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Publications (2)

Flow cytometric Cryptosporidium infectivity assay detects infected COLO-680N cells at the same time as oocysts, sporozoites, and shells from Cryptosporidium using anti-Spor FITC. The samples were fixed, permeabilized, and stained with Sporo-Glo™ FITC as indicated. The population shown on the graph is indicated above each dot plot, and the populations/regions defined on dot plots are shown and labeled within the dot plot/contour plot. (A) A time gate verifies stream stability. (B) Excysted oocyst sample in gray and uninfected COLO-680N sample in blue overlaid to show the noise exclusion gate, which removes the debris of smaller side scatter signals than the smallest Cryptosporidium particles. (C) A region that captures COLO-680N cells is distinct from a region that captures Cryptosporidium and debris. (D) Four populations are evident based on unique FSC and SSC signals within the Cryptosporidium and debris region. (E) Particles in the sporozoite region stain clearly with Sporo-Glo™ FITC at 1/16 dilution. (F) Oocysts stain with the same concentration of anti-Spor FITC. (G, H) Two regions defined as shells—or empty oocysts—stain with anti-Spor FITC. (I) Viable COLO-680N cells are defined using FVD efluor780. (J) A titration of anti-Spor FITC on uninfected COLO-680N cells to capture the dilution with minimal background staining shows that 1/16 gives a similar signal intensity to unstained cells. (K) Infected COLO-680N cells stain with anti-Spor FITC.
Sporo-Glo™-positive COLO-680N cells are detectable in increasing proportions with increasing multiplicity of infection (MOI) for C. parvum and C. hominis. (A) COLO-680N cells were infected at the indicated MOI (dark blue dots) with either C. parvum (top two panels) or C. hominis (bottom two panels) and then fixed, permeabilized, and stained with Sporo-Glo™. Uninfected cells stained with Sporo-Glo™ (light gray dots) are overlaid on each panel. A region defining Sporo-Glo™-positive cells is shown, and the percentage of cells in each region is displayed. (B) Triplicates from independent cultures from the experiment shown in (A) plotted as percent Sporo-Glo™ cells.
Detection of C. parvum in infected COLO-680N cells at 48 h post-inoculation. Cells were infected with C. parvum at a multiplicity of infection of 30. C. parvum was stained using Sporo-Glo™ (FITC) and is shown in green. The cell nuclei were stained with DAPI and are shown in blue. The scale bar represents 20 μm.
Fixed but completely unstained COLO-680N cultures infected with C. parvum and C. hominis contain a population of cells with a naturally auto-fluorescent profile (Sig M) that is absent from uninfected cultures. For each infection condition indicated, Sig M-positive cells are detected in infected cultures using a 448/45 BP filter with 405-nm excitation (A). Percent of Sig M-positive cells from infected and uninfected completely unstained cultures captured with a range of fluorescent filters (448/45 BP filter with 405-nm excitation, 528/45 BP filter with 405-nm excitation, 527/32 BP filter with 488-nm excitation, 568/42 BP filter with 488-nm excitation, 700/54 BP with 488-nm excitation, and 783/56 BP filter with 488-nm excitation) show that Sig M is detectable across a broad range of wavelengths (B). Fixed, permeabilized, and fully stained COLO-680N cultures (Sporo-Glo™ FITC, FVDefluor780) contain a population of Sig M-positive cells identifiable with 448/45 BP filter with 405-nm excitation from infected cultures—uninfected and C. parvum MOI 40 shown (C). Comparing the fully stained and unstained infected cultures for FITC signal shows that Sporo-Glo™ staining increases the strength of FITC signal when compared with unstained infected cultures—C. parvum MOI 40 shown (D). The ratio of FITC/lambda 528-nm light for Sig M high cells vs. Sig M low cells demonstrates a small increase in favor of a specific Sporo-Glo™ FITC signal for C. parvum-infected cultures, while the C. hominis-infected cultures may show a similar ratio regardless of Sporo-Glo™ staining (E).
Cryptosporidium-infected, fixed, and unstained COLO-680N cultures measured using a spectral cytometer contain a population of cells distinguishable from uninfected COLO-680N cultures and not present in Salmonella-infected COLO-680N cultures. Selecting the brightest signal from COLO-680N cells from infected cultures (Sig M) using detector V7 (central wavelength: 542 nm) (A) allows the spectral profile of those cells to be plotted (media fluorescence intensity; MFI) across all detectors on a three-laser Cytekbio Aurora spectral cytometer (B), revealing a very bright signal from these cells when compared with uninfected cultures and Sig M-negative cells from infected cultures. Oocysts have a spectral signature, but it is orders of magnitude less bright. Normalizing the spectral signatures (C) confirms that uninfected and Sig M-negative COLO-680N cells have a similar profile, while oocysts and Sig M-positive COLO-680N cells have a similar profile. Using spectral unmixing, it is possible to create an autofluorescent tag for Sig M (D) that detects a signal from infected cultures by combining light across the full spectrum. This signature is absent from COLO-680N cells infected with Salmonella—one of two duplicate Salmonella cultures is shown (E).


