Juan Camilo Pérez Cadavid's research while affiliated with Hospital Pablo Tobon Uribe and other places

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Publications (12)

Gastrointestinal involvement due to graft-versus-host disease
  • Article
  • Full-text available

June 2022


56 Reads

Revista Colombiana de Gastroenterología



Jhon Jaime Carvajal Gutiérrez




Juan Felipe Morantes Rubiano

Graft-versus-host disease is a common complication after stem cell transplantation. The digestive tract is affected in many patients who suffer from it, with consequences that can be fatal. The proper approach, which includes endoscopic studies, allows ruling out differential diagnoses and managing the disease early.


Fig. 2 -Total abdominal ultrasound shows: (A) and (B) hepatomegaly secondary to a large intrahepatic, heterogenous mass with calcification, cystic, and necrotic components, as well as irregular, lobulated borders extending into the hepatic hilum, compression of right kidney, and a greater than 50% compressed inferior vena cava; (C) and (E) multiple intratumoral calcifications; (D) tumor blood flow on Doppler ultrasound, and (F) locoregional enlarged lymph nodes in hepatic hilum.
Fig. 3 -Non-contrast low-dose chest CT protocol showing multiple subpleural, up to 10-mm lung nodules compromising both lung fields (arrows).
Fig. 5 -Photomicrograph of histopathologic specimen of 4-year old girl. Hematoxylin eosin stain (A) X100; (B) 200x and (C) 400x. Stain shows small, round, blue cell pattern.
Primitive neuroectodermal tumor of the liver: a case report of a rare case in pediatrics

August 2021


72 Reads


1 Citation

Radiology Case Reports

Primitive neuroectodermal tumors (PNETs) belong to the Ewing sarcoma family of tumors. These lesions are highly aggressive and are usually found in paravertebral regions, lower limbs, and thorax. However, abdominal PNETs are extremely rare, and only 3 cases of pediatric PNET of the liver have been previously reported. Most patients exhibit symptoms associated with mass effect, due to rapid tumor growth and dissemination. Therefore, an appropriate differential diagnosis is of pivotal importance in order to initiate the corresponding treatment. Here we report the case of a 4-year-old female patient who was diagnosed with PNET of the liver, and we discuss the analysis of focal liver lesions and differential diagnosis in pediatric patients.

Caracterización de pacientes con tumores neuroendocrinos en un hospital de referencia de alta complejidad

October 2020


13 Reads


3 Citations

Revista Colombiana de Cirugía

Introducción. Los tumores neuroendocrinos comprenden una amplia familia tumoral, siendo de mayor frecuencia aquellos localizados en el tracto gastrointestinal, los pulmones, el timo y el páncreas. Ocurren con poca frecuencia y cursan con un comportamiento biológico variable. El objetivo del presente estudio fue describir las características demográficas y clínicas de los pacientes con esta entidad en un hospital de alta complejidad. Métodos. Estudio descriptivo con revisión de historias clínicas correspondientes a pacientes con tumor neuroendocrino, cuya muestra histológica fue analizada en el Departamento de Patología del Hospital Pablo Tobón Uribe, Medellín, Colombia, entre 2010 y 2015. Se describen frecuencias de localización, grado de diferenciación y perfil de inmuno-histoquímica. Resultados. Se revisaron 111 historias, de las que el 51,5 % correspondió a pacientes masculinos, con una mediana de edad al momento del diagnóstico de 48 años. Las comorbilidades más frecuentes fueron: hipertensión arterial (38,6 %), hipotiroidismo (15,8 %) y diabetes mellitus (11,9 %). El antecedente de neoplasia estuvo presente en el 13,9 % de los casos. Un 59,4 % de las muestras correspondieron a tumores primarios, el 34,8 % estaban localizados en el páncreas. El hígado fue el órgano más comprometido por metástasis (73,3 %). De los tumores neuroendocrinos, el 27 % correspondió a tumores grado 1 del tracto gastrointestinal o del páncreas, el 36 % a grado 2 y el 27,9 % a grado 3. El 3,6 % correspondió a tumores pulmonares de grado bajo o intermedio y el 5,4 % a tumores pulmonares de alto grado. Los marcadores tumorales con mayor positividad fueron sinaptofisina (97,2 %), citoqueratinas AE1/AE3 (95 %), CD56 (91,3%) y cromogranina (87,8%). Discusión. Los tumores neuroendocrinos tienen características clínicas e histopatológicas diversas. Conocer las características de los pacientes afectados permite una aproximación de la epidemiología local aplicable a futuras investigaciones.

