Karen Griggs's research while affiliated with University of Melbourne and other places

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Publications (20)

Blood pressure and cardiac function
Systolic blood pressure (A), ventricular contractility (B), time constant of isovolumic relaxation (Tau; C) and left ventricular end diastolic pressure (LVEDP; D) in control (n = 10) and STNx (vehicle, ramipril, Ang 1–7, ramipril + Ang 1–7; n = 12/group) rats. Data expressed as mean±SEM. *P<0.05, **P<0.01 vs. control and # P<0.05, ## P<0.01, ### P<0.001 vs. STNx
Cardiac hypertrophy and fibrosis
Left ventricular hypertrophy (A), interstitial collagen (B) in control (n = 10) and STNx (vehicle, ramipril, Ang 1–7, ramipril + Ang 1–7; n = 12/group) rats. Data expressed as mean±SEM. **P<0.01, ***P<0.001 vs. control and # P<0.05, ### P<0.001 vs. STNx
Cardiac ACE and ACE2
Left ventricular (LV) ACE binding (A) and ACE2 activity (B) in control (n = 10) and STNx (vehicle, ramipril, Ang 1–7, ramipril + Ang 1–7; n = 12/group) rats. Data expressed as mean±SEM. *P<0.05, **P<0.01 vs. control and # P<0.05, ### P<0.001 vs. STNx
Body weight, renal parameters and plasma RAS components
Adverse cardiac effects of exogenous angiotensin 1-7 in rats with subtotal nephrectomy are prevented by ACE inhibition
  • Article
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February 2017


55 Reads


12 Citations



Louise M. Burrell


Daniel Gayed


Karen Griggs




We previously reported that exogenous angiotensin (Ang) 1–7 has adverse cardiac effects in experimental kidney failure due to its action to increase cardiac angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) activity. This study investigated if the addition of an ACE inhibitor (ACEi) to Ang 1–7 infusion would unmask any beneficial effects of Ang 1–7 on the heart in experimental kidney failure. Male Sprague–Dawley rats underwent subtotal nephrectomy (STNx) and were treated with vehicle, the ACEi ramipril (oral 1mg/kg/day), Ang 1–7 (subcutaneous 24 μg/kg/h) or dual therapy (all groups, n = 12). A control group (n = 10) of sham-operated rats were also studied. STNx led to hypertension, renal impairment, cardiac hypertrophy and fibrosis, and increased both left ventricular ACE2 activity and ACE binding. STNx was not associated with changes in plasma levels of ACE, ACE2 or angiotensin peptides. Ramipril reduced blood pressure, improved cardiac hypertrophy and fibrosis and inhibited cardiac ACE. Ang 1–7 infusion increased blood pressure, cardiac interstitial fibrosis and cardiac ACE binding compared to untreated STNx rats. Although in STNx rats, the addition of ACEi to Ang 1–7 prevented any deleterious cardiac effects of Ang 1–7, a limitation of the study is that the large increase in plasma Ang 1–7 with ramipril may have masked any effect of infused Ang 1–7.


Diminazene Aceturate Improves Cardiac Fibrosis and Diastolic Dysfunction in Rats with Kidney Disease

August 2016


120 Reads


21 Citations



Angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) 2 is a negative regulator of the renin angiotensin system (RAS) through its role to degrade angiotensin II. In rats with subtotal nephrectomy (STNx), adverse cardiac remodelling occurs despite elevated cardiac ACE2 activity. We hypothesised that diminazene aceturate (DIZE), which has been described as having an off-target effect to activate ACE2, would have beneficial cardiac effects in STNx rats. STNx led to hypertension, diastolic dysfunction, left ventricular hypertrophy, cardiac fibrosis, and increased cardiac ACE, ACE2, Ang II and Ang 1–7 levels. Cardiac gene expression of ADAM17 was also increased. In STNx, two-weeks of subcutaneous DIZE (15mg/kg/d) had no effect on blood pressure but improved diastolic dysfunction and cardiac fibrosis, reduced ADAM17 mRNA and shifted the cardiac RAS balance to a cardioprotective profile with reduced ACE and Ang II. There was no change in cardiac ACE2 activity or in cardiac Ang 1–7 levels with DIZE. In conclusion, our results suggest that DIZE exerts a protective effect on the heart under the pathological condition of kidney injury. This effect was not due to improved kidney function, a fall in blood pressure or a reduction in LVH but was associated with a reduction in cardiac ACE and cardiac Ang II levels. As in vitro studies showed no direct effect of DIZE on ACE2 or ACE activity, the precise mechanism of action of DIZE remains to be determined.

