Jaaved Mohammed's research while affiliated with Cornell University and other places

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Publications (12)

Erratum: Deep experimental profiling of microRNA diversity, deployment, and evolution across the Drosophila genus
  • Article

May 2019


46 Reads

Genome Research

Jaaved Mohammed


Alex S. Flynt






Figure 2. Summary of all known and novel miRNAs recovered within 12 Drosophila genomes. (A) Counts of known and novel miRNAs recovered or identified, respectively, at our two highest confidence classes-"confident" and "candidate-rescued." MiRNAs from a third confidence class-"candidate" miRNAs-are shown in Supplemental Figure S5. (B) The proportion of miRNAs recovered within three classes defined by biogenesis pathway, and testes-restricted, clustered status. Pie charts are provided for all novel or known annotations and for the merged collection. (C) The distribution of alignment sizes upon assignment of all miRNAs into 1004 alignments. Paralogous miRNAs were assigned to single-species alignment. The majority of miRNAs identified are singletons (species-specific) or doubletons (cladespecific). (D,E) Empirical cumulative distribution function (ECDF) of alignment expression. Alignments are segregated based on age (D) and miRNA class (E). Empirical CDFs are plotted using the maximum expression values computed across all constitutive members of each alignment. (RPMM) Reads per Million mapped miRNA reads.
Figure 5. Testes-restricted, Recently evolved, Clustered (TRC) canonical miRNAs in Drosophila. (A) An example of a novel TRC miRNA cluster (dan_86 dan_373) in D. ananassae. The majority of miRNAs show high expression in the male-body libraries. (B) An example of a TRC miRNA cluster (dps_3416 dps-mir-2536) in the obscura subgroup species. The D. pseudoobscura cluster contains 36 miRNAs, whereas its sister species, D. persimilis, contains 26 miRNAs. MiRNAs within the 3 ′ end region of these orthologous clusters (orange highlight) have preserved their order, whereas miRNAs within the 5 ′ region show high gene duplication. Colored circles and numbers represent miRNAs of the same family. (C) Expression heatmap for all D. pseudoobscura copies reveals a predominant testes-restricted profile. (D) Comparison of expression difference between TRC and solo canonical miRNAs present in D. virilis alone or within the virilis/mojavensis clade alone. TRC miRNAs of the virilis-subgroup show significantly higher expression than their age-matched solo canonical cohorts (Mann-Whitney U test, P < 10 −8 ). All Drosophilid subclades have their own distinct TRC loci, and details of all the novel TRC loci cloned in this study are provided in Supplemental Figs. S12-S15.
Figure 7. Multiple distinct cis-molecular signatures associated with miRNA flux. (A-C) Duplex alterations affect miRNA maturation and function. (A) The Dpse_41/Dper_2484 ortholog pair, with only a few duplex divergences, exhibits divergent expression between very closely related species. Functional assays confirm differential biogenesis of Dpse_41/Dper_2484 expression constructs by Northern blotting (B) and differential activity by luciferase sensor assay (C). (D) Transcriptome comparison of miRNAs differentially expressed between sister species Dpse and Dper. In general, significantly more duplex divergent miRNAs are differentially expressed miRNAs for both newly evolved and conserved miRNAs. (E) Evolution of seed regions of testesrestricted, clustered (TRC) miRNAs. Shown are examples of one-to-one orthologs of TRC miRNAs between Dpse and Dper, including available Dpse population data. Highlighted are examples of seed divergence between expressed TRC miRNA orthologs between these closely related species, consistent with adaptive evolutionary behavior. (F-I ) Impact of terminal uridylation system on evolutionary suppression of mirtrons and behavior of canonical miRNAs. (F,G) Compared to canonical miRNAs (F ), mirtrons (G) in every Drosophilid species acquire much higher rates of terminal untemplated uridylation (purple) on the 3 ′ ends of their 3p species, compared to any other nucleotide modifications. (H,I ) 3 ′ uridylation of canonical miRNAs is sensitive to terminal hairpin nucleotide. In these graphs, miRNA loci are divided by biogenesis type (canonical versus splicing-derived), by terminal nucleotide (3 ′-G versus 3 ′-A/U/C, i.e., "3 ′-H"), and by evolutionary age. Analysis of deeply conserved miRNA loci (H) and recently evolved loci (I ) shows that canonical miRNA hairpins that end in G acquire higher levels of 3 ′ uridylation than do other canonical miRNA hairpins. P-values computed from a two-tailed Wilcoxon rank-sum test.
Deep experimental profiling of microRNA diversity, deployment, and evolution across the Drosophila genus
  • Article
  • Full-text available

