Jos P. van Campen's research while affiliated with OLVG and other places

Publications (24)

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Lithium is one of the most effective treatment options in both bipolar disorder and treatment-resistant depression. The use of lithium in older adults declined during the last decades, probably resulting in undertreatment of older adults. To investigate how well lithium is tolerated in old age, we aimed to determine the frequency, reasons and possi...
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Background Anticholinergic and sedative medications are associated with poorer physical function in older age. Gait and physical function have traditionally been assessed with the time needed to execute objective function tests. Accelerometer-based gait parameters provide a precise capturing of gait dynamics and patterns and as such have added valu...
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Background Anticholinergic and sedative medications are frequently prescribed to older individuals. These medications are associated with short-term cognitive and physical impairment, but less is known about long-term associations. We therefore examined over twenty years whether cumulative exposure to these medications was related to poorer cogniti...
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Background The oldest-old (subjects aged 90 years and older) population represents the fastest growing segment of society and shows a high dementia prevalence rate of up to 40%. Only a few studies have investigated protective factors for cognitive impairment in the oldest-old. The EMIF-AD 90+ Study aims to identify factors associated with resilienc...
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Inleiding In westerse landen is 5,4 tot 6,4% van de 60-plussers zonder migratieachtergrond dement, maar er zijn aanwijzingen dat dementie relatief vaker voorkomt bij mensen met een migratieachtergrond. Wij onderzochten de prevalentie van milde cognitieve achteruitgang (MCI) en dementie bij thuiswonende niet-westerse migranten van 55 jaar en ouder i...
Background Walking ability recently emerged as a sub-clinical marker of cognitive decline. Hence, the relationship between baseline gait and future cognitive decline was examined in geriatric patients. Because a “loss of complexity” (LOC) is a key phenomenon of the aging process that exhibits in multiple systems, we propose the idea that age- and c...
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BackgroundA detailed gait analysis (e.g., measures related to speed, self-affinity, stability, and variability) can help to unravel the underlying causes of gait dysfunction, and identify cognitive impairment. However, because geriatric patients present with multiple conditions that also affect gait, results from healthy old adults cannot easily be...
The dataset that was used for the analysis, including demographic, cognition, and gait information. (XLSX)
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Fall prediction in geriatric patients remains challenging because the increased fall risk involves multiple, interrelated factors caused by natural aging and/or pathology. Therefore, we used a multi-factorial statistical approach to model categories of modifiable fall risk factors among geriatric patients to identify fallers with highest sensitivit...
In de komende jaren zal het aantal niet-westerse, oudere migranten met dementie stijgen. In de diagnostiek van dementie bij deze groep stuiten we op een aantal obstakels, die te maken hebben met de taalbarrière, culturele verschillen, het vaak lage opleidingsniveau en analfabetisme. In de afgelopen tien jaar ontwikkelden wij de Cross-Culturele Deme...
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The increased fall risk associated with the use of psychotropic drugs might be caused by underlying problems in postural control that are induced by sedative side-effects of these drugs. The current literature on the effects of psychotropics on postural control only examined acute single-drug effects, and included relatively healthy young elderly....
Early identification of individuals at risk for cognitive decline may facilitate the selection of those who benefit most from interventions. Current models predicting cognitive decline include neuropsychological and/or biological markers. Additional markers based on walking ability might improve accuracy and specificity of these models because moto...
Objective: In the Netherlands, persons of Turkish, Moroccan and Surinamese descent form the largest groups of non-western immigrants. A high prevalence of mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and dementia has been described in immigrant populations in the United States of America and the United Kingdom. We determined the prevalence of MCI and dementia...
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Vertebral fractures, an increased thoracic kyphosis and a flexed posture are associated with falls. However, this was not confirmed in prospective studies. We performed a prospective cohort study to investigate the association between vertebral fractures, increased thoracic kyphosis and/or flexed posture with future fall incidents in older adults w...
Bij cognitieve screening en/of neuropsychologisch onderzoek bij niet-westerse allochtone ouderen kunnen zich verschillende barrières voordoen. Hieronder bespreken we kort waar deze barrières uit bestaan en hoe psychologen in een geheugenpoli of vergelijkbaar centrum ze kunnen ondervangen.
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Aim: Osteoporosis can cause vertebral fractures, which might lead to a flexed posture, impaired postural control and consequently increased fall risk. Therefore, the aim of the present review was to examine whether postural control of patients with osteoporosis, vertebral fractures, thoracic kyphosis and flexed posture is affected. Furthermore, ins...
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Falls in frail elderly are a common problem with a rising incidence. Gait and postural instability are major risk factors for falling, particularly in geriatric patients. As walking requires attention, cognitive impairments are likely to contribute to an increased fall risk. An objective quantification of gait and balance ability is required to ide...
The effects of a cognitive dual task on gait coordination in 24 older geriatric day clinic patients while walking at self-selected speed was studied and related to cognitive function. Trunk accelerations were registered (DynaPort ®; McRoberts) and used to calculate gait and trunk parameters. The Mini Mental State Examination and the Seven Minute Sc...
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The seven minute screen (7MS) is a compilation of the temporal orientation test, enhanced cued recall, clock drawing, and verbal fluency. It has been shown to be useful for detecting Alzheimer's disease in a population of patients with memory complaints. To assess the predictive validity of the 7MS for various types of dementia, and the influence o...


