JungMin Kim's research while affiliated with The University of Arizona and other places

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Publications (4)

Figure 1. Simultaneous elimination of PKC-δ neurons in the CeA and ovBNST prevents development of ABA (A and B) Left: diagram illustrating bilateral injections of a Cre-dependent virus expressing caspase into the CeA (A) and ovBNST (B) regions of mouse brains. Right: representative histology of WT and PKC-δ-Cre. BLA, basolateral amygdala; AC, anterior commissure. (C and D) Quantification: average density of CeA PKC-δ (C) and ovBNST PKC-δ (D) neurons (number of neurons per micron × 10 4 ). Unpaired t tests, ***p < 0.001. CeA-WT, n = 8; CeA-Cre, n = 20; ovBNST-WT, n = 12; ovBNST-Cre, n = 19 mice. Error bars show the data range beyond the interquartile range (IQR), reaching 1.5 times the IQR from the first and third quartiles or to the minimum and maximum values if within this range. Any points beyond this range are outliers. (E) Timeline of the ABA protocol (created with BioRender).
Figure 2. Characteristics of ABA development are mitigated with dual ablation of EAc PKC-δ neurons
Figure 3. Activity of PKC-δ neurons in both the CeA and ovBNST is implicated in ABA feeding behaviour
Figure 4. Activity of PKC-δ neurons in both the CeA and ovBNST is elevated during the feeding period as ABA develops
Figure 5. Dual ablation of EAc PKC-δ neurons prevents ABA in both male and female mice (A and B) Survival analysis of WT-FRW mice (A) and of Cre-FRW mice (B) (WT: p = 0.0045, male n = 10, female n = 10; Cre: p = 0.93, male n = 7 and female n = 10; log rank test). (C and D) Left: population mean line plots of BW loss across days of food restriction. Right: weight loss measurement on the day of removal from the experiment, either when the ABA criteria are reached or after day 10. A gray dashed line at 20% weight loss indicates the point when mice have developed ABA and need to be removed from the experiment to prevent death. A sudden change in the line plots for female WT mice (i.e., days 3-4) is due to the removal of half of the initial number of mice from the experiment in 1 day, indicated by a dashed section in the line. Boxplot averages are based on days when more than one WT sample remained in the experiment. See Figure S10 for individual-sample data plots.
Development of activity-based anorexia requires PKC-δ neurons in two central extended amygdala nuclei
  • Article
  • Full-text available

March 2024


17 Reads

Cell Reports

Wesley Ilana Schnapp


JungMin Kim


Yong Wang




Anorexia nervosa (AN) is a serious psychiatric disease, but the neural mechanisms underlying its development are unclear. A subpopulation of amygdala neurons, marked by expression of protein kinase C-delta (PKC-δ), has previously been shown to regulate diverse anorexigenic signals. Here, we demonstrate that these neurons regulate development of activity-based anorexia (ABA), a common animal model for AN. PKC-δ neurons are located in two nuclei of the central extended amygdala (EAc): the central nucleus (CeA) and oval region of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (ovBNST). Simultaneous ablation of CeAPKC-δ and ovBNSTPKC-δ neurons prevents ABA, but ablating PKC-δ neurons in the CeA or ovBNST alone is not sufficient. Correspondingly, PKC-δ neurons in both nuclei show increased activity with ABA development. Our study shows how neurons in the amygdala regulate ABA by impacting both feeding and wheel activity behaviors and support a complex heterogeneous etiology of AN.