S1 Fig

August 2016


13 Reads

ACE2 protein expression increases in STNx. Left ventricular (LV) ACE2 protein expression in Control (Cont) and subtotal nephrectomy (STNx) rats (n = 8/group). Right hand panel consists of representative photomicrographs of ACE2 immunohistochemical labelling (brown staining) (magnification x200). Data expressed as mean ± SEM. *P<0.05 disease effect (Control vs. STNx) (TIFF)

Table 1.  End-organ weights, physiological and RAS parameters, and urine biochemistry.
Fig 1.  DIZE increases kidney ACE2 activity in subtotal nephrectomy rats.
ACE and ACE2 activity in kidney cortex (A and C) and medulla (B and D) of Control (vehicle, n = 10; DIZE, n = 8) and STNx (vehicle, n = 10; DIZE n = 10) rats. Data expressed as mean±SEM. *P<0.05, **P<0.01, ***P<0.001 disease effect (Control vehicle vs. STNx Vehicle) and # P<0.05, ## P<0.01 treatment effect (Vehicle vs. DIZE)
Fig 2.  Increased urinary ACE2 activity is associated with decreased cortical ACE2 and impaired renal function.
Urinary ACE2 activity (A) of Control (vehicle, n = 10; DIZE, n = 8) and STNx (vehicle, n = 10; DIZE n = 10) rats. Data expressed as mean±SEM. **P<0.01 disease effect (Control vehicle vs. STNx Vehicle). Increased urinary ACE2 activity was associated with increased urinary protein (B) and reduced creatinine clearance (CrCl; C), while cortical ACE2 activity decreased with impaired renal function (D). Increased urinary ACE2 activity was associated with reduced cortical ACE2 activity (E) but not medullary ACE2 activity (F). Only non-treated groups were used for correlation analysis (n = 20). Open squares represent Control rats; closed squares represent STNx rats.
Fig 3.  Ex vivo DIZE treatment had no effect on kidney ACE2 activity.
Effect of DIZE (0.1mM, 0.1μM and 0.1nM) on endogenous ACE2 activity in kidney cortical membranes (100μg per well) from Control (n = 4) and STNx rats (n = 4). Data expressed as mean±SEM.
Short-Term Treatment with Diminazene Aceturate Ameliorates the Reduction in Kidney ACE2 Activity in Rats with Subtotal Nephrectomy

March 2015


137 Reads


38 Citations



Angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) 2 is an important modulator of the renin angiotensin system (RAS) through its role to degrade angiotensin (Ang) II. Depletion of kidney ACE2 occurs following kidney injury due to renal mass reduction and may contribute to progressive kidney disease. This study assessed the effect of diminazine aceturate (DIZE), which has been described as an ACE2 activator, on kidney ACE2 mRNA and activity in rats with kidney injury due to subtotal nephrectomy (STNx). Sprague Dawley rats were divided into Control groups or underwent STNx; rats then received vehicle or the DIZE (s.c. 15 mg/kg/day) for 2 weeks. STNx led to hypertension (P<0.01), kidney hypertrophy (P<0.001) and impaired kidney function (P<0.001) compared to Control rats. STNx was associated with increased kidney cortical ACE activity, and reduced ACE2 mRNA in the cortex (P<0.01), with reduced cortical and medullary ACE2 activity (P<0.05), and increased urinary ACE2 excretion (P<0.05) compared to Control rats. Urinary ACE2 activity correlated positively with urinary protein excretion (P<0.001), and negatively with creatinine clearance (P=0.04). In STNx rats, DIZE had no effect on blood pressure or kidney function, but was associated with reduced cortical ACE activity (P<0.01), increased cortical ACE2 mRNA (P<0.05) and increased cortical and medullary ACE2 activity (P<0.05). The precise in vivo mechanism of action of DIZE is not clear, and its effects to increase ACE2 activity may be secondary to an increase in ACE2 mRNA abundance. In ex vivo studies, DIZE did not increase ACE2 activity in either Control or STNx kidney cortical membranes. It is not yet known if chronic administration of DIZE has long-term benefits to slow the progression of kidney disease.