December 2017


159 Reads


34 Citations

Genome Research

To assess miRNA evolution across the Drosophila genus, we analyzed several billion small RNA reads across 12 fruit fly species. These data permit comprehensive curation of species- and clade-specific variation in miRNA identity, abundance, and processing. Among well-conserved miRNAs, we observed unexpected cases of clade-specific variation in 5' end precision, occasional antisense loci, and putatively noncanonical loci. We also used strict criteria to identify a large set (649) of novel, evolutionarily restricted miRNAs. Within the bulk collection of species-restricted miRNAs, two notable subpopulations are splicing-derived mirtrons and testes-restricted, recently evolved, clustered (TRC) canonical miRNAs. We quantified miRNA birth and death using our annotation and a phylogenetic model for estimating rates of miRNA turnover. We observed striking differences in birth and death rates across miRNA classes defined by biogenesis pathway, genomic clustering, and tissue restriction, and even identified flux heterogeneity among Drosophila clades. In particular, distinct molecular rationales underlie the distinct evolutionary behavior of different miRNA classes. Mirtrons are associated with high rates of 3' untemplated addition, a mechanism that impedes their biogenesis, whereas TRC miRNAs appear to evolve under positive selection. Altogether, these data reveal miRNA diversity among Drosophila species and principles underlying their emergence and evolution.


Figure 1. Young Drosophila genes are strongly biased for expression in the male reproductive system. (A) Example of a young Drosophila gene previously assessed as lethal by RNAi assays (Chen et al. 2010) that exhibits highly restricted expression in the testis, with minor amounts detected in other libraries containing the male reproductive system (e.g., dissected accessory gland, whole male bodies, and unsexed larval/pupal material that contains gonads). (B) We revised the catalog of recently evolved genes in D. melanogaster, doubling their numbers from previous studies. (C ) We divided D. melanogaster genes according to evolutionary age and calculated their tissue specificity index (τ) across 93 developmental, tissue, and cell line RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) conditions (195 data sets). As gene age decreases, they tend to become more spatiotemporally restricted. Global median τ (0.61) is indicated for reference; note that the τ distribution is actually highly bimodal (Supplemental Fig. 5). (D) The tissue/stage/ cell library of maximal expression (Xmax) was plotted for genes with spatially restricted expression (τ > 0.61) in each evolutionary category. Higher τ of young genes is associated with a prominent trend for expression in the male reproductive system (testis and/or accessory gland). This male restriction is substantially elevated among genes born in the pan-Drosophilid ancestor and increases in cohorts of younger genes born along the lineage toward D. melanogaster.
Figure 2. Mutants of selected young Drosophila genes exhibit spermatogenesis defects. (A) Fertility tests of selected mutant alleles that showed male fertility defects as homozygotes. Of these, only CG17268/Prosα4T1 recapitulated sterility in the hemizygous condition. All mutants were induced in a yw background, which was used as a control. (B) Quantification of progressing individualization complexes (ICs) in testes of the indicated genotypes. Consistent with their sterile phenotype, Prosα4T1 hemizygotes lack ICs. (C-N) Cytological analysis of various aspects of spermatogenesis. (C-F) Wild-type testes (yw). (C,D) The condensed nuclei (DAPI, magenta) of the differentiating spermatids are clustered in the basal region. ICs form around the nuclei (D; phalloidin, green; arrows), progress along the sperm tails (C,E; phalloidin; arrows) toward the apical region, and become waste bags (C; arrowheads). Following successful individualization, mature sperm are coiled in the base of the testis (D ′ ; arrowheads) and transferred to the seminal vesicles (F ). (G-J) Prosα4T1 mutants. (G) ICs and waste bags are absent. (H,I) Spermatid nuclei are properly condensed and ICs are formed (H; arrows), but progressing ICs are fully dispersed (I; arrows). (H ′ ) Mature sperm nuclei appear disorganized in the coiling region (arrowheads). (J) The seminal vesicle is devoid of mature sperm, and only the round nuclei of the seminal vesicle wall are evident. (K-N) Spn77Bc mutants. Nuclear organization and IC formation are normal (K,L), but Spn77Bc mutants exhibit high frequency of disorganized ICs with lagging actin cones (M) and reduced seminal vesicles (N). Bars, 20 µm.
Figure 3. Positive selection on young genes restricted to the male reproductive system. (A,B) DoS tests of genes with tissue-restricted genes (τ > 0.61) (see Fig. 1C) were calculated for loci in the male reproductive system (A) or in other tissues/stages/cell types (B). Positive DoS values indicates adaptive selection, whereas negative DoS values indicate purifying selection. The genome average DoS (−0.04) is marked with a red dotted line. (A) Among testis/accessory gland-restricted genes, a trend for positive DoS is robust among genes born in the pan-Drosophilid ancestor and increases progressively with younger age groups. Wilcoxon signed-rank tests demonstrate that frequencies of positive selection are greatest among cohorts of younger genes. (ns) Not significant; ( * * ) P < 0.01; ( * * * ) P < 0.001; ( * * * * ) P < 0.0001. (B) Among genes expressed in other settings, the average DoS is negative for all age groups and only above the genome average for mel group and mel subgroup young genes. Wilcoxon signed-rank tests show that DoS values between groups of the same age category are much higher among genes restricted to the male reproductive system.
New genes often acquire male-specific functions but rarely become essential in Drosophila