Central extended amygdala neurons in the development of activity-based anorexia

November 2022


36 Reads


1 Citation

Anorexia nervosa (AN) is a serious psychiatric disease characterized by restricted eating, fear of gaining weight, as well as excessive exercise, and also is often comorbid with emotional disorders such as anxiety and depression. However, the etiology of AN is unknown and the neural mechanism that leads to AN remains to be determined. Here, we show that a specific subpopulation of neurons, marked by the expression of protein kinase C-delta (PKC-δ), in two nuclei of the central extended amygdala (EAc)— central nucleus (CeA) and oval region of bed nucleus of stria terminalis (ovBNST)—regulates development of activity-based anorexia (ABA), the current best animal model of AN. Specifically, simultaneous dual ablation of CeA PKC-δ and ovBNST PKC-δ neurons prevents the key phenotypes of ABA: increases in wheel activity, decreases in food intake, and life-threatening body weight loss. However, ablating PKC-δ neurons in CeA or ovBNST alone is not sufficient to prevent ABA. Correspondingly, activation of PKC-δ neurons in one type of nuclei continues to suppress food intake even when PKC-δ neurons in the other nuclei are silenced. Consistent with their role in suppressing food intake when activated, these PKC-δ neurons show increased activity with ABA development. Together, our study illuminates how neurons in the amygdala regulate ABA development and supports the complex and heterogenous etiology of AN.

A bed nucleus of stria terminalis microcircuit regulating inflammation-associated modulation of feeding

June 2019


653 Reads


70 Citations

Nature Communications

Loss of appetite or anorexia associated with inflammation impairs quality of life and increases morbidity in many diseases. However, the exact neural mechanism that mediates inflammation-associated anorexia is still poorly understood. Here we identified a population of neurons, marked by the expression of protein kinase C-delta, in the oval region of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST), which are activated by various inflammatory signals. Silencing of these neurons attenuates the anorexia caused by these inflammatory signals. Our results demonstrate that these neurons mediate bidirectional control of general feeding behaviors. These neurons inhibit the lateral hypothalamus-projecting neurons in the ventrolateral part of BNST to regulate feeding, receive inputs from the canonical feeding regions of arcuate nucleus and parabrachial nucleus. Our data therefore define a BNST microcircuit that might coordinate canonical feeding centers to regulate food intake, which could offer therapeutic targets for feeding-related diseases such as anorexia and obesity.

Citations (3)

... The functional distinctions between the lateral and medial adBNST appear to go beyond stress and anxiety because opposing roles in motivated states via specific responses to aversive and rewarding stimuli are shown for BNST CRH and CCK neurons, respectively (Giardino et al., 2018;Giardino and Pomrenze, 2021). A specialized role in feeding regulation by PKC-δ neurons in the BNSTov is also reported (Schnapp et al., 2022;Wang et al., 2019). Thus, we hypothesized the observed functional distinctions between the lateral and medial adBNST are empowered by the differential circuit assemblies of these subregions. ...


Whole-brain input mapping of the lateral versus medial anterodorsal bed nucleus of the stria terminalis in the mouse
Central extended amygdala neurons in the development of activity-based anorexia
  • Citing Preprint
  • November 2022

... Lapping, biting and chewing are the first phases of ingestion of food. They are executed by 44 muscles of the jaw and tongue, controlled by two classes of cranial motor nuclei in the pons, 45 medulla and cervical spinal cord: branchiomotor nuclei for the jaw and suprahyoid muscles -46 trigeminal (principal and accessory (Mo5 and Acc5)) and facial (principal and accessory (Mo7 47 and Acc7)); and somatomotor nuclei for the tongue and infrahyoid muscles -hypoglossal 48 (Mo12) and an unnamed cervical motoneuron group (1) that we call MoC (2). Triggering and 49 was not certified by peer review) patterning the activities of Mo5, Mo7, Mo12 and MoC, i.e. mobilizing in a coordinated fashion 50 the many muscles involved in lapping, biting and chewing, is thought to take place in the pons 51 and/or medulla, as evidenced by the preservation of these complex feeding movements in 52 decerebrate or deafferented animals (Miller and Sherrington, 1915; Woods, 1964)(3-5). ...

A bed nucleus of stria terminalis microcircuit regulating inflammation-associated modulation of feeding

Nature Communications

... These brain regions are involved in alertness, food intake, defensive behaviors, and autonomic responses such as the CS response. [18][19][20][21][22] Of note, the absence of response to some cytokines and saline ruled out an effect of stress alone associated with injection ( Figure 1C). ...

A BNST-Centered Microcircuit Regulating Inflammation-Associated Anorexia and Feeding
  • Citing Article
  • January 2018

SSRN Electronic Journal