Kirk McGregor's research while affiliated with University of California, Davis and other places

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Publications (6)

Surfactant Protein-D (SP-D) Binding Against the SARS-CoV-2 Spike (S) Protein Using Quantum- and Classical In-silico Modeling: Role of Glycosylation
  • Conference Paper

May 2023


9 Reads


K. McGregor


S. Sandeep

Hypothesis: SARS-CoV-2 Spike glycoprotein glycosylation sites are potential binding sites for SP-A (A): Glycosylation sites on the SARS-CoV-2 spike glycoprotein trimer are denoted by NAG residues, shown in (O): red; (C): grey; (N): blue space fill balls. Structure of SARS-CoV-2 spike glycoprotein with a single receptor-binding domain up NGL Viewer (AS Rose et al. 2018) PDB: 6VSB DOI: 10.2210/pdb6VSB/ pdb EM Map EMD-21375: EMDB EMDataResource (B): Structure of monomer (top panel), trimeric and octadecameric SP-A and potential carbohydrate recognition sites on the S protein by the Carbohydrate Recognition Domain (CRD) of the lectin head of SP-A. The CRD binds carbohydrate residues with high affinity in a Ca⁺⁺ dependent manner. The X-ray Crystal Structure depicts the rat Surfactant Protein A neck and carbohydrate recognition domain ligated with mannose. Atoms represented by the spacefill balls are: (O): red; (C): grey; (Ca): green; (Na): purple. PDB: 3PAK DOI: 10.2210/pdb3PAK/ pdb 2010-11-03 Shang, F. et al. (X-RAY DIFFRACTION Resolution: 1.90 Å). (RBD, receptor binding domain; S1, Spike 1 region; S2, Spike 2 region; TMD, Transmembrane domain; CRD, Carbohydrate recognition domain).
Pruning Program by utilizing the Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm (QAOA) on the Rigetti Quantum Processor. Process diagram for finding protein binding by Pruning. (A) Create graphs of 3 neighboring atoms each, with angles beta and gamma stored (B) Fourier-transform angles into frequencies to be placed on quantum chip by microwave. (C) Send microwaves to quantum chip. (D) Read results from quantum chip to determine which atoms to cut, with 00=Cut. (E) Summation of cut atom graphs to build reduced structures. (F) Binding studies between reduced structures with ZDOCK testing to identify the best binding sites.
SARS-CoV-2 S protein (6VSB) modeling. (A): The S protein trimer model (green ribbons representing chains A, B and C with red denoting glycan residues) and bound SP-A (pink). (B): The final reduced S-protein-SP-A complex processed by our QAOA-based MaxCut protein pruning tool followed by ZDOCK docking (purple representing glycan residues and X marking the SP-A binding site. (A, B) were derived from the visualization software SAMSON. (C): The amino acid ASN 1134 on the S protein C chain is identified as a likely candidate to mediate SP-A binding. ASN 1134 is outlined by dark pink and the blue cubes represent NAG glycosylation.
The complex resulting from docking of reduced structures of the S protein and SP-A with ZDOCK highlighting the top ranked binding sites on SP-A. (A): Visualization by SAMSON after clashes/contacts with less than 2 Å distance were identified using the Chimera program. (B): The top 5 binding sites are shown (ball and stick) highlighting bound NAG (purple space fill balls). SP-A and S protein amino acid residues are shown as a ball and stick. NAG1301 is bound to ASN1134 on the S protein and is shown in close proximity to ASN151 of SP-A. (C): The SP-A carbohydrate binding grove showing the amino acids identified in the pruned complex including ASN 151 (pink) TYR 188 (khaki), GLU 171 (bordeaux) and Ca++ (green) and Na+ (purple). ASN 151 is clustered with ASN 214 and ASN 190 amplifying carbohydrate binding ability. The groove is flanked by TYR 188 and GLU 171 and harbors a Ca++ and a Na+ ligand. Presence of Ca++ is known to be required for carbohydrae binding. Atoms represented by the balls and stick are: (O): red; (C): grey; (Ca): green; (Na): purple; (S): yellow.
Top 16 ZDOCK scores, representing the electrostatic and geometric fit between protein residues, out of 2000 potential conformations between SP-A and SARS-CoV-2 Spike.
SP-A binding to the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein using hybrid quantum and classical in silico modeling and molecular pruning by Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm (QAOA) Based MaxCut with ZDOCK
  • Article
  • Full-text available

September 2022


92 Reads


8 Citations

Frontiers in Immunology

Frontiers in Immunology

The pulmonary surfactant protein A (SP-A) is a constitutively expressed immune-protective collagenous lectin (collectin) in the lung. It binds to the cell membrane of immune cells and opsonizes infectious agents such as bacteria, fungi, and viruses through glycoprotein binding. SARS-CoV-2 enters airway epithelial cells by ligating the Angiotensin Converting Enzyme 2 (ACE2) receptor on the cell surface using its Spike glycoprotein (S protein). We hypothesized that SP-A binds to the SARS-CoV-2 S protein and this binding interferes with ACE2 ligation. To study this hypothesis, we used a hybrid quantum and classical in silico modeling technique that utilized protein graph pruning. This graph pruning technique determines the best binding sites between amino acid chains by utilizing the Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm (QAOA)-based MaxCut (QAOA-MaxCut) program on a Near Intermediate Scale Quantum (NISQ) device. In this, the angles between every neighboring three atoms were Fourier-transformed into microwave frequencies and sent to a quantum chip that identified the chemically irrelevant atoms to eliminate based on their chemical topology. We confirmed that the remaining residues contained all the potential binding sites in the molecules by the Universal Protein Resource (UniProt) database. QAOA-MaxCut was compared with GROMACS with T-REMD using AMBER, OPLS, and CHARMM force fields to determine the differences in preparing a protein structure docking, as well as with Goemans-Williamson, the best classical algorithm for MaxCut. The relative binding affinity of potential interactions between the pruned protein chain residues of SP-A and SARS-CoV-2 S proteins was assessed by the ZDOCK program. Our data indicate that SP-A could ligate the S protein with a similar affinity to the ACE2-Spike binding. Interestingly, however, the results suggest that the most tightly-bound SP-A binding site is localized to the S2 chain, in the fusion region of the SARS-CoV-2 S protein, that is responsible for cell entry Based on these findings we speculate that SP-A may not directly compete with ACE2 for the binding site on the S protein, but interferes with viral entry to the cell by hindering necessary conformational changes or the fusion process.


