout mice. Effects of pharmacological inhibition of 11β-HSD1 (Compound 544, 30 mg/kg/day) were also studied. Vascular lesions were assessed using novel optical projection tomography and standard histology. Results 11β-HSD1 deletion or inhibition resulted in ∼35% reduction in neointimal volume with corresponding increase in lumen size in western-diet fed Apo-E knockout mice but had no significant effect in chow-fed C57Bl/6J mice. Reduced neointimal proliferation was associated with reduction in weight gain, insulin resistance, systolic blood pressure and macrophage content of neointimal lesions. 11β-HSD2 knockout mice had substantially higher blood pressure than C57Bl/6J mice. Neointimal proliferation, however, was similar in both groups, albeit 11β-HSD2 knockout mice having higher neointimal macrophage content. Conclusion 11β-HSD1 inhibition ameliorates multiple cardiovascular risk factors and reduces neointimal proliferation only in mice with exaggerated systemic risk factors, suggesting effects mediated primarily in liver and adipose. Any local amplification (with disruption of 11β-HSD2) or reduction (with disruption of 11β-HSD1) in glucocorticoid concentration within the vessel wall is likely to be insufficient to overcome the effect of systemic risk factors on neointimal proliferation.

Intravascular Glucocorticoid Metabolism during Inflammation and Injury in Mice

February 2007


19 Reads


25 Citations


11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenases (11betaHSDs) catalyze interconversion of 11-hydroxy-glucocorticoids with inactive 11-keto metabolites. In blood vessel walls, loss of 11betaHSD1 is thought to reduce local glucocorticoid concentrations, reducing the progression of atheroma and enhancing angiogenesis. Conversely, on the basis that 11betaHSD1 is up-regulated approximately 5-fold by inflammatory cytokines in cultured human vascular smooth muscle cells, it has been proposed that increased 11betaHSD1 during vascular inflammation provides negative feedback suppression of inflammation. We aimed to determine whether inflammation and injury selectively up-regulate 11betaHSD1 reductase activity in vitro and in vivo in intact vascular tissue in mice. In isolated mouse aortae and femoral arteries, reductase activity (converting 11-dehydrocorticosterone to corticosterone) was approximately 10-fold higher than dehydrogenase activity and was entirely accounted for by 11betaHSD1 because it was abolished in vessels from 11betaHSD1(-/-) mice. Although 11betaHSD1 activity was up-regulated by proinflammatory cytokines in cultured murine aortic smooth muscle cells, no such effect was evident in intact aortic rings in vitro. Moreover, after systemic inflammation induced by ip lipopolysaccharide injection, there was only a modest (18%) increase in 11beta-reductase activity in the aorta and no increase in the perfused hindlimb. Furthermore, in femoral arteries in which neointimal proliferation was induced by intraluminal injury, there was no change in basal 11betaHSD1 activity or the sensitivity of 11betaHSD1 to cytokine up-regulation. We conclude that increased generation of glucocorticoids by 11betaHSD1 in the murine vessel wall is unlikely to contribute to feedback regulation of inflammation.

Intra-vascular glucocorticoid metabolism as a modulator of vascular structure and function

April 2006


9 Reads


50 Citations

Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences

The ability of glucocorticoids to directly alter arterial function, structure and the inflammatory response to vascular injury may contribute to their well-established link with the development of cardiovascular disease. Recent studies have emphasised the importance of tissue-specific regulation of glucocorticoid availability by the 11 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (11HSD) isozymes, which inter-convert active glucocorticoids and their inactive metabolites. The expression of both type 1 and type 2 11HSDs in the arterial wall suggests that prereceptor metabolism of glucocorticoids may have a direct impact on vascular physiology. Indeed there is evidence that 11HSDs influence glucocorticoid-mediated changes in vascular contractility, vascular structure, the inflammatory response to injury and the growth of new blood vessels. Hence, inhibition of 11HSD isozymes may provide a novel therapeutic target in vascular disease.

5 -Reduced Glucocorticoids, Novel Endogenous Activators of the Glucocorticoid Receptor

