Liliana Teodorescu's research while affiliated with Brunel University London and other places

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Publications (1)

Arti-cial neural networks in high-energy physics
  • Article

January 2008


42 Reads


6 Citations

Liliana Teodorescu

Artificial neural networks are the machine learning technique best known in the high-energy physics community. Introduced in the field in 1988, followed by a decade of tests and applications received with reticence by the community, they became a common tool in high-energy physics data analysis. Important physics results have been extracted using this method in the last decade. This lecture makes an introduction of the topic discussing various types of artificial neural networks, some of them commonly used in high-energy physics, other not explored yet. Examples of applications in high-energy physics are also briefly discuss with the intention of illustrating types of problems which can be addressed by this technique rather than providing a review of such applications.


Citations (1)

... Nevertheless, linear models are too simple to characterize the complex input-output behavior of td-INDP, and thus, underestimating the majority of the spatio-temporal characteristics of the observed data. On the other hand, deep neural networks [29] capture linear and nonlinear characteristics of a given (large enough) set of labeled input/output data, making the technique suitable for a variety of applications in healthcare, science, finance, and engineering [30][31][32][33][34]. In this work, we employ NN to address the restoration problem on synthetic data generated for different magnitudes of earthquakes and provide comparisons with the linear case. ...


Deep Learning-based Resource Allocation for Infrastructure Resilience
Arti-cial neural networks in high-energy physics
  • Citing Article
  • January 2008