September 2017


219 Reads


56 Citations

Genes & Development

Relatively little is known about the in vivo functions of newly emerging genes, especially in metazoans. Although prior RNAi studies reported prevalent lethality among young gene knockdowns, our phylogenomic analyses reveal that young Drosophila genes are frequently restricted to the nonessential male reproductive system. We performed large-scale CRISPR/Cas9 mutagenesis of “conserved, essential” and “young, RNAi-lethal” genes and broadly confirmed the lethality of the former but the viability of the latter. Nevertheless, certain young gene mutants exhibit defective spermatogenesis and/or male sterility. Moreover, we detected widespread signatures of positive selection on young male-biased genes. Thus, young genes have a preferential impact on male reproductive system function.

Deep experimental profiling of microRNA diversity, deployment, and evolution across the Drosophila genus

April 2017


9 Reads


1 Citation

Comparative genomic analyses of microRNAs (miRNAs) have yielded myriad insights into their biogenesis and regulatory activity. While miRNAs have been deeply annotated in a small cohort of model organisms, evolutionary assessments of miRNA flux are clouded by the functional uncertainty of orthologs in related species, and insufficient data regarding the extent of species-specific miRNAs. We address this by generating a comparative small RNA (sRNA) catalog of unprecedented breadth and depth across the Drosophila genus, extending our extant deep analyses of D. melanogaster with sRNA data from multiple tissues of 11 other fly species. Aggregate analysis of several billion sRNA reads permits curation of accurate and holistic compendia of miRNAs across this genus, providing abundant opportunities to identify species- and clade-specific variation in miRNA identity, abundance, and processing. Amongst well-conserved miRNAs, we observe unexpected cases of clade-specific variation in 5′ end precision, occasional antisense loci, and some putatively non-canonical loci. We also employ strict criteria to identify a massive set (649) of novel, evolutionarily-restricted miRNAs. Amongst the bulk collection of species-restricted miRNAs, two notable subpopulations of rapidly-evolving miRNAs are splicing-derived mirtrons and testis-restricted, clustered (TRC) canonical miRNAs. We quantify rates of miRNA birth and death using our annotation and a phylogenetic model for estimating rates of miRNA turnover in the presence of annotation uncertainty. We show striking differences in birth and death rates across miRNA classes defined by biogenesis pathway, genomic clustering, and tissue restriction, and even identify variation heterogeneity amongst Drosophila clades. In particular, distinct molecular rationales underlie the distinct evolutionary behavior of different miRNA classes. We broaden observations made from D. melanogaster as Drosophilid-wide principles for opposing evolutionary viewpoints for miRNA maintenance. Mirtrons are associated with a high rate of 3′ untemplated addition, a mechanism that impedes their biogenesis, whereas TRC miRNAs appear to evolve under positive selection. Altogether, these data reveal miRNA diversity amongst Drosophila species and permit future discoveries in understanding their emergence and evolution.

Analysis of Nearly One Thousand Mammalian Mirtrons Reveals Novel Features of Dicer Substrates

September 2015


234 Reads


71 Citations

PLOS Computational Biology

PLOS Computational Biology

Mirtrons are microRNA (miRNA) substrates that utilize the splicing machinery to bypass the necessity of Drosha cleavage for their biogenesis. Expanding our recent efforts for mammalian mirtron annotation, we use meta-analysis of aggregate datasets to identify ~500 novel mouse and human introns that confidently generate diced small RNA duplexes. These comprise nearly 1000 total loci distributed in four splicing-mediated biogenesis subclasses, with 5'-tailed mirtrons as, by far, the dominant subtype. Thus, mirtrons surprisingly comprise a substantial fraction of endogenous Dicer substrates in mammalian genomes. Although mirtron-derived small RNAs exhibit overall expression correlation with their host mRNAs, we observe a subset with substantial differences that suggest regulated processing or accumulation. We identify characteristic sequence, length, and structural features of mirtron loci that distinguish them from bulk introns, and find that mirtrons preferentially emerge from genes with larger numbers of introns. While mirtrons generate miRNA-class regulatory RNAs, we also find that mirtrons exhibit many features that distinguish them from canonical miRNAs. We observe that conventional mirtron hairpins are substantially longer than Drosha-generated pre-miRNAs, indicating that the characteristic length of canonical pre-miRNAs is not a general feature of Dicer substrate hairpins. In addition, mammalian mirtrons exhibit unique patterns of ordered 5' and 3' heterogeneity, which reveal hidden complexity in miRNA processing pathways. These include broad 3'-uridylation of mirtron hairpins, atypically heterogeneous 5' termini that may result from exonucleolytic processing, and occasionally robust decapitation of the 5' guanine (G) of mirtron-5p species defined by splicing. Altogether, this study reveals that this extensive class of non-canonical miRNA bears a multitude of characteristic properties, many of which raise general mechanistic questions regarding the processing of endogenous hairpin transcripts.

