Hyoung-Mi Kim's research while affiliated with CHA University and other places

Publications (36)

Objectives: Investigation of endaural laser-assisted single-stage inside-out cholesteatoma surgery (LASIC) to treat advanced congenital cholesteatoma (ACC) by a modified staging system based on ossicle status. Study design: A retrospective case review. Setting: A university hospital otology referral clinic. Patients: Two hundred consecutive...
Objective: To report the first large case series of extremely rare bilateral congenital cholesteatoma (CC). Study design: A retrospective cohort study. Setting: University hospital otology referral clinic. Patients: Six hundred four children with surgically confirmed CC. Main outcome measures: The bilateral CCs were compared with the unila...
Background: Adenotonsillectomy (AT) has been an effective treatment for sleep-disordered breathing (SDB) in children, and several studies described the risk of postoperative weight gain and obesity in children treated with AT. The present study aimed to evaluate behavioral improvements in children with SDB one year after adenotonsillectomy and to...
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Objective Several studies have suggested a possible relationship between recurrent benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) and altered calcium homeostasis in the endolymph of the inner ear. The present study aimed to evaluate the association between Ca²⁺ and vitamin D status and BPPV occurrence as well as the status of bone biochemical markers...
Objectives: To study the influence of the cochleariform process abutment (CPA) of early congenital cholesteatomas (CC) (ECCs) on surgical outcomes. Study design: Retrospective case review. Setting: University hospital otology referral clinic. Patients: Two hundred consecutive pediatric ECC patients. Interventions: The patients were classif...
Objectives: Cholesteatoma in the tympanic membrane is frequently regarded as congenital but there has been no case series review or comparison study with typical pediatric congenital cholesteatoma (CC). Methods: All pediatric CC cases from 2009 to 2014 were collected, and a total of 10 cases of intratymapnic membrane CC (ICC) out of 429 CC cases...
Several studies suggested the possible relationship between decreased bone mineral density (BMD) of the temporal bone and hearing loss, primarily of the sensorineural type. The aim of the present study is to determine the relationship between BMD and hearing loss and to evaluate the systemic Ca(2+) and vitamin D status with relation to hearing sens...
Benign vascular lesions are rarely found on the tympanic membrane. To date, only 21 cases restricted to tympanic membrane and/or external auditory canal have been reported, and all cases are hemangioma. We recently experienced a case of a vascular lesion arising from the atrophic tympanic membrane, which did not respond to initial CO2 laser therapy...
Background/Objectives Adenotonsillar hypertrophy is the major determinants of habitual snoring in pediatric population. Behavioral hyperactivity and schooling problems have been repeatedly reported in these children, and it may underlie more extensive behavioral disturbances, particularly for the obese children. The aim of the present study is to e...
Childhood episodic vertigo has been reported to be associated with migraine or childhood periodic syndromes such as benign paroxysmal vertigo of childhood. There is discrete evidence that unexpected recurrent vertigo is associated with a high level of depression and anxiety in adults. However, only a few studies describe the frequency and character...
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Several members of the SLC26 gene family have highly-restricted expression patterns in the auditory and vestibular periphery and mutations in mice of at least two of these (SLC26A4 and SLC26A5) lead to deficits in hearing and/or balance. A previous report pointed to SLC26A7 as a candidate gene important for cochlear function. In the present study,...
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The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of laser myringotomy (LM) compared to ventilation tube (VT), and to assess the clinical success criteria of LM-assisted VT insertion as the flexible alternatives avoiding GA for the treatment of bilateral consistent otitis media with effusion (OME). LM under topical anesthesia was followed by VT in...
The data suggest that histamine up-regulates MUC2 gene regulation and mucin production in airway epithelial cells through histamine 1 receptor (H1R). Histamine appears to play an important role in the early phase of mucin regulation, which might be effectively blocked by an H1R antagonist. Histamine is an important inflammatory mediator during the...
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Mutations in human SLC26A4 are a common cause of hearing loss associated with enlarged vestibular aqueducts (EVA). SLC26A4 encodes pendrin, an anion-base exchanger expressed in inner ear epithelial cells that secretes HCO3- into endolymph. Studies of Slc26a4-null mice indicate that pendrin is essential for inner ear development, but have not reveal...
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Loss-of-function mutations of SLC26A4/pendrin are among the most prevalent causes of deafness. Deafness and vestibular dysfunction in the corresponding mouse model, Slc26a4(-/-), are associated with an enlargement and acidification of the membranous labyrinth. Here we relate the onset of expression of the HCO(3) (-) transporter pendrin to the lumin...
Fluid secretion in the vestibular labyrinth ‘pumps up’ the cochlea during lumen formation. These images correspond to Fig. 7 in the main manuscript. (7.02 MB TIF)
Cochlear lumen formation in Slc26a4+/− and Slc26a4−/− mice. These images correspond to Fig. 4 in the main manuscript. (7.04 MB TIF)
Fluid absorption in the endolymphatic sac ‘drains’ the cochlea during lumen formation. These images correspond to Fig. 9 in the main manuscript. (8.66 MB TIF)
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Mutations of SLC26A4 are among the most prevalent causes of hereditary deafness. Deafness in the corresponding mouse model, Slc26a4(-/-), results from an abnormally enlarged cochlear lumen. The goal of this study was to determine whether the cochlear enlargement originates with defective cochlear fluid transport or with a malfunction of fluid trans...