Atypical hepatic hemangiomas

August 2017


38 Reads


2 Citations

BJR|case reports

Hepatic haemangioma is the most common benign liver lesion in the general population. It often exhibits a uniform pattern of characteristics, thus being called "typical." However, a certain number of hepatic haemangiomas have special or uncommon characteristics and are termed "atypical." The majority of patients are asymptomatic. Its differential diagnosis is critical, and its differentiation from other aetiological possibilities can be challenging, especially in cases of atypical haemangiomas, which may lead to confusion or even misleading diagnoses. We report on a 55-year-old patient with atypical multiple hepatic haemangiomas mimicking metastasis or echinococcus infection.

Figure 1 of 1
Alergia a fórmula de aminoácidos libres en síndrome de intestino corto - Reporte de 2 casos

February 2017


407 Reads

Revista Colombiana de Gastroenterología

El síndrome de intestino corto constituye una entidad con alteración en la superficie de absorción y en la funcionalidad del sistema gastrointestinal. En estos pacientes se ha descrito mayor predisposición de alergias alimentarias a la proteína de la leche de vaca y al huevo. Se describen los casos de 2 lactantes menores con síndrome de intestino corto y reacciones alérgicas a fórmulas de aminoácidos libres. En el primer caso la paciente presentó una respuesta no mediada por inmunoglobulina E (IgE) manifestada clínicamente con una colitis eosinofílica, que mejoró con uso de esteroides sistémicos, cambio a otra fórmula elemental. En el segundo caso se presenta una paciente con intolerancia inicial a la leche materna y fórmula extensamente hidrolizada. Con primera fórmula de aminoácidos libres presenta sangrado gastrointestinal y manifestaciones cutáneas, por lo que se hace cambio a otra fórmula de aminoácidos libres con tolerancia transitoria. Subsecuentemente, en el contexto de un cuadro viral no especificado con compromiso respiratorio y gastrointestinal, presenta reacción anafiláctica a la fórmula de aminoácidos libres que venía tolerando previamente, por lo que se hace necesario cambio a dieta modular con tolerancia adecuada. No se encontraron reportes previos en la literatura de reacciones alérgicas a fórmulas elementales a base de aminoácidos, por lo cual se reportan los casos descritos. Aún no hay consenso en cuanto a la fórmula ideal para iniciar la alimentación en los pacientes con intestino corto para evitar sensibilización alergénica.

Two Case Reports of Allergies to Amino Acid Based Formula in Patients with Short Bowel Syndrome

June 2016


33 Reads


1 Citation

Revista Colombiana de Gastroenterología

Short bowel syndrome (SBS) is characterized by alterations in the absorption surface and in the functionality of the gastrointestinal system. Patients with SBS are more prone to allergies the protein in cow’s milk and eggs. We report two cases of infants with SBS and allergic reactions to amino acid based formulas. In the first case, the patient’s response was not IgE-mediated. It manifested clinically with eosinophilic colitis that improved with the use of systemic steroids and a change to another elemental formula. In the second case, the patient initially presented intolerance to breast milk and extensively hydrolyzed formula. After feeding with the first free amino acid formula, the patient developed gastrointestinal bleeding and skin manifestations. Another free amino acid formula was substituted. The patient had transient tolerance to the new formula. Later, in the context of an unspecified viral infection with respiratory and gastrointestinal involvement, the patient presented an anaphylactic reaction to the formula which had previously been tolerated. This necessitated a change to a modular diet which was adequately tolerated. We have presented this case report because no previous reports were found in the literature about allergic reactions to basic amino acid-based formulas. There is still no consensus on the ideal formula for preventing allergic sensitization in patients with SBS. © 2016 Asociaciones Colombianas de Gastroenterología, Endoscopia digestiva, Coloproctología y Hepatología.

Figura 1. A. Biopsia gástrica: hematoxilina eosina 200x mucosa gástrica antral con edema y leve infiltrado inflamatorio mononuclear. B. Inmunohistoquímica positiva para citomegalovirus en algunas células endoteliales de la lámina propia.  
Dolor epigástrico postural como posible síntoma exclusivo de gastritis por citomegalovirus en pacientes trasplantados renales: presentación de un caso

October 2015


259 Reads


2 Citations

Revista Colombiana de Gastroenterología

Abstract Cytomegalovirus is an entity which causes significant morbidity and mortality among solid organ transplant patients. It may occur as a primary infection or be reactivated. In either case clinical manifestations vary. We report the case of a patient with severe epigastric pain related to posture which was the primary symptom of a cytomegalovirus infection. Keywords: Cytomegalovirus, renal transplantation, gastritis, epigastric pain. Resumen La enfermedad por citomegalovirus es una entidad con importante morbilidad y mortalidad en pacientes trasplantados de órgano sólido, que se puede presentar como primoinfección o reactivación y con manifestaciones clínicas muy variables. A continuación se reporta el caso de un paciente con dolor epigástrico intenso postural como síntoma inicial de primoinfección por citomegalovirus. Palabras clave: Citomegalovirus, trasplante renal, gastritis, dolor epigástrico.