Figure 1. Circulating renin-angiotensin system (RAS) components in patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Analysis of variance (ANOVA): # p<0.10, * p<0.05, ** p<0.001. ACE: angiotensin-converting enzyme; Ang: angiotensin; CD: Crohn's disease; HC: healthy control; NS: not significant; UC: ulcerative colitis  
Table 1 . Baseline characteristics and laboratory markers.
Figure 2. Correlation of angiotensin 1-7 (Ang (1-7)) with markers of disease activity in (a) patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), (b) Crohn's disease (CD) and (c) ulcerative colitis (UC). CRP: C-reactive protein; NS: not significant; SCCAI: Simple Clinical Colitis Activity Index; WCC: white cell count.  
Upregulation of circulating components of the alternative renin-angiotensin system in inflammatory bowel disease: A pilot study

February 2014


321 Reads


79 Citations

Journal of the Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System

The relationship between intestinal inflammation and circulating components of the renin-angiotensin system (RAS) is poorly understood. Demographic and clinical data were obtained from healthy controls and patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Plasma concentrations of the classical RAS components (angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) and angiotensin II (Ang II)) and alternative RAS components (ACE2 and angiotensin (1-7) (Ang (1-7))) were analysed by radioimmuno- and enzymatic assays. Systemic inflammation was assessed using serum C-reactive protein (CRP), white cell count, platelet count and albumin, and intestinal inflammation by faecal calprotectin. Nineteen healthy controls (11 female; mean age 38 years, range 23-68), 19 patients with Crohn's disease (11 female; aged 45 years, range 23-76) and 15 patients with ulcerative colitis (6 female; aged 42 years, 26-64) were studied. Circulating classical RAS component levels were similar across the three groups, whereas ACE2 activity and Ang (1-7) concentrations were higher in patients with IBD compared to controls (ACE2: 21.5 vs 13.3 pmol/ml/min, p<0.05; Ang (1-7): 22.8 vs 14.1 pg/ml, p<0.001). Ang (1-7) correlated weakly with platelet and white cell counts, but not calprotectin or CRP, in patients with IBD. Circulating components of the alternative RAS are increased in patients with IBD.

Figure 1 
Figure 2 
Combination renin-angiotensin system blockade and angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 in experimental myocardial infarction: Implications for future therapeutic directions

June 2012


120 Reads


132 Citations

Clinical Science

The RAS (renin-angiotensin system) is activated after MI (myocardial infarction), and RAS blockade with ACEis [ACE (angiotensin-converting enzyme) inhibitors] or ARBs (angiotensin receptor blockers) slows but does not completely prevent progression to heart failure. Cardiac ACE is increased after MI and leads to the formation of the vasoconstrictor AngII (angiotensin II). The enzyme ACE2 is also activated after MI and degrades AngII to generate the vasodilator Ang-(1-7) [angiotensin-(1-7)]. Overexpression of ACE2 offers cardioprotective effects in experimental MI, but there is conflicting evidence as to whether the benefits of ACEis and ARBs are mediated through increasing ACE2 after MI. In the present study, we assessed the effect of an ACEi and ARB, alone and in combination, on cardiac ACE2 in a rat MI model. MI rats received vehicle, ACEi (ramipril; 1 mg/kg of body weight), ARB (valsartan; 10 mg/kg of body weight) or combination (ramipril at 1 mg/kg of body weight and valsartan at 10 mg/kg of body weight) orally for 28 days. Sham-operated rats were also studied and received vehicle alone. MI increased LV (left ventricular) mass (P<0.0001), impaired cardiac contractility (P<0.05) and activated cardiac ACE2 with increased gene (P<0.05) and protein expression (viable myocardium, P<0.05; border zone, P<0.001; infarct, P<0.05). Ramipril and valsartan improved remodelling (P<0.05), with no additional effect of dual therapy. Although ramipril inhibited ACE, and valsartan blocked the angiotensin receptor, neither treatment alone nor in combination augmented cardiac ACE2 expression. These results suggest that the cardioprotective effects of ramipril and valsartan are not mediated through up-regulation of cardiac ACE2. Strategies that do augment ACE2 after MI may be a useful addition to standard RAS blockade after MI.