Tackling healthcare inequities through a social media-based platform to connect solid tumor patients with COVID-19 to clinical trials.

June 2022


9 Reads

Journal of Clinical Oncology

Yan Leyfman



Kirk McGregor




Chandler H. Park

e18560 Background: COVID-19 has contributed to healthcare inequity amongst minorities and lower socioeconomic populations, while complicating present anti-cancer treatment regimens. Due to their immunocompromised status, cancer patients are at an increased risk of severe SARS-CoV-2 infection. While sentiment analysis via SM has seen vast growth among healthcare professional, deeper connection and management has been lacking. Given the higher usage of SM impressions and the increase in healthcare disparities especially at the intersection of oncology and COVID-19, the aim of this study was to develop a platform that can: (1) show that the relationships highlighted within these tweets can be realized in biomolecular interactions—specifically within the interaction between solid tumors and COVID-19; (2) use SM data to connect patients with clinical trials. Methods: To determine this relationship, ontologies, which are groupings of terms and related identifiers, such as genes, were created for general search terms, utilizing the Human Phenotype Ontology. They were then combined with “COVID-19” and used as search terms in Twitter’s Standard Search tool. The keywords with the most matches were then queried through and European Bioinformatics Institute’s (EBI) Protein Search Tool to find relevant clinical trials and proteins. Finally, the proteins found by the EBI protein search were run through the SwissModel Tool to find relevant protein structures before being used in binding using Polar+’s Binding Platform from Iff Technologies, which provides K values related to 50% inhibition for each medication or immunotherapy. This produced a set of disease-specific keywords that are related to top tweets, clinical trials, protein structures, and binding concentration values in relevant biomolecular pathways for the keyword set “Tumor COVID-19”. Results: The example shown in Table is produced via our platform, with keywords with tweet numbers greater than 95% of all tweets with connected keywords used. Conclusions: By utilizing SM with highly relevant keywords, this platform can combat healthcare inequity by connecting patients and their tweets to clinical trials and enhance literacy about their medical conditions, while providing a greater understanding of the biomolecular pathways involved.[Table: see text]

Figure 1​ : Binding sites on ACE2 of the NL63-CoV and the SARS-CoV, imaged by Wu et al. [11]
Figure 3: ​ Highest conformation binding site of Hydroxychloroquine to the Spike-ACE2 complex
Figure 4: ​ Binding affinities of Azithromycin to the Spike-ACE2 Complex, with the top binding affinity being the most optimal binding conformation after energetics modeling with Polar+
Figure 5: ​ Highest conformation binding site of Azithromycin to the Spike-ACE2 complex
Figure 8​ : Binding conformation of hydroxychloroquine that touches the interaction points between the Spike and ACE2. This binding conformation is referenced as the 6th mode in Figure 1
Energetics Based Modeling of Hydroxychloroquine and Azithromycin Binding to the SARS-CoV-2 Spike (S)Protein - ACE2 Complex

March 2020


449 Reads


16 Citations

The use of hydroxychloroquine to aid in the disruption of the SARS-CoV-2 virus and to cure or at least treat the COVID-19 disease is recently being reviewed in various clinical trials worldwide, but with insufficient examination of the binding of human ACE2 to the viral spike. In order to understand and assess the efficacy of the drug or drug combination, this paper looks at the effect of the pharmaceutical drug hydroxychloroquine, as well as a common co-drug, azithromycin, on the SARS-CoV-2 spike-ACE2 complex by using virtualized quantum mechanical modeling to better characterize binding sites on the complex, assess the binding between these sites and the drug compounds, and enhance community PDB files. <br

Citations (2)

... For the assessment of interactions involving epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) and ALDOA, as well as EGFR and P05, we utilized the ZDOCK program (version 2016, Discovery Studio, San Diego, CA, USA) [35]. The structures of EGFR and ALDOA were sourced from the PDB database (EGFR PDB ID: 1mox, ALDOA PDB ID: 7u5). ...


Anticancer Peptides Derived from Aldolase A and Induced Tumor-Suppressing Cells Inhibit Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma Cells
SP-A binding to the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein using hybrid quantum and classical in silico modeling and molecular pruning by Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm (QAOA) Based MaxCut with ZDOCK
Frontiers in Immunology

Frontiers in Immunology

... Binding affinities for both drug candidates in either the Prodigy webserver or Smina docking are consistent with each other. Comparing the binding affinities of Azithromycin and Hydroxychloroquine with the binding affinity of the studied drug candidates demonstrates that Azithromycin and Hydroxychloroquine have binding affinities of −5.2 and −3.7 kcal mol −1 against the ACE2, respectively [53] while the binding affinities of Luteolin and Chrysin to the ACE2 are −8.8 and −8.4, respectively. ...

Energetics Based Modeling of Hydroxychloroquine and Azithromycin Binding to the SARS-CoV-2 Spike (S)Protein - ACE2 Complex