... Therefore, besides spatiotemporal gait measures and the magnitude of variability in these gait measures, dynamic gait measures might potentially provide additional insights in the characterization of gait performance than spatiotemporal measures and their variability only. However, previous research has shown that some of these gait measures are correlated (Hollman, McDade, & Petersen, 2011;Kikkert et al., 2017;Lord et al., 2013;Rehman et al., 2020;Verghese, Wang, Lipton, Holtzer, & Xue, 2007;Wouters et al., 2021), reflecting redundancy. Factor analysis approaches can identify the structure underlying a set of gait measures, which will reduce these redundancies and magnify the unique properties that characterize different aspects of gait performance. ...
... Inappropriate prescribing is common in the elderly and is associated with polypharmacy, and both situations are implicated in adverse health outcomes [1][2][3][4][5]. In addition, patients with advanced age and multimorbidity are at increased risk of being prescribed anticholinergic drugs, which increases the risk of cognitive and functional impairment, falls, hospitalization and death [6][7][8][9]. ...
... Center (WI ADRC) 8 and Wisconsin Registry for Alzheimer's Prevention (WRAP) 9 cohorts (n = 137; 915 CSF proteins quantified), which have been described in detail previously 10 ( Figure 1). The primary replication proteomics data set came from Alzheimer Center Amsterdam related studies, 11 including the Amsterdam Dementia Cohort (ADC), 12 the 90+ Study, 13 and the Twin Study 14,15 (total n = 446). ...
... 1 De onderzoekers brachten bij ruim tweeduizend thuiswonende Turkse, Marokkaanse en Surinaamse patiënten het cognitief functioneren in kaart met de Cross-Culturele Dementiescreening (CCD), een cognitief screeningsinstrument voor dementie bij niet-westerse migranten. 7,8 De prevalentie van dementie en MCI, geoperationaliseerd als een afwijkende score op de CCD, bleek significant hoger te zijn dan bij autochtone Nederlanders. Het onderzoek had beperkingen -de diagnose werd gesteld op basis van een cognitieve screeningstest, een klinische diagnose ontbrak en de resultaten zijn nog niet gereproduceerd in vervolgonderzoek -, maar toch benadrukken de bevindingen het belang van extra aandacht voor deze groep patiënten. ...
... In-home sensors and wearables can detect agitation and monitor activity and sleep patterns [16]. There are a range of indoor localizing technologies for older adults including ambient sensors [21][22][23][24]27], Bluetooth localizers [28][29][30] and combination inertial measurement units with localizer tags [31,32]. ...
... The smoothness of walking, the rhythmic pattern of trunk acceleration, is a dynamic gait metric useful to quantify gait regularity during walking [19][20][21]. Prior works have demonstrated impaired gait smoothness across various populations, such as cognitively impaired individuals, older adults with restricted neuromuscular control, Parkinson's disease patients, and individuals with sensory impairment, compared to young adults and persons without the disease [21][22][23][24][25][26][27]. According to recent studies, trunk accelerations are more sensitive than traditional spatiotemporal metrics for capturing subtle alterations in gait [26,28]. ...
... Disproportionate accumulation of lipedema tissue on the inner leg causes valgus stresses (increasing the risk of meniscus damage and osteoarthritis), 5 restricts knee flexion, 6 and alters gait mechanics, which is a risk factor for falls. 7 Lipedema tissue can grow and present in three stages: stage 1 is thickening and disproportionate accumulation of SAT in the extremities with smooth skin; stage 2 is increased fibrous SAT with skin indentations; stage 3 lipedema tissue forms lobules of skin and SAT. Women with stage 2-3 lipedema often have swelling on physical examination and most have evidence of impaired lymphatic function (Fig. 1). ...
... Применение потенциально неэффективных лекарственных препаратов и полипрагмазия ассоциированы с синдромом СА, наличие которой, в свою очередь, влияет на приверженность лечению и ответ на терапию [10,11]. Так, например, нарушение походки в большей степени ассоциировано с СА, чем с приёмом психотропных препаратов [12]. Наоборот, в настоящее время не найдено убедительных дынных о влиянии СА на эффективность антигипертензивной терапии у пациентов 80 лет и старше [13]. ...
... Gait requires integrity of both musculoskeletal and central nervous systems, and its measurement appears to be a useful proxy for health and physical function [8,9]. Importantly, a decline in gait speed is associated with the development of dementia in older adults [10][11][12][13][14][15]. Additionally, spatiotemporal gait characteristics, reflecting different domains of gait including pace (stride and step lengths), rhythm (swing, step, stance, and stride times), and variability (standard deviations of step/stride length and time), are associated with both cognitive decline and dementia [16]. ...
... The number of people living with dementia is expected to increase in the coming years. People with an immigration background are at an increased risk of developing dementia and are more likely to experience barriers in accessing dementia services and care, which may lead to health inequities and a reduction of quality of life [5][6][7]. Hence, there is a need to develop and coordinate dementia care plans, including the use of technology, for marginalized older adults living with dementia, such as those with an immigration background and low literacy levels [8]. ...