Chronic kidney disease: Cardiac and renal angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) 2 expression in rats after subtotal nephrectomy and the effect of ACE inhibition

February 2012


91 Reads


58 Citations

Renin–angiotensin system blockade slows but does not prevent the cardiovascular complications of chronic kidney disease (CKD). Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) 2 is differentially regulated in acute kidney injury, with increased cardiac ACE2 but decreased kidney ACE2 levels. This study investigated the effect of long-term ACE inhibition on cardiac and renal ACE2 in rats with CKD induced by subtotal nephrectomy (STNx). Sprague–Dawley rats had sham (control) or STNx surgery. Control rats received vehicle (n= 9) and STNx rats ramipril (1 mg kg−1 day−1; n= 10) or vehicle (n= 10) for 28 days. Subtotal nephrectomy resulted in impaired creatinine clearance (P < 0.05), proteinuria (P < 0.05), renal fibrosis (P < 0.05) and reduced renal cortical ACE2 mRNA (P < 0.05) and activity (P < 0.05). In rats with CKD, ramipril improved creatinine clearance (P < 0.05) and was associated with an increase in cortical but not medullary ACE2 activity (P < 0.05). Compared with control rats, STNx rats were hypertensive (P < 0.01), with increased left ventricular end-diastolic pressure (LVEDP; P < 0.01), left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH; P < 0.05) and interstitial (P < 0.05) and perivascular fibrosis (P < 0.01). In rats with CKD, ramipril decreased blood pressure (P < 0.001) and reduced LVEDP (P < 0.01), LVH (P < 0.01) and perivascular fibrosis (P < 0.05) but did not significantly reduce interstitial fibrosis. There was no change in cardiac ACE2 in rats with CKD compared with control rats. In rats with CKD, ACE inhibition had major benefits to reduce blood pressure and cardiac hypertrophy and to improve creatinine clearance, but did not significantly impact on cardiac ACE2, cardiac interstitial fibrosis, renal fibrosis or proteinuria. Thus, in rats with CKD, renal ACE2 deficiency and lack of activation of cardiac ACE2 may contribute to the progression of cardiac and renal tissue injury. As long-term ACE inhibition only partly ameliorated the adverse cardio-renal effects of CKD, adjunctive therapies that lead to further increases in ACE2 activity may be needed to combat the cardio-renal complications of CKD.

Citations (8)

... Furthermore, Ang-(1-7) infusion had proinflammatory effects in these experimental models of renal failure, as well as under basal conditions. Burrell et al. [120], summarizing their unexpected contradicting findings in rats with subtotal nephrectomy and a few previous studies, suggest that this paradoxical outcome might reflect the enhanced production of Ang II. They report that the concomitant administration of ACEi in conjunction with Ang-(1-7) abolishes injury invoked by Ang II and consolidate the beneficial impact of Ang-(1-7). ...


Angiotensin-(1-7)—A Potential Remedy for AKI: Insights Derived from the COVID-19 Pandemic
Adverse cardiac effects of exogenous angiotensin 1-7 in rats with subtotal nephrectomy are prevented by ACE inhibition


... for 4 weeks by gavage; the DIZE group (DIZE + CONT) receiving 15mg/kg/day of DIZE, subcutaneously (sc) for 28 days; the hyperthyroid group (HT) receiving 600 μg/kg/day of LT4 for 28 days by gavage Mahmud et al. 2021;Freitas et al. 2013;Fukuchi et al. 2002), and the hyperthyroid plus diminazene group (HT + DIZE) receiving 600 μg/kg/day of LT4 by gavage followed by 15mg/kg/ day of DIZE, s.c for 28 days (Fig. 1) (Castardeli et al. 2018;Velkoska et al. 2016;Velkoska et al. 2015;Rigatto et al. 2013). Hyperthyroidism induction in rats was performed by daily gavage administration of LT4 at 1 mL/kg/day for 28 days (Hashem and Saad 2020). ...