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Mutations of SLC26A4 cause an enlarged vestibular aqueduct, nonsyndromic deafness, and deafness as part of Pendred syndrome. SLC26A4 encodes pendrin, an anion exchanger located in the cochlea, thyroid, and kidney. The goal of the present study was to determine whether developmental delays, possibly mediated by systemic or local hypothyroidism, cont...
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Hereditary hearing loss is one of the most common birth defects, yet the majority of genes required for audition is thought to remain unidentified. Ethylnitrosourea (ENU)-mutagenesis has been a valuable approach for generating new animal models of deafness and discovering previously unrecognized gene functions. Here we report on the characterizatio...
Approximately 200 µm-long regions of F-actin stained organ of Corti samples from nmf329 and wild-type mice. The actin content of stereociliary bundles was visualized in the organ of Corti preparations from +/+ and nmf329/nmf329 mice, using phalloidin-Alexa Fluor 488. At P8, the stereociliary bundles are present in all three rows of OHCs in the coch...
Counts of ciliated OHCs in the cochleas of nmf329 and wild-type mice at P8, P14, and P80. (A-F) F-actin-stained stereociliary bundles were counted in the first (OHC1), second (OHC2), and third (OHC3) rows of OHCs. Results are shown separately for the basal (A, C, and E) and apical (B, D, and F) portions of the cochlear samples at P8 (A and B), P14...
Lack of inflammation in the organ of Corti of nmf329 mice. Immunostaining of organ of Corti samples from (A) an nmf329/nmf329 mouse (P15) and (B) a control (+/+) littermate using an anti-CD68 antibody. (C) Primary culture of peritoneal macrophages stained with the anti-CD68 antibody (positive control). Left panels show the fluorescence signals; rig...
Claudin-9 immunostaining of WGA-labeled organ of Corti samples from +/+ and nmf329/nmf329 mice. The surface of organ of Corti samples from (A) wild-type and (B) nmf329/nmf329 mice (P5) was labeled with WGA-Alexa Fluor 594 (upper panels) before immunostaining with an anti-claudin-9 antibody (lower panels). Scale bars: 10 µm. (2.58 MB TIF)
Expression of claudin-14 in the organ of Corti of wild-type and nmf329 mice. Immunostaining of organ of Corti samples from (A) +/+ and (B) nmf329/nmf329 mice with an anti-claudin-14 antibody at P5. Arrows indicate the OHC rows. Scale bars: 10 µm. (1.65 MB TIF)
Localization of EYFP-claudin-9wt, EYFP-claudin-9F35L, and occludin in MDCK cells. MDCK cell clones expressing (A) EYFP-claudin-9wt (green) and (B) EYFP-claudin-9F35L (green) were immunostained with an anti-occludin antibody (lower panels, red signal) to visualize tight junctions. Scale bars: 10 µm. (9.95 MB TIF)
Similar morphology of tight junction strands in the organ of Corti of wild-type and nmf329 mice. Freeze fracture replicas of apical junctions in the organ of Corti of wild-type (A) and nmf329 (B) mice at P5. Arrows indicate apical junctions between OHCs and Deiters' cells; arrowheads indicate junctional regions between two Deiters' cells. Scale bar...
Normal balancing ability in the nmf329 strain. Time spent on fixed-speed rotating rod (10 rpm) before falling by wild-type (+/+), nmf329/+, and nmf329/nmf329 mice (P28). The maximum duration of the test was 180 s (dotted horizontal line). Each mouse was subjected to 4 trials. The latency to fall was measured in the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th trials. Data ar...
Counts of stereociliary bundles in cultured organ of Corti samples from heterozygous and homozygous nmf329 mice. Organ of Corti explants from nmf329/+ and nmf329/nmf329 mice (P5) were cultured for 9 days, and stereociliary bundles were counted in the first (OHC1), second (OHC2), and third (OHC3) rows of OHCs. Counts are normalized to 100 µm. Data a...
Early-onset hearing loss in the nmf329 strain. ABR thresholds (dB-SPL) to broadband click stimuli in wild-type (+/+), nmf329/+, and nmf329/nmf329 mice at P16. Data are mean±SEM (n = 5; one-way ANOVA, p<0.0001; post hoc Dunnett's test, control group is +/+, **p<0.01). (0.42 MB TIF)
Normal overall structure of the cochlea in nmf329/nmf329 mice. Actin staining of cochlear cryosections from wild-type (+/+) (A) and nmf329/nmf329 (B) mice at P80. Red signal shows actin staining predominantly in the stria vascularis (SV) and the organ of Corti (OC). Numbers indicate cochlear half turns; RM, Reissner's membrane; SG, spiral ganglion....
