Jorena Jorena's research while affiliated with Universitas Sriwijaya and other places

Publications (7)

Adsorpsi merupakan salah satu metode yang banyak digunakan untuk mendegradasi logam berat dari lingkungan. Berbagai adsorben telah banyak digunakan dan sampai saat ini penelitian telah berhasil mengembangkan polimer bercetakan sebagai adsorben logam berat. Optimasi ekstraksi polimer dalam menghasilkan IIPs bercetakan Ion Fe 3+ dengan menggunakan d...
Fe(III)-IIPs material was prepared using a cooling-heating method with different leaching variations. The synthesis process used several chemical components, including EGDMA, MAA, and BPO as the crosslinker, functional monomer, and initiator. This study focused on the template formation process of IIPs with leaching variations, using parameters suc...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui litologi batuan untuk menentukan posisi terbaik kedalaman tiang pancang pembangunan turap di bawah permukaan. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode geolistrik konfigurasi Wenner – Schlumberger. Data pengukuran geolistrik yang digunakan adalah lintasan di tebing sungai di lokasi yang saling berdekatan yaitu da...
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Pengabdian pada masyarakat bertujuan untuk memberikan pelatihan perancangan papan skor pertandingan olahraga pada siswa SMA. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan yaitu ceramah, tanya jawab dan praktik. Kegiatan dilaksanakan dalam dua bentuk yaitu secara online melalui Zoom Meeting sebanyak 10 pertemuan dan secara offline sebanyak 3 pertemuan di lokasi SMAN...
Polimer Fe(III) berbasis Ion Imprinted Polymers atau yang disebut IIPs-Fe (III) telah berhasil disintesis menggunakan metode cooling-heating dengan asam metakrilat (MAA) sebagai monomer fungsi, etilen glikoldimetakrilat (EDGMA) sebagai pengikat silang, benzoil peroksida (BPO) sebagai inisiator, dan acetonitril sebagai pelarut. NIP (Non Imprinted Po...
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The cooling-heating method was used to successfully synthesize molecularly imprinted polymers on caffeine. Caffeine was used as a template and mixed with chloroform solvent, methacrylic acid as a monomer, ethylene glycol dimethacrylate as a cross-linker, and benzoyl peroxide as an initiator. The solution was stirred for 15 minutes and placed in a v...
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The extraction process is a crucial part of the synthesis of Molecularly Imprinted Polymers (MIP). The process will have a significant impact on the number of its cavities that affects the polymers’ ability to recognize targets with the same physical and chemical properties as the analytes. Caffeine polymers have been prepared by the cooling-heatin...


... This study aims to discuss the synthesis process of IIPs materials for removing Fe(III) metal ions using the cooling-heating method. The latest cooling heating method has been widely researched to form active polymers that can recognize several dangerous molecules in water, such as atrazine (Royani et al., 2014) , melamine (Koriyanti et al., 2020) , and caffeine (Royani et al., 2021) . Edianta et al. (2023a) conducted research in measuring the concentration of Fe 3+ ions by optimizing polymer imprinted ions and utilizing Arduino Uno-based instrumentation. ...
... The ion imprinted ones are used to produce materials that can recognize metal ion structures. Meanwhile, when the active substances are removed, certain voids or moulds are formed, which are highly selective and adsorptive [26,39] IIPs are a multifunctional application of printed materials for selective extraction, separation, and detection of metal ions in environmental media such as water, wastewater, soil, and food samples. Generally, IIPs focus on targeting non-biodegradable heavy metal cations in aquatic habitats, soil and food, such as iron (III), copper (II), cobalt (II), nickel (II), cadmium (II), mercury (II), and lead (II) from industrial manufacturing processes, mineral mining and waste products [6]. ...