Jung-Eun Park's research while affiliated with Nanyang Technological University and other places

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Publications (17)

FIGURE 1 | Growth curves of E. coli wild-type, bipA-deficient, and complementation strains under optimal (37 • C) and suboptimal (25 • C) growth temperatures. (A) Growth curves at 37 • C of E. coli with various BipA mutations. Under optimal condition, the strain did not present a significant growth defect, but the strains bipA transformed with pCA24N-BipA variants presented a significant delay in growth. (B) Growth curves at 25 • C of E. coli with deletions for bipA and/or rluC. Loss of bipA (bipA) led to growth defect at 25 • C, which can be complemented by the presence of BipA expression (pCA24N-BipA) or suppressed by genomic deletion of rluC. The complementation was judged by the growth curve progression of the diverse strains ( bipA + pCA24N-BipA, rluC, and bipA + rluC) in comparison to the wild-type strain (K12WT). (C) Growth curves at 25 • C of E. coli with deletions for bipA, relA, and/or spoT. Deletion of both relA and spoT caused a slight growth delay but did not exacerbate the growth delay of in the triple knock-out strains. (D) Growth curves at 25 • C of E. coli with various BipA mutations. The bipA strain expressing pCA24N-BipA variants presented different growth curves at 25 • C. The cells with BipA H78Q demonstrated the same growth rate as the strain (pCA24N), while preceding with BipA H78A that preceded with BipA T544_D552d el . Note that biological triplicates were analyzed, and pCA24N without gene of interest was transformed into cells not harboring any plasmid so that all strains have the similar cellular burden of holding a plasmid. The "p" in the bracket alone or preceding "BipA" represents plasmid pCA24N.
FIGURE 2 | The effect of BipA on swimming motilities of various strains of E. coli K12 BW25113 after (A) 24-h incubation and (B) 48-h incubation. The agar plate-based assay was employed, and it was assessed by the development of chemotactic ring. (A) After 24-h incubation at room temperature (suboptimal temperature), cells with bipA deletion showed no notable chemotactic rings except for cells with double mutations ( Cells with the plasmid-borne BipA were compensated for the loss of genomic bipA and yielded chemotactic ring with similar size to the strain K12WT. The strains expressing BipA mutants also demonstrated the lack of chemotactic ring except for the strain (pCA24N-BipA H78Q ), which showed slight development of chemotactic ring as compared to the bipA strain. (B) After 48-h incubation, all the strains developed chemotactic rings despite variations in size. The strain expressing BipA mutants presented significant increase in chemotactic ring size, where the strain (pCA24N-BipA H78Q ) yielded chemotactic ring larger than the strains (pCA24N-BipA H78A and pCA24N-BipA T544_D552d el ). The "p" in the bracket alone or preceding "BipA" represents plasmid pCA24N.
FIGURE 4 | Tandem mass tag-mass spectrometry (TMT-MS) analysis of various strains of E. coli K12 BW25113. A TMT-based quantitative proteomic method was used to determine differential protein expression under suboptimal cell culture condition between wild-type, (pCA24N-BipA), and rluC/bipA strains. (A) A volcano plot showing protein expression level of the strain against the strain K12WT. The bipA was indeed deleted based on significantly low log 2 FC. The five proteins DeaD, ObgE, RpoS, CspA, and RNase R yielded significantly higher reads in the strain than the strain K12WT. (B) The expression levels of DeaD, ObgE, RpoS, CspA, and RNase R proteins were not changed between K12WT and (pCA24N-BipA) strain. (C) Comparison of bipA (pCA24N-BipA) against bipA. We put DeaD, ObgE, RpoS, CspA, and RNase R in the negative log 2 abundance ratio side of the plot, meaning peptide reads of the proteins were lesser in
Tabulated data adapted from Gibbs and Fredrick (2018), referring to proteins involved in ribosome assembly in E. coli; ObgE is included.
Translational GTPase BipA Is Involved in the Maturation of a Large Subunit of Bacterial Ribosome at Suboptimal Temperature
  • Article
  • Full-text available