Claudin-9 orthologs contain phenylalanine at position 35. Alignment of claudin-9 protein sequences from 8 different species. Black shading indicates residue identity; gray shading indicates aminoacyl group similarity. The arrow marks the phenylalanine residue of claudin-9 that is replaced with leucine in the nmf329 mice. (2.01 MB EPS)
Low magnification images of F-actin-stained organ of Corti samples from nmf329 and wild-type mice. (A-F) Organ of Corti preparations from +/+ and nmf329/nmf329 mice were stained with phalloidin-Alexa Fluor 488 to visualize the actin-rich structures including stereocilia. At P8, all three rows of OHCs are present in the cochlea of both +/+ (A) and n...
Phalangeal scars in the organ of Corti of nmf329 mice. Immunostaining of organ of Corti samples from heterozygous (A) and homozygous (B) nmf329 mice (P14) with an anti-occludin antibody. (A) In the heterozygous mouse, all three rows of OHCs are intact. Asterisks indicate one OHC in each row. (B) In the nmf329/nmf329 mouse, large polygonal cells rep...


... Whereas, anatomical deformities include retrognathic mandible, steep mandibular plane angle, narrow maxilla with a high arched palate, increased anterior facial height, and a short anterior cranial base (Kim et al., 2015). If intervention is not initiated early in the growing patients, the likelihood to develop OSA in adult is intensified (Won et al., 2019;Koca et al., 2016). ...
... [17][18][19] Recruited participant numbers ranged from 2 8,11 to 200. 16 Table 3 summarizes the different ways laser was applied in surgery in all groups. ...
... Este tipo de técnica permite evaluar sitios anatómicos de alto riesgo de colesteatoma residual como el retrotimpáno o el segmento anterior a la cresta supratubárica o COG 7 . Además, permite descartar la presencia de colesteatoma congénito bilateral que se puede presentar hasta en 4% de los casos 8 . ...
... The baseline BMI z-score was reported as normal in three studies [17,37,40]. At the same time, in the other 11, the population was classified according to percentiles in two or more among these classes: underweight (Uw), normal weight (Nw), overweight (Ow), and obese (Ob); for these studies, the postoperative data were analyzed accordingly [16,[22][23][24][25]27,32,33,35,36,39]. Two studies analyzed data from the same cohort of an RCT named Childhood Adenotonsillectomy trial (CHAT) [35,36]. ...
... The impact of vitamin D on audiovestibular health has been a research area of interest in recent years, with low serum levels of vitamin D associated with otological pathologies including benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV). 1 Due to vitamin D's role in skeletal mineral homeostasis, it has been suggested that audiovestibular pathology may be related to high bone turnover rates in the temporal bone and/or at a systemic level. 2 Another hypothesis suggests that inner ear pathology including BPPV may be secondary to an inflammatory or autoimmune response following viral infection, and that the immunomodulatory functions of vitamin D may be protective against this secondary response. 3 There are two major bioavailable forms of vitamin D; vitamin D 2 (also known as ...
... A retrospective review of CMECs surgically treated at the Hospital of Carpi and University Hospital of Modena between 2013 and 2019 was performed. CMECs were diagnosed according to Levenson's criteria: (1) presence of a white mass in the middle ear cavity, (2) normal pars flaccida and pars tensa of the tympanic membrane, (3) no past history of otorrhea and perforation, (4) no previous otological surgery, (5) the past history of otitis media or effusion should not be an exclusion criterion. ...
... The other papers report their recurrence rate between 0% and 33%. 10,11,[13][14][15][16]18 Table 5 summarized the disease eradication outcomes. ...
... tion in bone tissue density and hearing impairment. Ji Yoon et al. showed that postmenopausal osteoporosis and the related disturbance of calcium metabolism favour the occurrence of sensorineural hearing loss15 . Moreover, Groschel et al. observed the effects of changes in calcium levels with age on the occurrence of sensorineural hearing loss, which also occurred in the upper levels of the auditory pathway16 . ...
... The effects of ST on children are extensive, children are still immature and more likely to have emotional and behavioral problems affected by electronic media. Meanwhile, children's emotional and behavioral problems were high (10.8%) in this Chinese birth cohort, which is inferior to Australia (14%) [22] and South Korea (11.8%) [23] and similar to Japan (11%) [24]. The prevalence of emotional and behavioral problems among preschool children in our study was also higher than in other provinces (9.6%) of China [25]. ...
... The association with psychological risk factors in both children and families has also been identified in childhood periodic syndromes such as benign paroxysmal torticollis, benign paroxysmal vertigo, abdominal migraine, and cyclic vomiting syndrome (Tarbell et al., 2017;Devanarayana et al., 2014;Lee et al., 2014;Reale et al., 2011;Tarbell and Li, 2008;Forbes et al., 1999). Some researchers have hypothesised that childhood periodic syndromes may be the early life phenotypic expressions of a common genotype that later in life is expressed as migraine headache (Gelfand, 2018). ...