Kathleen Digre's research while affiliated with University of Iowa and other places

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Publications (1)

Depression and Hemispheric Functions: Changes Associated with Unilateral ECT
  • Article

July 1978


20 Reads


114 Citations

The British journal of psychiatry: the journal of mental science


K. Des Hamsher


Kathleen Digre


Rafiq Waziri

Nine depressed patients received ECT to the dominant (left) side along with nine matched depressed patients who received ECT to the non-dominant (right) side. Neuropsychological tests showed that the right hemispheric functions were more frequently abnormal as compared to left hemispheric (dominant) functions in the pre-ECT tests. ECTs delivered to either the right or left side improved right hemispheric functions when the depression was ameliorated. This study indicates that in depression right hemispheric functions are initially disturbed and ECT, instead of being deleterious to these functions, tends to improve them.


Citations (1)

... The present finding of both right TPJ and frontal abnormality in depressed subjects is also in line with early evidence for altered activation in these brain regions in depressed patients and normalization with antidepressant pharmacological treatment, respectively. For instance, a classical study by Kronfol et al. (1978) observed poor performance on a variety of right hemispheric neuropsychological tests in depressed patients. Of note with respect to the present results, right hemispheric performance normalized after successful electroconvulsive treatment (ECT; Kronfol et al., 1978). ...


Magnetoencephalographic Correlates of Emotional Processing in Major Depression Before and After Pharmacological Treatment
Depression and Hemispheric Functions: Changes Associated with Unilateral ECT
  • Citing Article
  • July 1978

The British journal of psychiatry: the journal of mental science