A novel, stain-free, natural auto-fluorescent signal, Sig M, identified from cytometric and transcriptomic analysis of infectivity of Cryptosporidium hominis and Cryptosporidium parvum
  • Article
  • Full-text available

May 2023


55 Reads


1 Citation

Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology

Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology


Joanna M. Roberts





Cryptosporidiosis is a worldwide diarrheal disease caused by the protozoan Cryptosporidium. The primary symptom is diarrhea, but patients may exhibit different symptoms based on the species of the Cryptosporidium parasite they are infected with. Furthermore, some genotypes within species are more transmissible and apparently virulent than others. The mechanisms underpinning these differences are not understood, and an effective in vitro system for Cryptosporidium culture would help advance our understanding of these differences. Using COLO-680N cells, we employed flow cytometry and microscopy along with the C. parvum-specific antibody Sporo-Glo™ to characterize infected cells 48 h following an infection with C. parvum or C. hominis. The Cryptosporidium parvum-infected cells showed higher levels of signal using Sporo-Glo™ than C. hominis-infected cells, which was likely because Sporo-Glo™ was generated against C. parvum. We found a subset of cells from infected cultures that expressed a novel, dose-dependent auto-fluorescent signal that was detectable across a range of wavelengths. The population of cells that expressed this signal increased proportionately to the multiplicity of infection. The spectral cytometry results confirmed that the signature of this subset of host cells closely matched that of oocysts present in the infectious ecosystem, pointing to a parasitic origin. Present in both C. parvum and C. hominis cultures, we named this Sig M, and due to its distinct profile in cells from both infections, it could be a better marker for assessing Cryptosporidium infection in COLO-680N cells than Sporo-Glo™. We also noted Sig M’s impact on Sporo-Glo™ detection as Sporo-Glo™ uses fluoroscein–isothiocynate, which is detected where Sig M also fluoresces. Lastly, we used NanoString nCounter® analysis to investigate the transcriptomic landscape for the two Cryptosporidium species, assessing the gene expression of 144 host and parasite genes. Despite the host gene expression being at high levels, the levels of putative intracellular Cryptosporidium gene expression were low, with no significant difference from controls, which could be, in part, explained by the abundance of uninfected cells present as determined by both Sporo-Glo™ and Sig M analyses. This study shows for the first time that a natural auto-fluorescent signal, Sig M, linked to Cryptosporidium infection can be detected in infected host cells without any fluorescent labeling strategies and that the COLO-680N cell line and spectral cytometry could be useful tools to advance the understanding of Cryptosporidium infectivity.


Cross-reactivity of antibodies to different rumen methanogens demonstrated using immunomagnetic capture technology

August 2022


145 Reads


1 Citation

Methane is produced in the rumen of ruminant livestock by methanogens, accounting for approximately 14.5% of anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions in terms of global warming potential. The rumen contains a diversity of methanogens species, and only a few of these have been cultured. Immunomagnetic capture technology (ICT) is a simple and effective method to capture and concentrate target organisms in samples containing complex microflora. We hypothesized that antibody-coated magnetic beads could be used to demonstrate antibody specificity and cross-reactivity to methanogens in rumen samples. Sheep polyclonal antibodies raised against four isolates of rumen dwelling methanogens, Methanobrevibacter ruminantium strain M1, Methanobrevibacter sp. AbM4, Methanobrevibacter sp. D5, and Methanobrevibacter sp. SM9 or an equal mix of all four isolates, were used to coat paramagnetic beads. ICT was used together with flow cytometry and qPCR to optimize key parameters: the ratio of antibody to beads, coupling time between antibody and paramagnetic beads to produce immunomagnetic beads (IMBs), and optimal incubation time for the capture of methanogen cells by IMBs. Under optimized conditions, IMBs bound strongly to their respective isolates and showed a degree of cross-reactivity with isolates of other Methanobrevibacter spp. in buffer and in rumen fluid, and with resident methanogens in rumen content samples. The evidence provided here indicates that this method can be used to study the interaction of antibodies with antigens of rumen methanogens, to understand antigen cross-reactivity and antibody binding efficiency for the evaluation of antigens used for the development of a broad-spectrum anti-methanogen vaccine for the abatement of methane production.

Citations (2)

... The raw gene expression counts in all infected cell cultures revealed significantly low levels of Cryptosporidium-specific genes, almost reaching the detection limit of the nCounter ® . In contrast, all parasite genes were expressed at higher levels in sporozoites when compared to the infected cells [46]. ...


Investigating Cryptosporidium spp. Using Genomic, Proteomic and Transcriptomic Techniques: Current Progress and Future Directions
A novel, stain-free, natural auto-fluorescent signal, Sig M, identified from cytometric and transcriptomic analysis of infectivity of Cryptosporidium hominis and Cryptosporidium parvum
Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology

Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology

... These include improved understanding and genomic information on rumen methanogens, which is essential for identifying potential antigens, as well as the demonstration of specific antibodies in blood, saliva, and rumen contents following immunization. Recently, the cross-reactivity of antibodies between various abundant species of the genus Methanobrevibacter has been shown (146). Cross-reactivity or the use of antigens 6.12 Roques et al. ...

Cross-reactivity of antibodies to different rumen methanogens demonstrated using immunomagnetic capture technology
Frontiers in Microbiology

Frontiers in Microbiology