J. Schubert's scientific contributions

Publication (1)

Describes the Middle Clay Keuper in the Thuringian basin as the series between upper boundary of the horizon D and the Dietendorf limestone. An important element is the main clay carbonaceous sandstone which by a dolomite horizon in the middle part is subdivided into a lower and an upper component. In regional comparison, this dolomite is equivalen...


... Details on geographic coordinates, lithology and orientation of strata for the measurement sites, as well as stereoplots of the collected fault-slip data are given as supplementary material in the online repository to this article. eolian and fluvial sandstone, shale and evaporite of the Lower Triassic Buntsandstein, shallow marine carbonate and evaporite of the Middle Triassic Muschelkalk, and shale, marl, sandstone and evaporite of the Upper Triassic Keuper (Beutler and Schubert, 1987;Feist-Burkhardt et al., 2008). The youngest Mesozoic strata preserved are small remnants of Lower Jurassic open marine shale and sandstone. ...