Justin Ammerlaan's research while affiliated with University of Tasmania and other places

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Publications (1)

Adaptive Cooperative Fuzzy Logic Controller
  • Article

February 2004


100 Reads


6 Citations

Justin Ammerlaan


Fuzzy logic is a natural basis for modelling and solving problems involving imprecise knowledge and continuous systems. Unfortunately, fuzzy logic systems are invariably static (once created they do not change) and subjective (the creator imparts their beliefs on the system). In this paper we address the question of whether systems based on fuzzy logic can e#ectively adapt themselves to dynamic situations.


Citations (1)

... The combination of a fuzzy logic controller (FLC) with Q-learning, known as Fuzzy Q-Learning (FQL), has been used for many single robot applications [9] [10]. Notable examples include soccer ball chasing behavior for a Sony Aibo robot [11] [12] and intercepting a passed ball [13]. In [14] a neural network was combined with an FLC to allow a soccer player agent to adapt to environmental changes. ...


Fuzzy Q-learning in a nondeterministic environment: Developing an intelligent Ms. Pac-Man agent
Adaptive Cooperative Fuzzy Logic Controller
  • Citing Article
  • February 2004