Figure 1 of 1
Hepatocarcinoma fibrolamelar un tumor de adultos jóvenes poco frecuente: Reporte de un caso

December 2014


4,906 Reads


1 Citation

Revista Colombiana de Gastroenterología

El hepatocarcinoma fibrolamelar (CHC-FL) es una rara variante del carcinoma hepatocelular (CHC), se presenta con mayor frecuencia en adultos jóvenes, sin distinción de sexo, se desarrolla en su manera más característica sobre un hígado previamente sano. La manifestación clásica está dada por la triada de masa palpable en hipocondrio derecho, dolor y pérdida de peso. Ante la ausencia de historia de enfermedad hepática previa, es usual que se encuentre como una neoplasia avanzada de gran tamaño, la cual tiene hallazgos característicos en la tomografía o en la RM, que permiten en un alto porcentaje de casos hacer el diagnóstico solo con las imágenes. En este tipo de neoplasias, el mejor tratamiento es la resección quirúrgica, que proporciona una sobrevida a 5 años de 58-82%, pero con unas tasas de recaídas muy elevadas, que puede variar según las series entre 33-100% de los casos. Presentamos el caso de un paciente joven, sin historia de enfermedad hepática, en el que se diagnosticó un CHC-FL mediante el uso de resonancia magnética con medio de contraste órgano-específico y que es tratado con resección quirúrgica radical.

Figure 1. MRI findings related to FHCC. A. High signal intensity lesion seen in T2-weighted images. B. Restricted diffusion. Hypointense, hyperintense and heterogeneous lesion radiating from the center. C. Dynamic image with extracellular contrast shows early heterogeneous contrast uptake (arterial phase) which vanishes in the following images. D. Portal phase: The lesion is minimal or the image was not made with any contrast medium. It is hypointense relative to the rest of the liver. E. A hypointense lesion is seen with organ-specific contrast (gadoxetic acid) in the hepatocellular phase that was not seen without this type of contrast. It allows differential diagnosis from atypical FNH. FHCC may have peripheral enhancement of the capsule and septa, as in this case. 
Figure 2. Macroscopic findings for FHCC. Irregular nodular mass, 15 cm in diameter, composed of solid-looking cream, yellow and green nodules. Characteristic fibrous central lesion. 
Figure 3. Histopathological findings for FHCC (hematoxylin and eosin): Nests of neoplastic hepatocytes separated by fibrous bands of connective tissue. Large, polygonal hepatocytes with ample eosinophilic cytoplasm, slight nuclear pleomorphism and evident nucleoli can be seen. 
Figure 4. stain highlights the bands of fibrous connective tissue that separate the nests of neoplastic hepatocytes. 
Case Report of Fibrolamellar Hepatocarcinoma, a Rare Tumor of Young Adults

December 2014


189 Reads

Revista Colombiana de Gastroenterología

Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma (FL-HCC) is a rare variant of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) which occurs most often in young adults without regard to sex. It develops in its characteristic way on a previously healthy liver. The classical presentation is a palpable mass in the right upper quadrant, pain, and weight loss. In the absence of a prior history of liver disease, it is usual to find a large advanced neoplasia which has characteristic findings in a CT scan or MRI. A high percentage of cases can be diagnosed solely with images. The best treatment for this type of tumor is surgical resection which provides a 5-year survival rate of 58% to 82% but with very high rates of relapse. In published studies rates of relapse vary between 33% and 100%. We report the case of a young patient with no history of liver disease in which fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma was diagnosed using contrast organ-specific MRI. The tumor was treated with radical surgical resection. © 2014 Asociaciones Colombianas de Gastroenterología, Endoscopia digestiva, Coloproctología y Hepatología.

