LIAN-CHAI SONG's research while affiliated with Guizhou University and other places

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Publications (3)

Dictyosporium duliujiangense sp. nov. (Dictyosporiaceae, Pleosporales) from freshwater habitat in Guizhou Province, China
  • Article
  • Full-text available

August 2023


174 Reads










A survey of the taxonomy and diversity of freshwater fungi from Karst Plateau wetlands in Guizhou Province, China, three fresh collections were collected from a freshwater river. They have cheiroid, digitate, dictyosporous conidia with one or two hyaline appendages. Phylogenetic analysis of the combined ITS, LSU and tef1-α sequence data support their placement with genera Dictyocheirospora and Dictyosporium (Dictyosporiaceae, Pleosporales). Two collections represent the same species, Dictyocheirospora rotunda. The other collection is introduced as a new species Dictyosporium duliujiangense. An updated phylogenetic backbone tree, descriptions and illustrations of the two taxa are provided for Dictyosporiaceae.


Curvicladiella paphiopedili. a The diseased leaves were withered; b, c Conidiomata; d–g Stipes extension and conidiogenous cells; h–j Conidiogenous cells and conidiophores; k–n Conidia. Scale bars: d–g=50 µm, h–j=20 µm, k–n=10 µm.
Curvicladiella paphiopedili. (MFLU 20-0203, holotype) a Paphiopedilum diseased leaf in the field; b The healthy leaves diseased after inoculating the mycelial PDA plug of Curvicladiella paphiopedili ; c The healthy leaves did not become infected after being inoculated with free PDA plug as control; d Colonies on PDA producing conidia masses; e–j Conidiophores, conidiogenous cells and stipes extension; k Chlamydosporae; l, m Conidia; n, o Culture on PDA; (n) from above, (o) from below. Scale bars: e–g=50 µm, h–k=20 µm, l, m=10 µm.
The RAxML tree, based on analysis of cmdA, his3, ITS, LSU, tef1 and tub2 sequences data. Bootstrap support values for ML and Bayesian greater than 75% and 0.95 were given near nodes, respectively. The tree was rooted with Campylocarpon fasciculare and Campylocarpon pseudofasciculare. The new isolate are shown in bold.
Curvicladiella paphiopedili sp. nov. (Hypocreales, Nectriaceae), a new species of orchid (Paphiopedilum sp.) from Guizhou, China

April 2022


127 Reads


1 Citation

Biodiversity Data Journal

Biodiversity Data Journal

An asexual fungus, collected from diseased leaves of Paphiopedilum sp. from Guizhou Province, China, and based on the phylogenetic analyses and morphological characters, it was identified as a new species in Curvicladiella . The genus Curvicladiella are recorded for the first time for China. The morphology of Curvicladiella paphiopedili sp. nov. is characterised by penicillate conidiophores with a stipe, dull, tapering towards the apex, the curved stipe extension and cylindrical conidia. In the phylogenetic analyses of combined cmdA, his3, ITS, LSU, tef1 and tub2 sequence data, this taxon was clustered as sister to Curvicladiella cignea within Nectriaceae.

Curvicladiella paphiopedili sp. nov., a new species on orchid (Paphiopedilum sp.) from Guizhou, China

November 2021


67 Reads

Paphiopedilum is known as “slipper orchids”, which has a high ornamental value and can be used as household bonsai and garden plants. Paphiopedilum is also one of the most beautiful plants in the world due to their exotic and unique flowers. An asexual fungus was collected from diseased leaves of Paphiopedilum sp. from Guizhou Province, China, is described and illustrated on the basis of morphological characters and molecular evidence. The morphologies of Curvicladiella paphiopedili sp. nov. were characterized by penicillate conidiophores with a stipe, dull, tapering towards the apex and the curved stipe extension, cylindrical conidia. In the phylogenetic analyses of combined LSU, cmdA, his3, ITS, tef1 and tub2 sequence data, this taxon was clustered as sister to Curvicladiella cignea within Nectriaceae.