Isroun Nissa's scientific contributions

Publication (1)

Perkembangan emosional anak berkebutuhan khusus hiperaktif dan gangguan konsentrasi adalah gangguan yang terjadi pada anak usia dini yang berpengaruh pada kesulitan dalam proses pembelajaran saat di kelas. Perkembangan emosional sangat berkaitan dengan gangguan ini karena emosi dalam diri anak tidak dapat dikendalikan. Stimulus yang positif harus d...


... [8] Psychologists suggest that there are three types of temperament possessed by children, namely (1) children who are easy to manage, adaptable, love to play, sleep and eat regularly and can adapt to new things; (2) children who are difficult to manage often refuse daily routines, often cry for a long time to finish food and are restless during sleep; and (3) children who take a very long time to adapt, generally seem rather lazy and passive, rarely participate actively and often wait for everything to be handed over to them. Based on the results of research conducted by [9] Nissa on "Analysis of the emotional development of children with special needs hyperactivity and concentration disorders in TK Aisyiyah 33 Surabaya" the emotional development of children affects the condition of children with special needs hyperactivity and concentration disorders (ADHD), so that children are less understand emotions in oneself such as showing excessive expressions of happiness, anger, and disappointment. ...