Joram Soch's research while affiliated with Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg and other places

Publications (7)

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Recent studies have provided evidence for the concurrent encoding of sensory percepts and visual working memory contents (VWM) across visual areas; however, it has remained unclear how these two types of representations are concurrently present. Here, we reanalyzed an open-access fMRI dataset where participants memorized a sensory stimulus while si...
It has been suggested that visual images are memorized across brief periods of time by vividly imagining them as if they were still there. In line with this, the contents of both working memory and visual imagery are known to be encoded already in early visual cortex. If these signals in early visual areas were indeed to reflect a combined imagery...
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This is my poster for 2022's annual meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping. The default mode network (DMN) typically exhibits deactivations during demanding tasks compared to periods of relative rest. In functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) studies of episodic memory encoding, increased activity in DMN regions even predicts la...
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Human cognitive abilities decline with increasing chronological age, with decreased explicit memory performance being most strongly affected. However, some older adults show "successful aging", that is, relatively preserved cognitive ability in old age. One explanation for this could be higher brain structural integrity in these individuals. Altern...


... To investigate the dynamics of the VWM code, we examined how the multivariate pattern of activity encoding VWM memoranda changed across the duration of the delay period. To do so, we ran a temporal cross-decoding analysis where we trained a decoder (periodic support vector regression, see 40 ) on the target orientation, separately for each time point and tested on all time points in turn in a cross-validated fashion. If the information encoding VWM memoranda were to have the same code, the trained decoder would generalize to other time points, indicated by similar decoding accuracies on the diagonal and off-diagonal elements of the matrix. ...
... In prior restingstate fMRI studies of neurocognitive aging, most studies focused on DMN functional connectivity, but few considered amplitude measures. Those that did found BOLD signal variability to be highly predictive of chronological age (Garrett et al., 2010;Grady & Garrett, 2014;Soch et al., 2022;Xing, 2021 (Grady & Garrett, 2014). ...