FIGURE 1. siRNAs produced from the rDNA locus. (A) Schematic representation of the Drosophila rDNA gene structure. (B,C) Small RNA read densities on the sense (upper panels) and antisense (bottom panels) strands of 28S rRNA (B) and ITS1 (C) regions were plotted. Read counts were normalized by the number of reads mapping to miRNA hairpins. The x-axis shows the nucleotide position on the D. melanogaster rDNA sequence (NCBI M21017.1). Upper panels in C are the same plots as the middle panels with broader y-axis ranges to accommodate the high ITS1 miRNA peaks. (D,E) Size distribution of small RNA reads mapping on the sense (upper panels) and antisense (bottom panels) strands of 28S rRNA (D) and ITS1 (E) regions. In order to compare the different region sizes, values were further normalized to RPM per kilobase region mapped. To obtain the size distribution of ITS1 mapping reads, we removed the mir-10404/mir-ITS1 hairpin sequence that produces a large number of miRNA reads. Results for other regions are shown in Supplemental Figure S1. 
FIGURE 2. A conserved miRNA in rDNA ITS1. (A) Small RNA reads mapping to the ITS1 hairpin region. Total small RNA read counts were obtained from ∼90 small RNA libraries listed in Supplemental Table S1. For normalized read counts in ovary AGO1-IP and total RNA libraries, we used the number of reads mapping to annotated miRNA hairpins as a normalizer. The asterisk ( * ) indicates that the BLAT hit numbers shown on the table are the numbers of genomic positions the sequence can be perfectly mapped in the D. melanogaster reference genome. Note that the actual copy number of rDNA is not reflected in the genome assembly. Each of the two rDNA arrays in Drosophila melanogaster is estimated to contain hundreds of rDNA units (Long and Dawid 1980). (B) RNA folding of mir-10404/mir-ITS1 hairpin. The RNA sequence producing reads shown in A was folded by Mfold (Zuker 2003). The most abundant mature (5p) and star (3p) sequences were highlighted by green and yellow, respectively. The numbers beside the hairpin structure indicate relative nucleotide positions counting from the 5 ′ end of the major 5p species. The pre-mir-10404/mir-ITS1 hairpin sequence was defined as the sequence from the 5 ′ end of 5p to the 3 ′ end of 3p. Note that the flanking sequences do not form a stem structure, suggesting a lack of the lower stem structure that is essential for processing by the Microprocessor complex. (C) Sequence alignment of fly mir-10404/mirITS1 hairpin. The hairpin sequence is conserved in distant fly species whereas the surrounding sequences are highly diverged. The loop region (purple) shows faster evolution compared with the mature and star regions, exhibiting a typical "saddle-shape" conservation pattern. Note that the nucleotide substitutions occurring in the stem region are outside of the seed sequence. 
FIGURE 4. Regulatory activity of endogenous miR-10404/miR-ITS15p. Luciferase sensors bearing no target site or a two tandem copy of target sequences that is perfectly complementary to miR-10404/miRITS1-5p were cotransfected with 2 ′-O-methylated RNA oligonucleotide inhibitor against mature miR-288, miR-10404/miR-ITS1-5p, or hpCG4068B. The sensors were derepressed only when the cognate inhibitor was cotransfected. Note that stronger derepression was observed in Kc167 cells consistent with the expression levels of miR-10404/ miR-ITS1 in these cell lines. The columns and error bars depict means and standard deviations, respectively (N = 4). Asterisks indicate statistically significant differences compared with the values with the control miR-288 antisense oligonucleotide (P < 0.05, t-test). 
Figure 4 of 4
A deeply conserved, noncanonical miRNA hosted by ribosomal DNA

January 2015


110 Reads


46 Citations


Advances in small RNA sequencing technologies and comparative genomics have fueled comprehensive microRNA (miRNA) gene annotations in humans and model organisms. Although new miRNAs continue to be discovered in recent years, these have universally been lowly expressed, recently evolved, and of debatable endogenous activity, leading to the general assumption that virtually all biologically important miRNAs have been identified. Here, we analyzed small RNAs that emanate from the highly repetitive rDNA arrays of Drosophila. In addition to endo-siRNAs derived from sense and antisense strands of the pre-rRNA sequence, we unexpectedly identified a novel, deeply conserved, noncanonical miRNA. Although this miRNA is widely expressed, this miRNA was not identified by previous studies due to bioinformatics filters removing such repetitive sequences. Deep-sequencing data provide clear evidence for specific processing with precisely defined 5'- and 3' ends. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the mature miRNA species is incorporated in the effector complexes and has detectable trans regulatory activity. Processing of this miRNA requires Dicer-1, whereas the Drosha-Pasha complex is dispensable. The miRNA hairpin sequence is located in the internal transcribed spacer 1 region of rDNA and is highly conserved among Dipteran species that were separated from their common ancestor ∼100 million years ago. Our results suggest that biologically active miRNA genes may remain unidentified even in well-studied organisms. © 2015 Chak et al.; Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press for the RNA Society.