Endoscopic argon plasma therapy for neuroendocrine type I gastric tumors

March 2014


19 Reads

Revista Colombiana de Gastroenterología

Background and Purpose: Since data regarding type I gastric carcinoid tumors and their evolution in prospective studies are scarce, unanimity has not been reached regarding treatment and follow-up. Our purpose is to describe the use of argon plasma coagulation (APC) for the eradication of multiple type I gastric carcinoid tumors and to observe behavior over time following treatment. Methods: Over a period of seven years from July 2005 to June 2012, fourteen patients with neuroendocrine gastric tumors were treated endoscopically at two tertiary medical centers. Argon plasma was applied to eradicate multiple gastric carcinoid tumors. Then, patients underwent follow-up endoscopic examinations. Results: None of the patients presented specific symptoms or signs related to the presence of chronic atrophic gastritis, and all diagnoses were incidental findings during endoscopy. Biopsies obtained endoscopically prior to intervention showed polyps that were type I intramucosal neuroendocrine tumors. The median diameter was 3.8 mm, with a range from 2mm to 10mm. Seven cases (50%) were associated severe atrophy while multifocal atrophy was found in 29% of the cases. H. pylori were found in seven patients (50%) during an average follow-up of 46 months. Follow-up periods ranged from 17 to 84 months. Patient survival was 100%. Even though ten patients (71%) suffered recurrences, all lesions were eradicated. Gastrin, chromogranin A, mitotic index, and Ki 67 were all evaluated, and patients were also tested for autoimmune diseases. No bleeding or perforations occurred during procedures. Conclusions: The use of endoscopic argon plasma to completely eradicate type I gastric neuroendocrine tumors is safe and easy. © 2014 Asociaciones Colombianas de Gastroenterología, Endoscopia digestiva, Coloproctología y Hepatología.

Citations (4)

... Only around 6% of them are extraosseous, but they typically start in the bones [4]. Clinically, PNETs present as abdominal pain, mass effect, and compression symptoms, such as abdominal distention and ascites [5]. ...


Peripheral Primitive Neuroectodermal Tumor: A Rare Case in Pediatrics
Primitive neuroectodermal tumor of the liver: a case report of a rare case in pediatrics

Radiology Case Reports

... Los TNE pueden tener características funcionales o carecer de ellas, esto es debido a que provienen de células productoras de hormonas [10][11][12] . En su mayoría los tumores no son funcionales. ...

Caracterización de pacientes con tumores neuroendocrinos en un hospital de referencia de alta complejidad

Revista Colombiana de Cirugía

... En la ecografía, el CFL se caracteriza como una masa bien definida con ecogenicidad heterogénea. En la TC con contraste endovenoso suele presentarse como una masa grande, heterogénea, de contorno lobulado y en RM suelen ser hipointensos en las imágenes ponderadas en T1 e hiperintensos en T2 con una cicatriz central fibrosa hipointensa en todas las secuencias 1,5 . Esta es clave para poder realizar diagnóstico diferencial con masas hepáticas benignas, como la hiperplasia nodular focal (HNF), que típicamente tiene una cicatriz central predominantemente hiperintensa en las secuencias potenciadas en T2. ...

Hepatocarcinoma fibrolamelar un tumor de adultos jóvenes poco frecuente: Reporte de un caso

Revista Colombiana de Gastroenterología

... Nocardiosis [47] Sarcoidosis [53] Mycobacterial infections, including M. tuberculosis, M. bovis, M. avium [17,54] Eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis [55] Brucellosis [56] Giant cell arteritis [57] Q fever (Coxiella burnettii) [12] Granulomatosis with polyangiitis [58] Cat-scratch disease (Bartonellosis) [59] Crohn's disease [60] Syphilis [61] Primary biliary cholangitis [62] Actinomycosis [63] Immunodeficiencies, inborn and acquired Fungal infections Common variable immunodeficiency [64] Histoplasmosis [65] Chronic granulomatous disease [66] Blastomycosis [67] Human immunodeficiency virus infection [18] Coccidioidomycosis [68] Medications Candidiasis (in the setting of neutropenia) [69] Acetaminophen [70] Viral infections Allopurinol [71] Hepatitis A, B, C [6,51,72] Albendazole [73] Epstein-Barr virus [74] Amoxicillin-clavulanate [75] Cytomegalovirus [76] Diltiazem [77] Parasitic infections: Etanercept [78] Helminthic infections: Infliximab [79] Ascaridosis [80] Ipilimumab [81] Fascioliasis [82] Mebendazole [83] Schistosomiasis, including S. japonicum and S. mansoni [67] Mesalamine [84] Protozoal infections: Nivolumab [81] Toxoplasmosis [85] Vemurafenib [86] Leishmaniasis [87] Rosiglitazone [88] Sulfasalazine [89] Quinidine [90] Hodgkin's disease [91] Foreign body Talc [20] Surgical material [92,93] Prosthetic devices [94] Implants [95] Idiopathic granulomas GRANULOMATOUS LIVER DISEASES | 7 ...

Albendazole-induced granulomatous hepatitis: A case report

Journal of Medical Case Reports