June 2004


30 Reads


47 Citations

Journal of Biological Chemistry

Metabolism of glucocorticoids to A-ring-reduced dihydro- and tetrahydro-derivatives by means of hepatic 5α- and 5β-reductases has long been regarded as a pathway of irreversible inactivation. However, 5α-reduced metabolites of other steroids, e.g. testosterone and aldosterone, have significant biological activity. We investigated whether 5α-reduced metabolites of corticosterone are glucocorticoid receptor (GR) agonists. Corticosterone, 5α-tetrahydrocorticosterone (5αTHB), and 5α-dihydrocorticosterone (5αDHB) were similarly effective in displacing tritiated dexamethasone from binding sites in hepatocytes, whereas 5β-reduced metabolites were less effective in binding. 5αTHB had glucocorticoid receptor agonist effects in vitro and in vivo. After transient co-transfection of hGR and a murine mammary tumor virus-luciferase reporter into HeLa cells, 5αTHB was active to a comparable extent as corticosterone (28-fold versus 37-fold induction, respectively, at 1 μm) and additive to the effect of corticosterone. 5β-Reduced metabolites did not activate GR. In H4IIE hepatoma cells, both 5αTHB and corticosterone induced mRNA expression of tyrosine aminotransferase and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (6.0-versus 10.1-fold and 3.5-versus 3.9-fold at 1 μm, respectively), an effect that was inhibited by RU486. To assess in vivo glucocorticoid activity, suppression of plasma ACTH was demonstrated in adrenalectomized rats after intraperitoneal administration of vehicle (ACTH trough 80.2 pm), corticosterone (5 mg/kg; 22 pm, p < 0.001) or 5αTHB (5 mg/kg; 51.3 pm, p < 0.005). Similar endogenous concentrations of corticosterone and 5αTHB were detected in rat liver homogenates by gas chromatography mass spectrometry. We conclude that 5α-reduced glucocorticoids bind to and activate GR. Transcription of glucocorticoid-regulated genes in tissues that express 5α-reductases will thus be influenced by intracellular levels of both corticosterone and its 5α-reduced metabolites.

Citations (6)

... Pre-clinical studies using genetic deletion and pharmacological inhibition of 11β-HSD1 implicate this enzyme as a driver of atherosclerosis [67]. The inhibition of 11β-HSD1 in ApoE −/− mice reduced neointimal thickening and increased collagen content, promoting plaque stability [117]. In a similar model, 11β-HSD1 inhibition prevented plaque progression and reduced aortic lesion size in parallel with an improved lipid profile [118]. ...


Glucocorticoids: Fuelling the Fire of Atherosclerosis or Therapeutic Extinguishers?
Contribution of Endogenous Glucocorticoids and Their Intravascular Metabolism by 11β-HSDs to Postangioplasty Neointimal Proliferation in Mice
  • Citing Article
  • November 2012


... Therefore, when neonatal hypoxia-ischemia occurs, can GluN2A-NMDAR still play a protective role? Our results showed that injection of the selective GluN2A-NMDAR inhibitor TCN-201 [27][28] neither aggravated nor inhibited HIE-induced neuronal apoptosis, suggesting that GluN2A-NMDAR does not participate in the pathology of HIE in the early stages of development. This effect may be due to its expression level being too low. ...

TCN 201 selectively blocks GluN2A-containing NMDARs in a GluN1 co-agonist dependent but non-competitive manner


... However, this is only observed in western diet-fed, atherosclerosis-prone Apoe Ϫ/Ϫ mice, suggesting effects mediated primarily via impacts on metabolic risk factors. 11␤-HSD2 deficiency had no effect (314). Such data do not support local vascular effects, at least in this model, on injury responses. ...

YIA 3 Effect of intracellular glucocorticoid metabolism on neointimal proliferation in a mouse model of wire angioplasty
  • Citing Article
  • October 2011

Heart (British Cardiac Society)

... Of note, the brain and plasma levels of 5α-DHB, the direct 5α-reduced metabolite of corticosterone, were also decreased in old mice, supporting a global decline in the 5α-reduction with age. The decrease in 5α-DHB levels could be of biological importance because it is able to bind to and activate glucocorticoid receptors with affinity similar to that of corticosterone (62) and it also may modulate brain excitability (63). ...

5 -Reduced Glucocorticoids, Novel Endogenous Activators of the Glucocorticoid Receptor

Journal of Biological Chemistry

... Hypercortisolism has additional effects in heart influence. The activation of mineralocorticoid recep- (21,22). MR, which has an affinity for glucocorticoids, are activated by cortisol in hypercortisolism and cause heart damage. ...

Intra-vascular glucocorticoid metabolism as a modulator of vascular structure and function
  • Citing Article
  • April 2006

Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences

... Notably, genetic ablation of 11βHSD1 in the myocardial infarction model did not alter the circulating glucocorticoid concentration throughout the course of the study, but acted locally in the myocardium to increase macrophage recruitment, pro-angiogenic IL-8, vessel density, and cardiac function (20). In addition, there is evidence showing that pro-inflammatory cytokine TNF-α potently upregulated 11βHSD1 expression and enhanced local glucocorticoid reactivation in both human and rodent skeletal muscle, whereas genetic ablation of 11βHSD1 completely abolished glucocorticoid regeneration in muscle (22,23). These evidence suggest that inhibition of 11βHSD1 may serve as a potential therapeutic strategy to reduce intramuscular glucocorticoids and increase angiogenesis in the ischaemic muscle in CLI patients. ...

Intravascular Glucocorticoid Metabolism during Inflammation and Injury in Mice
  • Citing Article
  • February 2007