Diverse modes of evolutionary emergence and flux of conserved microRNA clusters

October 2014


67 Reads


39 Citations


Many animal miRNA loci reside in genomic clusters that generate multicistronic primary-miRNA transcripts. While clusters that contain copies of the same miRNA hairpin are clearly products of local duplications, the evolutionary provenance of clusters with disparate members is less clear. Recently, it was proposed that essentially all such clusters in Drosophila derived from de novo formation of miRNA-like hairpins within existing miRNA transcripts, and that the maintenance of multiple miRNAs in such clusters was due to evolutionary hitchhiking on a major cluster member. However, this model seems at odds with the fact that many such miRNA clusters are composed of well-conserved miRNAs. In an effort to trace the birth and expansion of miRNA clusters that are presently well-conserved across Drosophilids, we analyzed a broad swath of metazoan species, with particular emphasis on arthropod evolution. Beyond duplication and de novo birth, we highlight a diversity of modes that contribute to miRNA evolution, including neofunctionalization of miRNA copies, fissioning of locally duplicated miRNA clusters, miRNA deletion, and miRNA cluster expansion via the acquisition and/or neofunctionalization of miRNA copies from elsewhere in the genome. In particular, we suggest that miRNA clustering by acquisition represents an expedient strategy to bring cohorts of target genes under coordinate control by miRNAs that had already been individually selected for regulatory impact on the transcriptome.

Diversity of miRNAs, siRNAs, and piRNAs across 25 Drosophila cell lines

July 2014


325 Reads


68 Citations

Genome Research

We expanded the knowledge base for Drosophila cell line transcriptomes by deeply sequencing their small RNAs. In total, we analyzed more than 1 billion raw reads from 53 libraries across 25 cell lines. We verify reproducibility of biological replicate data sets, determine common and distinct aspects of miRNA expression across cell lines, and infer the global impact of miRNAs on cell line transcriptomes. We next characterize their commonalities and differences in endo-siRNA populations. Interestingly, most cell lines exhibit enhanced TE-siRNA production relative to tissues, suggesting this as a common aspect of cell immortalization. We also broadly extend annotations of cis-NAT-siRNA loci, identifying ones with common expression across diverse cells and tissues, as well as cell-restricted loci. Finally, we characterize small RNAs in a set of ovary-derived cell lines, including somatic cells (OSS and OSC) and a mixed germline/somatic cell population (fGS/OSS) that exhibits ping-pong piRNA signatures. Collectively, the ovary data reveal new genic piRNA loci, including unusual configurations of piRNA-generating regions. Together with the companion analysis of mRNAs described in a previous study, these small RNA data provide comprehensive information on the transcriptional landscape of diverse Drosophila cell lines. These data should encourage broader usage of fly cell lines, beyond the few that are presently in common usage.

FIGURE 1. Distinctive properties of Drosophila testis-restricted miRNAs. ( A ) mir-982 and mir-210 are examples of testis- and head-restricted miRNAs, respectively, because they portray significantly higher, aggregate expression within the head or testes libraries. Contrarily, tissue-expressed miRNAs such as mir-986 and mir-124 showed non-negligible (>10 RPM) and nonexclusive expression within testes or head libraries. ( B ) We identified tissue-restricted miRNAs (i.e., in testes and heads) by comparing the log 2 (fold-change) in expression between the tissue of interest vs. other condition-specific libraries using statistical differential expression analysis. Tissue-restricted miRNAs are flagged if they show significantly higher expression in the head or testes libraries than in libraries of other conditions considered ( left of arrow). Clustered miRNAs of tissues-restricted delegation are also labeled as tissue-restricted ( right of arrow). ( C ) The majority of testis-restricted miRNAs are genomically clustered, unlike testes-expressed and head-restricted miRNAs. ( D ) Similarly, the majority of testes-restricted miRNAs are recently evolved. 
FIGURE 3. Evidence for in vivo function of TRC miRNAs. (A) TRC miRNAs are expressed at significantly higher levels compared with other recently evolved miRNAs. Plotted are data for the maximal expression of a given miRNA in any library analyzed. (B) Half of TRC miRNAs induced phenotypes when misexpressed using the Gal4-UAS system, whereas barely any recently evolved miRNAs that were not testisrestricted had such capacity. (C-E) Examples of TRC miRNAs whose misexpression generated mutant phenotypes in somatic tissues. (C) Phenotypes induced in the wing upon misexpression using 1096-Gal4. (D) Phenotypes induced in the notum mechanosensory bristle field upon misexpression using Eq-Gal4. (E) Phenotypes induced in the eye upon misexpression with GMR-Gal4 or ey-Gal4. Note also that several additional TRC miRNAs induced lethality; the full phenotypic descriptions are tabulated in Supplemental Table 4 and depicted in Supplemental Figure 3.
FIGURE 6. High miRNA flux within testis-restricted cluster. (A) De novo miRNA birth is enriched within testes-restricted clusters compared with somatically expressed clusters. This enrichment is observed after normalizing to account for cluster size as measured by total number of conserved D. melanogaster miRNA orthologs. (B) Emergence of new miRNA within the mir982-894 cluster via de novo hairpin emergence and gene duplication. A mir-982 subcluster containing three miRNAs (two mir-982 copies and mir-2582) duplicated in the D. simulans and D. sechellia lineage. Within D. sechellia, the duplicated copies remained similar; however, those of D. simulans experience gene loss and rapid sequence evolution. (C) De novo emergence of testis-restricted cluster in D. virilis. The 17 sense-strand miRNAs of this large cluster are testis-restricted (D) and interspersed among tRNA genes, while antisense members are predominantly expressed in other somatic tissues.
Adaptive evolution of testis-specific, recently evolved, clustered miRNAs in Drosophila

