Jennifer Iglesias's research while affiliated with Carnegie Mellon University and other places

Publications (5)

We study the design of schedules for multi-commodity multicast. In this problem, we are given an undirected graph G and a collection of source-destination pairs, and the goal is to schedule a minimum-length sequence of matchings that connects every source with its respective destination. The primary communication constraint of the multi-commodity m...
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In this paper, we investigate the weighted tree augmentation problem (TAP), where the goal is to augment a tree with a minimum cost set of edges such that the graph becomes two edge connected. First we show that in weighted TAP, we can restrict our attention to trees which are binary and where all the non-tree edges go between two leaves of the tre...
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We study a generalization of the Steiner tree problem, where we are given a weighted network $G$ together with a collection of $k$ subsets of its vertices and a root $r$. We wish to construct a minimum cost network such that the network supports one unit of flow to the root from every node in a subset simultaneously. The network constructed does no...
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We study the design of schedules for multi-commodity multicast. In this problem, we are given an undirected graph $G$ and a collection of source-destination pairs, and the goal is to schedule a minimum-length sequence of matchings that connects every source with its respective destination. Multi-commodity multicast models a classic information diss...
Conference Paper
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We introduce group-to-group anycast (g2g-anycast), a network design problem of substantial practical importance and considerable generality. Given a collection of groups and requirements for directed connectivity from source groups to destination groups, the solution network must contain, for each requirement, an omni-directional down-link broadcas...


... In the context of TAP and CAP, we still lack appropriate techniques to reach such factors, and progress along this line has only been achieved for quite restricted special cases. More precisely, for TAP, a factor of 4 /3 is known to be achievable if we are given an optimal solution to the natural LP relaxation, known as the cut-LP, that has the additional property of being half-integral [6] or, more generally, fulfills that each non-zero entry is at least 1 /2 [18]. However, the cut-LP is in general not a half-integral LP [6] and it may not contain any optimal point where each non-zero is at least 1 /2. ...