Kaul Gena's research while affiliated with The Papua New Guinea University of Technology and other places

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Publications (1)

Anatomical reconstructions of abyssochrysoid snails in three‐dimensional (3D) space. The overview is constructed by both digestive system and circulatory system overlaid on a semitransparent rendering of the external anatomy. (a) Provanna clathrata, a grazer on bacterial films. (b) Rubyspira osteovora, which feeds exclusively on whale bone fragments. (c) Ifremeria nautilei, relying on endosymbionts for energy. Scale bars (1 cm) apply to 3D reconstructions; photographs of animals not to scale.
Relative percentage body volume of organs and organ systems in abyssochrysoid snails. (a) Overall relative volumes of digestive system, heart, gill in relation to all other soft parts. Note that the heart of Provanna clathrata is shown between digestive system and gill, but its volume is too small to be clearly visible. (b) Relative volumes of organs measured in this study.
Anatomical shifts linked with unusual diets in deep‐sea snails
  • Article
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November 2022


171 Reads


4 Citations




Hiromi Kayama Watanabe


Kaul Gena


Shannon B. Johnson

Specializing in different dietary niches via morphological adaptation underpins the success of animal radiation when invading a new environment, as seen in examples such as Darwin's finches (De León et al., 2014). Ecomorphological studies of various animal groups, from mammals to arthropods, illustrate adaptations to different food sources, which are often coupled with shifts in internal anatomy, particularly the digestive system (Duque-Correa et al., 2021; Griffen & Mosblack, 2011). A widely accepted pattern in terrestrial systems is that herbivorous mammals require longer and more voluminous gastrointestinal tracts in order to digest plant matter, whereas carnivorous mammals have smaller intestines since meat is much more digestible (Duque-Correa et al., 2021). Such research has mostly focused on animals in land-based ecosystems powered by photosynthesis, but these ecosystems only account for a fraction of the broad diversity of ecosystems on Earth. “Extreme” deep-sea ecosystems, such as hydrothermal vents, hydrocarbon seeps, and organic falls, are powered by microbial chemosynthesis (Childress & Girguis, 2011) and host numerous endemic fauna with special adaptations (Sogin et al., 2020), offering an opportunity to explore how the anatomy of animals evolved to specialize in unusual diets. Our results demonstrated that adapting to each peculiar deep-sea food source is linked to specific anatomical shifts, expanding the applicability of ecomorphology to a range of unusual diets. The deep sea remains little known and unexplored, despite its many habitats, including hydrothermal vents, which are being targeted for deep-sea mining, threatening endemic species (Thomas et al., 2022). Understanding the trophic dynamics in these systems and the role each species plays is crucial to successful conservation, yet numerous species have never been observed in their natural habitat. The accurate reconstruction of organ volumetrics using noninvasive methods, such as μ-CT scans, can be a useful tool in predicting the diet of deep-sea animals even when only preserved specimens are available, similarly to how ecomorphology has been used to reconstruct habitat preferences in fossil mammals (DeGusta & Vrba, 2005). This would clearly require the future accumulation of 3D anatomical data from a wide range of deep-sea species with various unique diets, which will undoubtedly reveal many anatomical surprises.


Citations (1)

... This diversity is reflected in their survival capacity and the many biologically active compounds they developed over very long periods. 6 For instance, deep-sea snails, living in the ocean's dark depths where light hardly passes through, have created unique compounds to cope with this mysterious environment. 7 Shoreline clams, subjected to alternation of immersion and emersion, have their biochemical arsenal attuned to tolerate such changes. ...


Analysis of zoochemical from Meretrix casta (Mollusca: Bivalvia) extracts, collected from Rameswaram, Tamil Nadu, India and their pharmaceutical activities
Anatomical shifts linked with unusual diets in deep‐sea snails
