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Publications (1)

The next level of performance management
  • Article

April 2010


274 Reads


10 Citations

J. Russell


L. Russell

For many people, the performance review is one of the most dreaded events of the year. Whether preparing for and giving the review as a manager or steeling oneself to receive it as a performer, the annual review is rarely perceived as a positive event. So why are performance reviews so ill-favored? Why is it that too frequently both sides of this particular interaction find it distasteful? Is there a better way to structure this event such that both the manager and the performer benefit from the experience? The performance coaching conversation is structured in such a way that it addresses many of the problems with the traditional review while actually strengthening communication, understanding, and trust between the manager and the performer. The quality and effectiveness of the performance coaching conversation depends on a strong partnership for performance. This partnership is based on a mindset of mutual learning embraced by both the manager and the performer. Providing specific feedback on and appraising the quality of someone's performance are important pieces of this larger performance management framework. In reality, however, they are no more important than any of the other elements of this approach.


Citations (1)

... This is for no reason but what PA is used for in many organisations in Nigeria. According to Russell and Russell (2010), performance appraisal is often a negative, disliked activity. Supporting this, Houghton (2010) avers that managers do not like giving performance appraisal and employees do not like receiving it. ...


The next level of performance management
  • Citing Article
  • April 2010