June 2014


148 Reads


48 Citations


The propensity of animal miRNAs to regulate targets bearing modest complementarity, most notably via pairing with miRNA positions ∼2-8 (the "seed"), is believed to drive major aspects of miRNA evolution. First, minimal targeting requirements have allowed most conserved miRNAs to acquire large target cohorts, thus imposing strong selection on miRNAs to maintain their seed sequences. Second, the modest pairing needed for repression suggests that evolutionarily nascent miRNAs may generally induce net detrimental, rather than beneficial, regulatory effects. Hence, levels and activities of newly emerged miRNAs are expected to be limited to preserve the status quo of gene expression. In this study, we unexpectedly show that Drosophila testes specifically express a substantial miRNA population that contravenes these tenets. We find that multiple genomic clusters of testis-restricted miRNAs harbor recently evolved miRNAs, whose experimentally verified orthologs exhibit divergent sequences, even within seed regions. Moreover, this class of miRNAs exhibits higher expression and greater phenotypic capacities in transgenic misexpression assays than do non-testis-restricted miRNAs of similar evolutionary age. These observations suggest that these testis-restricted miRNAs may be evolving adaptively, and several methods of evolutionary analysis provide strong support for this notion. Consistent with this, proof-of-principle tests show that orthologous miRNAs with divergent seeds can distinguish target sensors in a species-cognate manner. Finally, we observe that testis-restricted miRNA clusters exhibit extraordinary dynamics of miRNA gene flux in other Drosophila species. Altogether, our findings reveal a surprising tissue-directed influence of miRNA evolution, involving a distinct mode of miRNA function connected to adaptive gene regulation in the testis.

