L M Lazarenko's scientific contributions

Publications (6)

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European grayling is a perspective object of a recreational fishing. In addition, the presence of this species in sufficient quantities in rivers has a positive influence on the formation of the recreational attractiveness of mountain regions, where tourism is one of the main sources of local communities existence. However, grayling stocks in the w...
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The aim of the research is to determine the effect of the probiotic preparation «Dialak» (dietary supplement), which includes the strain Lactobacillus casei IMV B-7280, on the vaginal microbiota and humoral immunity in women with bacterial vaginosis (BV). Methods. 40 female patients aged 20—45 years with disturbed vaginal microbiota and 10 healthy...
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The purpose of this study was to investigate the antimicrobial and immunomodulatory action of a probiotic composition of Bacillus subtilis and B. megatherium strains (UnicaUro, Sirion (Ukraine)) for experimental bacterial vaginitis. Methods. Experimental studies were conducted on female BALB/c mice; we used Staphylococcus aureus strain B-918 (ATCC...
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Probiotics based on bacteria of the genus Bacillus with a multifactorial mechanism of action are considered as a possible alternative to antibiotics in the treatment of purulent wounds. The aim of the study was to determine the antimicrobial and therapeutic effect of the Arederma probiotic preparation containing probiotic strains of the genus Bacil...
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Aim: To evaluate the influence of dispersed fibrous carbon sorbent (DFCS) on malignant fungating wounds (MFWs) in Guerin's carcinoma-bearing rats with an assessment of wound bacterial microflora. Materials and methods: The study was performed on female Wistar rats inoculated subcutaneously with Guerin T8 carcinoma into the upper interscapular re...
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Наведено результати дослідження мікробіому піхви осіб з бактерійним вагінозом до і після перорального застосування капсульної форми та вагінальних супозиторіїв пробіотика «Діалак» з вмістом штаму L. casei IMB B-7280. Цей препарат, який рекомендовано для корекції вагінальної мікробіоти, має комбіновану протизапальну та вибіркову протимікробну активн...


... Th e process of bacterial division, which is one of the most complex functions of the cell, is covered in detail in experimental works and many special reviews of the literature (Gould & Hurst, 1969;Javets et al., 1982;Balko et al., 2018;Lazarenko et al., 2023). However, in this review, it is important to analyze the process of Bacillus transformation from spore to vegetative cell. ...
... Нині у птахівничій галузі України пріоритетним є розвиток органічного птахівництва. Тому у лікуванні і профілактиці інфекційних захворювань птиці спостерігають тенденцію до зростання потреб у застосуванні засобів біологічної терапії, зокрема пробіотиків [2,7,19]. ...
... On the other hand, toxic side effects of chemothera py components can cause additional generation of ROS, oxidative stress, and antioxidant collapse. That is why enterosorption methods occupy a special place in the problem of reducing the toxic manifestation of chemotherapy components [4,8,9]. It is known from literary sources that AUT-M is one doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/ubj95.06.064 of the enterosorbents with high adsorption action. ...