Jeremiah Idongesit Mbre's scientific contributions

Publications (2)

Most grain legumes irrespective of their ability to fix substantial amount of nitrogen to the soil, could impact negatively on the soil nitrogen balance, particularly if the fix nitrogen is exported from the field with harvested biomass (Shoot, root, grain/kernel). Thus, for agronomic purposes, it is important to quantify the potential amount of ni...


... Many studies have previously pointed out the importance of plant variety to the success of rhizobium symbiosis and the different compatibility behavior of pea varieties with different soils and native rhizobia strains (Naeem et al., 2008). This result is concordant with other studies where authors attributes these variations to soils physical and chemical heterogeneity (Atta et al., 2004;Agah et al., 2016) and to maturation period of varieties (Sanginga et al., 2000;Labidi et al., 2003). Likewise, significant effects (p < 0.001) of both soil type, variety, and their interaction on nodules number, shoot dry matter yield, shoot nitrogen content, and total nitrogen accumulated in pea plants have also been reported by Labidi et al. (2003). ...