July 2021


119 Reads


6 Citations

Frontiers in Microbiology

Frontiers in Microbiology



Xin-Fu Yan




BPI-inducible protein A (BipA), a highly conserved paralog of the well-known translational GTPases LepA and EF-G, has been implicated in bacterial motility, cold shock, stress response, biofilm formation, and virulence. BipA binds to the aminoacyl-(A) site of the bacterial ribosome and establishes contacts with the functionally important regions of both subunits, implying a specific role relevant to the ribosome, such as functioning in ribosome biogenesis and/or conditional protein translation. When cultured at suboptimal temperatures, the Escherichia coli bipA genomic deletion strain (Δ bipA ) exhibits defects in growth, swimming motility, and ribosome assembly, which can be complemented by a plasmid-borne bipA supplementation or suppressed by the genomic rluC deletion. Based on the growth curve, soft agar swimming assay, and sucrose gradient sedimentation analysis, mutation of the catalytic residue His78 rendered plasmid-borne bipA unable to complement its deletion phenotypes. Interestingly, truncation of the C-terminal loop of BipA exacerbates the aforementioned phenotypes, demonstrating the involvement of BipA in ribosome assembly or its function. Furthermore, tandem mass tag-mass spectrometry analysis of the Δ bipA strain proteome revealed upregulations of a number of proteins (e.g., DeaD, RNase R, CspA, RpoS, and ObgE) implicated in ribosome biogenesis and RNA metabolism, and these proteins were restored to wild-type levels by plasmid-borne bipA supplementation or the genomic rluC deletion, implying BipA involvement in RNA metabolism and ribosome biogenesis. We have also determined that BipA interacts with ribosome 50S precursor (pre-50S), suggesting its role in 50S maturation and ribosome biogenesis. Taken together, BipA demonstrates the characteristics of a bona fide 50S assembly factor in ribosome biogenesis.


Citations (4)

... BipA is a well-studied protein in E. coli whose deletion is associated with a number of phenotypic changes including virulence defects, hypermotility, and, interestingly, impaired growth at suboptimal temperatures (Farris et al., 1998;Pfennig and Flower, 2001;Krishnan and Flower, 2008;Choudhury and Flower, 2015;Choi and Hwang, 2018;Gibbs et al., 2020;Goh et al., 2021). The major function of BipA at low temperatures appears to be the assembly of the 50S subunit with deletion mutants accumulating 44S precursors that fail to integrate the L6 ribosomal protein (Choudhury and Flower, 2015;Choi and Hwang, 2018). ...


Transcriptomic Adaptation of Legionella pneumophila to Transient Heat Shock
Translational GTPase BipA Is Involved in the Maturation of a Large Subunit of Bacterial Ribosome at Suboptimal Temperature
Frontiers in Microbiology

Frontiers in Microbiology

... Beyond histone acetylation, several TFs have emerged as key regulators of autophagy through acetylationmediated mechanisms (Matsuzaki et al. 2005;Mammucari et al. 2007;Zhang et al. 2018;Wang et al. 2020;Shu et al. 2023). Among these, Forkhead Box O (FOXO) TFs family members and TFEB have been extensively demonstrated to be closely associated with the transcription regulation of autophagy via acetylation (Bánréti et al. 2013;Sun et al. 2021;Jeon et al. 2022;Shu et al. 2023;Fig. ...

Importance of TFEB acetylation in control of its transcriptional activity and lysosomal function in response to histone deacetylase inhibitors
  • Citing Article
  • July 2018

... Proteinase K protection assays were performed as described (21,22). Briefly, equal aliquots of freshly prepared mitochondria were treated with varying concentrations of proteinase K (Thermo) for 20 min on ice. ...

Author Correction: PTEN-L is a novel protein phosphatase for ubiquitin dephosphorylation to inhibit PINK1–Parkin-mediated mitophagy

Cell Research

... Besides, immunomodulatory treatments such as interferon β have been found to be associated with the risk of CVD in MS patients [69]. In genetic terms, the causality found may be due to alterations in Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA), CD40, and PINK1/Parkin genes in patients with MS and PD, which modulate the body's immune-inflammatory response and mitochondrial autophagy, thereby influencing the occurrence of myocardial infarction [70][71][72][73]. It's essential to acknowledge potential biases in these observational studies, such as confounding variables and subjective viewpoints. ...

PTEN-L is a novel protein phosphatase for ubiquitin dephosphorylation to inhibit PINK1–Parkin-mediated mitophagy

Cell Research