TABLE 1 . Summary of miRNA alignment correction 
FIGURE 2. Age distribution of 238 D. melanogaster miRNAs and mirtrons within 12 Drosophila species. miRNAs are further classified into three presence-depth groups: pan-Drosophilid, Sophophoran, and melanogaster subgroup. The number of D. melanogaster canonical miRNAs (green) and mirtrons (red) with putative functional orthologs up to the indicated branch are labeled within the tree. The numbers of miRNAs with confident lineage-or species-specific miRNA death events are shown in squares at their respective branch. The total numbers of canonical miRNAs and mirtrons for each of the three presence-depth groups are shown above. 
FIGURE 3. Primary sequence and secondary structure evolutionary characteristics for miRNAs and other structured RNA classes. (A) Diagram of an extended hairpin partitioning scheme for which phyloP conservation scores were computed. (B,C ) Mean phyloP conservation scores computed within extended partitions for (B) 116 pan-Drosophilid miRNAs and (C) 37 melanogastersubgroup miRNAs. Mirtrons, melanogaster-only, and "3-species" canonical miRNAs and CDS miRNAs were excluded. Error bars indicate the standard error of the mean. Horizontal dashed lines portray the mean phyloP conservation score for other reference genomic classes. Blue values specify the number of miRNAs represented within the partition, and lack of a number indicates that all miRNAs are represented. (D,E) Properties of structure evolution for miRNAs, non-miRNA conserved hairpin structures, and other structured RNAs (snRNAs, tRNAs). Numbers on the x-axis indicate the number of loci represented in each class. Melanogaster-subgroup miRNAs have (D) proportions of free-energy difference and (E) consistent-to-compensatory substitution ratios (CCSRs), which are similar to pan-Drosophilid miRNAs but distinct from other structured RNAs. 
FIGURE 4. Characteristics of mirtrons and clustered canonical miRNAs. (A) Classification of canonical miRNAs and mirtrons by mature and star arm conservation patterns. Pan-Drosophilid miRNA genes with both mature and star arm divergences are generally either clustered canonical miRNAs or mirtrons, whereas melanogaster-subgroup genes show homogeneity in arm divergences. (B) Alignment for dme-mir-1011, a panDrosophilid mirtron with divergent mature and star arms, and seed mutations. These patterns are discordant from solo canonical miRNAs. (C) Proportions of solo to clustered miRNAs at differing presence-depth groups. Melanogaster-subgroup miRNAs are rarely clustered, unlike older miRNAs. (D,E) Similar to mirtrons, clustered miRNAs also show dual arm divergences like dme-mir-309, a pan-Drosophilid miRNA (D), and mir-2498, a melanogaster-subgroup miRNA (E). The functional 7-to 8-nt "seed" regions within pan-Drosophilid clustered miRNAs are ultraconserved, unlike recently evolved clustered miRNAs. Not all clustered miRNAs evolve similarly, however; mir-309 is the only miRNA to have divergent mature and star sequence (yellow and blue stars), unlike other members of its cluster. (F ) Illustration of dynamic miRNA turnover with miRNA clusters. In the mir-959 964 cluster, several members have emerged and died across Drosophilid evolution. The absence of mir-959 and mir-961 from ancestral outgroup insect species suggests that these miRNAs were born during Drosophilid radiation. 
FIGURE 5. PhyloP conservation score profile and variance for three miRNA classes with different biogenesis and emergence properties. miRNA classes include solo and clustered canonical miRNAs, and mirtrons. (A,B) Partition-specific conservation scores for (A) pan-Drosophilid and (B) melanogaster-subgroup miRNAs and mirtrons. Pan-Drosophilid mirtrons show partition-specific patterns similar to canonical miRNAs, such as higher conservation of paired than unpaired duplex sites. (C ) Variance of conservation scores per miRNA class. At all presence-depths, clustered miRNAs have greater variance of phyloP scores than other miRNA classes. Numbers within each panel (A,B) or on the x-axis (C ) indicate the number of miRNAs present in each class. 
The impact of age, biogenesis, and genomic clustering on Drosophila microRNA evolution

July 2013


330 Reads


33 Citations


The molecular evolutionary signatures of miRNAs inform our understanding of their emergence, biogenesis, and function. The known signatures of miRNA evolution have derived mostly from the analysis of deeply conserved, canonical loci. In this study, we examine the impact of age, biogenesis pathway, and genomic arrangement on the evolutionary properties of Drosophila miRNAs. Crucial to the accuracy of our results was our curation of high-quality miRNA alignments, which included nearly 150 corrections to ortholog calls and nucleotide sequences of the global 12-way Drosophilid alignments currently available. Using these data, we studied primary sequence conservation, normalized free-energy values, and types of structure-preserving substitutions. We expand upon common miRNA evolutionary patterns that reflect fundamental features of miRNAs that are under functional selection. We observe that melanogaster-subgroup-specific miRNAs, although recently emerged and rapidly evolving, nonetheless exhibit evolutionary signatures that are similar to well-conserved miRNAs and distinct from other structured noncoding RNAs and bulk conserved non-miRNA hairpins. This provides evidence that even young miRNAs may be selected for regulatory activities. More strikingly, we observe that mirtrons and clustered miRNAs both exhibit distinct evolutionary properties relative to solo, well-conserved miRNAs, even after controlling for sequence depth. These studies highlight the previously unappreciated impact of biogenesis strategy and genomic location on the evolutionary dynamics of miRNAs, and affirm that miRNAs do not evolve as a unitary class.

Citations (11)

... While a significant fraction of microRNAs appear to be conserved over long evolutionary times, our data confirms previous observations of high evolutionary turnover in animals, with many orthogroups appearing to be lineage specific (Berezikov 2011;Flynt 2017). The gain of novel microRNAs might result in the acquisition of novel regulatory pathways, and spatio-temporal changes in protein coding gene expression. ...


The evolutionary dynamics of microRNAs in domestic mammals
Deep experimental profiling of microRNA diversity, deployment, and evolution across the Drosophila genus

... Deep sequencing of microRNAs in different animals is now also showing microRNAs exhibiting sex-biased expression in different groups of animals. In insects, sex-biased microRNA expression has been revealed in different developmental stages, for instance, in the flies Bactrocera dorsalis and D. melanogaster [50][51][52][53][54], the beetle Tribolium castaneum [55], the termite Reticulitermes speratus [56], the plant hopper Sogatella furcifera [57], the wasp Ceratosolen solmsi [58], the bee Apis mellifera [59], and the mosquito Anopheles gambiae [60]. Studies have shown that environmental cues can also relate to sex-biased protein coding gene expression. ...

