Ken Takahashi's research while affiliated with Sydney Orthopaedic Research Institute and other places

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Publications (2)

Outlines of two human respiratory systems covering the area from the nostrils to the seventh bifurcation. The upper model (A) was assigned as model A, and the lower (B) as model B. The external breathing zone has been included, to illustrate realistic breathing conditions
Normalized velocity profiles for the lower airway regions of the two human respiratory system models. The representative streamlining has been colored to represent velocities (A, B). The lower panels show the distribution of the vectors describing airstream directions at the bifurcations (C, D)
In‐plane velocity vectors, colored to illustrate normalized velocity magnitudes in the bifurcation regions of model A (A) and model B (B)
Comparing total deposition efficiency between drag coefficients, calculated using the HL and TC models, in two human respiratory tract models. Results for light, moderate, and intense breathing have been illustrated. The two drag models were applied using (A, B) carbon and (C, D) asbestos fibers
Comparing nasal cavity deposition efficiency between our simulations and the experimental results of Su and Cheng 2005. The simulation results include those obtained using (B) the HL model and (C) the TC model


Transport and deposition of inhaled man‐made vitreous and asbestos fibers in realistic human respiratory tract models: An in silico study
  • Article
  • Full-text available

August 2022


197 Reads


6 Citations

Japan Architectural Review

Japan Architectural Review



Ken Takahashi


Particles longer than 5 μm and with a length/diameter ratio >3 are defined as fibers. Asbestos or other fibers are still identified in residential environments due to the emission from asbestos‐used building materials. The respiratory system is the primary route of asbestos exposure; under a longer residence time, asbestos‐related adverse health effects are inevitable. Currently, asbestos fibers have been replaced with man‐made vitreous fibers (MMVFs); however, studies have revealed some similar biological effects of MMVFs with asbestos. Therefore, MMVFs‐induced diseases need to be determined by analyzing their deposition characteristics and foci in human respiratory tracts. In this study, we used computational fluid dynamics method to investigate fibers' airflow and deposition patterns in two realistic human respiratory models. Two drag models were used to predict the deposition of uniform 1 μm (asbestos) and 3.66 μm (carbon fiber‐CF) diameter, 15–300 μm long fibers. Two drag models provided comparable results with the experimental data. Comparatively, asbestos deposition was independent of fiber length, while CF deposition increased proportionally to fiber length. The highest level of local deposition was detected in the anterior nasal cavity. The results obtained from this study can extend current knowledge of human vitreous fiber exposure‐related lung diseases.



January 2022


8 Reads

Fiber particles are generally defined as elongated particles with a length of more than 5 micron and a length/diameter ratio of greater than 3. Asbestos fibers, one of the representatives, have been proven to cause lung cancer, mesothelioma, and fibrosis. In recent years, because of their toxicity, asbestos fibers have been replaced by manmade vitreous fibers (MMVFs); however, studies have revealed some similarities in the biological effects of MMVFs and asbestos. Therefore, the risk of MMVF-induced diseases needs to be determined by finding the “hot-spot” deposition sites of the variably elongated fibers. Against this background, the current study involves performing the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) technique to investigate the deposition of MMVFs, such as carbon fibers, in two realistic human respiratory systems.

Citations (1)

... Many previous studies have investigated inhalation-related health risks, using numerical analysis techniques and computational modeling of the human respiratory tract and the breathing process. [14][15][16][17][18][19][20] Moreover, many studies have focused on the integrated analysis (combining indoor spaces and the respiratory tract) and its application to indoor environmental design. 12,21,22 A comprehensive prediction method accounting for the local indoor climate, microclimate around the human body, and contaminant transfer in the respiratory zone under continuous breathing, is needed for elucidating the indoor contaminant transfer mechanisms and associated human health risks owing to respiratory exposure and airborne infections. ...


Validation, verification, and quality control of computational fluid dynamics analysis for indoor environments using a computer‐simulated person with respiratory tract
Transport and deposition of inhaled man‐made vitreous and asbestos fibers in realistic human respiratory tract models: An in silico study
Japan Architectural Review

Japan Architectural Review