Jeffrey B. Nugent's research while affiliated with University of Southern California and other places

Publications (9)

This paper starts from the premise that private sector development is of crucial importance to the future development of MENA countries. It demonstrates the relative importance of various institutional constraints, in general, and impediments to dispute resolution, in particular, in reducing the competitiveness of private firms in the MENA region t...
INTRODUCTION The main means of achieving trade liberalization have been (1) multilateral agreements within the framework of GATT and more recently the WTO and (2) discriminatory regional agreements which attempt to liberalize trade among members of the regional agreement but not with respect to non-members. Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)...
This paper develops and tests hypotheses relating the local (spatial) variability of rainfall to property rights and the degree of hierarchy in tribal societies. In the presence of local variability of rainfall, the welfare of tribal members can be enhanced by an institution allowing every member access to all land controlled by the tribe. Greater...
This paper constructs a model of the transfer paradox for a small open economy with nontraded goods. It demonstrates that increased production of nontraded goods can change their domestic price so as to offset the otherwise beneficial effect of aid and, under certain conditions, to create a transfer paradox even in a small country. The model is est...
This study examines the effects of various policies on foreign direct investment (FDI) flows from the perspective of the “eclectic theory” of international investment, and hence the advantages of foreign ownership, host country location, and internationalization. Host country policies can influence FDI flows primarily through their influence on the...
This paper uses a national survey of 200 Chinese town and village enterprises (TVEs) from 1985 to 1990 to explore empirically the effect of contractual arrangements on the performance of enterprises under Chinese institutional conditions. A theoretical model that emphasizes a potentially important role for local government effort in a situation of...
This paper identifies various kinds of risk and uncertainty observable in rural areas of developing countries and explains the relative importance of those pertaining to disability and old age. It compares the modern system (based on old age pensions and social security) for mitigating or coping with these risks with the traditional intrafamilial s...
This note puts into historical perspective the importance of Chichilnisky's resurrection of Leontief's unorthodox position that a transfer may worsen the welfare of the recipient even with Walrasian stability. It also calls attention to a significant error which, when corrected, essentially reserves Chichilnsky's results. By changing one assumption...
Using the synthetic control method of analysis, we provide the first measurements of the macroeconomic costs of Naxalite violence in India, as well as exploit a natural experiment in one of the Naxalite affected states to measure the direct economic benefits of a unique robust security response. Compared to a synthetic control region constructed fr...


... Even if some of these results remain fragile, they appear mostly as significant and strong for the countries of Africa (Gyimiah-Brempong, 2002). For example, Nugent (2002) ranks climate of corruption and rentseeking as the second-most serious obstacle to business activities in the MENA countries while difficulties in property rights constitute a brake on innovation. ...
... The Maoists, on the other hand, damage the development projects as a part of their fight against Indian state. Destruction of roads, schools, telephone towers and targeting construction workers have been routine affairs of Maoist activities (Nilakantan & Singal, 2011). Such activities serve the Maoists in two ways: (a) attacks on the development projects add to the number of activities to the movement and (b) they help create fear among the local people and the contractors. ...
... Much of Southeast Asia relies on family to support the welfare of aging cohorts (Adlakha and Rudolph 1994;Chan 2005). Populations in this region are growing older, some rapidly, raising concerns about how proportionally smaller and more mobile younger generations can continue to support their aging parents (Lee, Mason, and Park 2011;Nugent 1990;Peterson 1999). Against this backdrop, communication technology has emerged as a possible way to reconcile the increasing demand for old-age support and the decreasing availability of physically proximate, working-age family members. ...
... They concluded that countries with high levels of political risk attract less FDI. Gastanaga et al. (1998) examined the same relationship and found that low levels of corruption, risk and better contract enforcement are associated with high levels of FDI. Busse and Hefeker (2007) analyzed the relationship between political risk, institutions and FDI for a sample of 83 developing countries during the period 1984 -2003 to identify the factors attracting multinational companies. ...
... In more recent times, arid and semi-arid rangelands characterized by high variability in precipitation and primary productivity lend themselves to the transhumance responses of pastoralists (Ellis and Galvin 1994, Fratkin and Roth 2006, McPeak et al. 2011. Communal land ownership facilitates this movement, and avoids overexploitation of localized resources (Charnley 1997, Nugent andSanchez 1999). In turn, changes in both technology and environment may drive changes in land ownership regimes. ...
... Samuelson (1947) further theoretically proved that as untied aid increases, the welfare of recipients would increase as well. On the other hand, theoretical models of Bhagwati et al. (1983) and Yano and Nugent (1999) state the small country transfer paradox; untied aid may result in the welfare loss of recipients when import tariff is present. As the multifarious relationship between foreign aid and economic development may result from mixed or unknown external forces, this research narrows down the spectrum of both foreign aid and economic development to test the aid effectiveness. ...
... In terms of corporate governance, a family business is characterized by nonseparation of ownership and control. In contrast, the control rights within a "red-hat" enterprise rest with both the manager and the government (Smyth, 1997;Hsiao et al., 1998), or the government only (Weitzman and Xu, 1994;Chang and Wang, 1994;Che and Qian, 1998). Consequently, the government shares the profits with investors (Pearce, 2001;Rao et al., 2005). ...
... A positive impact by APEC trade liberalization was found by Chan and Nugent (1998). Their study showed that APEC trade liberalization could be quite important in terms of trade and income growth, both of APEC countries and the world. ...