Deep experimental profiling of microRNA diversity, deployment, and evolution across the Drosophila genus

Genome Research

... Gene duplications often have male germline-biased or male germline-specific expression [62][63][64][65][66][67][68][69][70] and are often duplicated by means of retrotransposition [6,69,[71][72][73] in insects and mammals. There is evidence that duplicated gene functions have repeatedly evolved tightly regulated expression and specialized function in the male germline [18,63,64,72,73]. ...

New genes often acquire male-specific functions but rarely become essential in Drosophila

Genes & Development

... Representations of their length distribution and localization along the viral genome were both made in R using a custom Shiny application based on the ggplot2 (Wickham, 2009) and Bioconductor Gviz (Hahne and Ivanek, 2016) packages respectively. Furthermore, expressed human miRNAs (miRBase v22.1 (Kozomara and Griffiths-Jones, 2011), among which known mirtrons (Wen et al, 2015), were also identified and quantified in each library using BEDTools v2.30.0 (Quinlan and Hall, 2010) by comparing their genomic coordinates to those of the original aligned reads and by counting only reads showing at least 80% overlap with the miRNA sequence (command: bedtools intersect -a <sample>-hg38coreGencodeSINVGFP.bwtmap.bed -b hsamatmir.bed ...

Analysis of Nearly One Thousand Mammalian Mirtrons Reveals Novel Features of Dicer Substrates
PLOS Computational Biology

PLOS Computational Biology

... Among them, tRNA-derived fragments (tRFs), produced from pre-tRNAs or mature tRNAs, have demonstrated clear biological functions in cancers and stress response, solidifying their status as important regulatory non-coding RNAs (reviewed in [45]). rDNA-derived small RNAs have been described in various organisms, including plants [46][47][48][49], fungi [50][51][52][53][54], fruit flies [55], C. elegans [56,57], mice, and humans [58][59][60]. ...

A deeply conserved, noncanonical miRNA hosted by ribosomal DNA


... However, the molecular strategies for such cluster assistance are not fully understood. On the other hand, the existence of miRNA clustering might impact miRNA evolution, since the biogenesis of young miRNAs that lack optimal features might be enhanced if they happen to be born near existing miRNAs (19,20). ...

Diverse modes of evolutionary emergence and flux of conserved microRNA clusters


... Thus, the transcriptional profiles of several Drosophila cell lines provided a platform for subsequent analyses. For instance, a few examples of the impact of this work include research into better understanding crosstalk between signaling pathways (Ammeux et al., 2016), exploring transcription factor networks (Rhee et al., 2014), establishing small RNA diversity (Wen et al., 2014), characterizing signaling pathways (Neal et al., 2019), nucleosomal organization (Martin et al., 2017) among multiple other utilities reviewed extensively (Cherbas and Gong, 2014;Luhur et al., 2019). ...

Diversity of miRNAs, siRNAs, and piRNAs across 25 Drosophila cell lines

Genome Research

... Duplication, reshuffling, transposition, retrotransposition, chimeric phenomena account for most new genes (Andersson et al. 2015;Schlotterer 2015;VanKuren and Long 2018;Zhao et al. 2021), but small noncoding loci like miRNAs may represent the most common source of de novo genes (Lu et al. 2008b;Lyu et al. 2014;Zhao et al. 2021). Most miRNAs arising de novo are probably functionless (Lu et al. 2008b;Berezikov et al. 2010) or even dead-on-arrival (Petrov et al. 1996;Petrov and Hartl 1998), but many may become adaptive miRNAs (Lu et al. 2008a;Mohammed et al. 2014, Lyu et al. 2014Zhao et al. 2021). ...

Adaptive evolution of testis-specific, recently evolved, clustered miRNAs in Drosophila


... 10 In fact, miRNAs are involved in various biological processes, including cell cycle, apoptosis, proliferation, and differentiation. Therefore, dysfunctions of miRNAs could result in pathophysiological effects, 11 such as occurrence of tumors, cardiovascular diseases, and neurodegenerative disorders. [12][13][14] At present, over 17,000 mature sequences of miRNAs have been identified. ...

The impact of age, biogenesis, and genomic clustering on Drosophila microRNA evolution


... It explicitly models the numbers of divergent sites between two species and polymorphic sites in a population of a single species and applies a maximum likelihood ratio test to detect directional selection. Gronau et al. developed a similar approach, INSIGHT [9], which models the polymorphism pattern within a single population using an empirical approach by treating the allele frequency of the mutant under selection as an unknown parameter; INSIGHT uses a hidden Markov model to identify the putatively selected genomic regions. Parametric methods explicitly model the effect of selection on the genetic polymorphism pattern, and thus, in addition to being significant tests, these methods are useful for inferring parameters of the selective sweep processes. ...

Inference of Natural Selection from Interspersed Genomic Elements Based on Polymorphism and Divergence
  • Citing Article
  • February 2013

Molecular Biology and Evolution