Diminazene Aceturate Improves Cardiac Fibrosis and Diastolic Dysfunction in Rats with Kidney Disease


... These findings were corroborated by another study, which revealed a link between diminazene and ACE2, with the induction of Angiotensin-(1-7) and the Mas receptor axis playing a role in activating functions relevant to vasoprotection in CD34+ cells [22]. In an additional study, diminazene was associated with a reduction in renal cortical ACE activity and an increase in renal cortical ACE2 activity [23]. In a rat model of diabetes, diminazene restored ACE2 and AT2 receptor expression in glomeruli, lowered Angiotensin II levels, and boosted Angiotensin-(1-7) expression. ...

Short-Term Treatment with Diminazene Aceturate Ameliorates the Reduction in Kidney ACE2 Activity in Rats with Subtotal Nephrectomy


... In mice lacking ace, manifestations of hypotension, renal vascular thickening, and impaired urine concentration were observed [30][31][32][33]. It was reported that the apoptosis and proliferation of intestinal epithelial cells within the intestinal epithelium are compromised in mice with ACE deficiency [34][35][36]. Thus, potential correlations of ACE with inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract were demonstrated [37][38][39]. ...

Upregulation of circulating components of the alternative renin-angiotensin system in inflammatory bowel disease: A pilot study

Journal of the Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System

... ACE2 undergoes "shedding" from endothelial cells to release the catalytically active ectodomain into the circulation (Lambert et al., 2005;Patel et al., 2013b). This process involves the proteinase ADAM17 (Lambert et al., 2005(Lambert et al., , 2008, and results in soluble ACE2, that can be measured in human plasma (Rice et al., 2006;Lew et al., 2008;Freeman et al., 2011;Chong et al., 2012;Soro-Paavonen et al., 2012;Ortiz-Perez et al., 2013;Roberts et al., 2013;Uri et al., 2014) using an ACE2-specific quenched fluorescent substrate assay described by Vickers et al. (2002). There are few studies that have specifically investigated whether circulating ACE2 activity is a biomarker of CVD in man, or if it is associated with blood pressure or hypertension. ...

Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (ACE) 2: A Novel Marker of Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) in Man
  • Citing Article
  • December 2011

Heart, Lung and Circulation

... This suggests that the ACE2angiotensin (1-7)-MasR axis is a counterbalance to the ACE-Ang II-AT1R axis during RAAS (11). Furthermore, a decrease in renal ACE2 expression has been reported to be associated with renal injury and related complications, including albuminuria in kidney injury animal models (12,13). Thus, it is likely that ACE2 plays a protective role in kidney disease (14,15). ...

Chronic kidney disease: Cardiac and renal angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) 2 expression in rats after subtotal nephrectomy and the effect of ACE inhibition
  • Citing Article
  • February 2012

Experimental Physiology

Experimental Physiology

... Some studies suggested that antihypertensive medications may increase ACE2 expression 20-22 and accordingly may be associated with the increased risk of incidence and severity of COVID-19. However, others showed no changes, 23,24 so, the effect of these drugs on ACE2 expression was inconclusive. A recent metaanalysis of 53 studies also showed no evidence of the association between antihypertensive medications and hospitalization, severity, and mortality of COVID-19. ...

Combination renin-angiotensin system blockade and angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 in experimental myocardial infarction: Implications for future therapeutic directions

Clinical Science

... Chronic administration of Ang (1-7) was associated with transient or sustained reductions in blood pressure in SHRs and Dahl salt-sensitive rats but not in DOCA salt-induced hypertensive rats [378][379][380]. The effects of Ang (1-7) on blood pressure in 2K1C and subtotal-nephrectomy-induced hypertensive rats are inconsistent across different studies [381][382][383]. Moreover, paradoxical results were obtained in the hypertensive rats administrated with Ang (1-7) to the central nervous system (CNS), which is probably due to the differences in injection sites, administration concentrations, and hypertensive models [83,110,112,[384][385][386]. ...

Angiotensin-(1–7) infusion is associated with increased blood pressure and adverse cardiac remodelling in rats with subtotal nephrectomy

Clinical Science