Hunter S Richardson's research while affiliated with National Institutes of Health and other places

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Publications (2)

Fig. 1. MSA brains contain perinuclear oligodendrocyte TPPP staining and insoluble TPPP protein. (A) Representative micrographs of TPPP staining in SN from control and MSA brains (Patient IDs: S12016, S16219). (B) Density of cells positive for TPPP perinuclear staining normalized by the number of total DAPI-positive nuclei and binned into 3 types of TPPP staining patterns. n = 7, 10 patients; 3-4 images per subject. Type 1 showed no statistical significance (P = 0.126). (C) TPPP staining colocalizes with OLIG2-positive oligodendrocytes (Patient ID: S16023). (D) Schematic of sequential extraction protocol. (E) Western blots of sequential extraction in increasingly stringent buffers of pons from control and MSA brains, immunoblotted against TPPP. n = 3 controls (Patient IDs: S01733, S06589, S08610), 3 MSA (Patient IDs: S11347, S16023, S16219). (F) Quantification of TPPP Western blot bands in myelin-removal and sarkosyl-insoluble fractions. Quantification of HS/Triton fractions showed no statistical significance (P = 0.72). All data represented as means ± SEMs with individual data points. Statistics performed using Student's t-test. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001.
Fig. 3. TPPP fibrils form in the myelin sheath. (A) FRAP of cultured primary oligodendrocytes expressing filamentous TPPP-EGFP for 12-16 hours. See also Movie S3.
Fig. 5. aSyn is Expressed by oligodendrocytes and co-partitions in liquid condensates. (A) SNCA (aSyn) mRNA expression in a bulk RNA-seq database of immunopanned brain cells from Homo sapiens brains (29). FPKM (fragments per kilobase of transcript per million mapped reads). (B) Primary rat oligodendrocyte differentiated for 6 days in vitro stained against aSyn and tubulin. The secondary-antibody-only control shows no staining in regions containing cells whose contours can be visualized in brightfield. (C) Western blot comparing aSyn protein levels in lysates from COS-7 cells, primary rat hippocampal neurons, and primary rat oligodendrocytes. This β III tubulin antibody labels a tubulin that is enriched in neurons but not in oligodendrocytes. (D) Immunostaining against aSyn in primary rat oligodendrocyte cultured on biologically inert 3D microfibers that mimic the shape of axons. (E) Fluorescent images of TPPP, aSyn, and tubulin co-condensates. 3.5 µM mRuby2-TPPP, 2 µM aSyn-mNG, 2 µM tubulin-CF640R in BRB80 with 10% PEG 8000. (F) TIRF microscopy images of TPPP condensates nucleating microtubules in the presence of aSyn. 1 µM TPPP, 0.2 µM aSyn-mNG, 8 µM tubulin-CF640R in BRB80.
Fig. 6. TPPP pre-formed fibrils (PFFs) are toxic to oligodendrocytes. (A) Representative TEM micrographs of immunogold labeled fibrous or chunky assemblies composed of TPPP. Magnified insets show that gold beads colocalize with these TPPP assemblies. (B) Quantification of immunogold labeling normalized by area. N = 20 (background control images), 15 (fibrils), 17 (chunks). Kruskal-Wallis test; *P < 0.05, ****P < 0.0001.
TPPP Forms Liquid Condensates and Aggregates in Multiple System Atrophy
  • Preprint
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June 2023


76 Reads


Hunter S Richardson


Thomas S McAlear




Oligodendrocytes have elaborate arbors of microtubules that extend toward axons and spiral around myelin sheaths. Oligodendrocytes rely on satellite organelles called Golgi outposts to nucleate new microtubules at sites far from the cell body. We now show that the Golgi outpost marker TPPP (tubulin polymerization promoting protein) forms liquid condensates that co-partition with tubulin in order to nucleate microtubules. In oligodendrocytes, TPPP forms either dynamic puncta or aberrant microtubule-associated aggregates. In Multiple System Atrophy (MSA), a sequela of histological events initiates with TPPP aggregation in myelin sheaths and terminates in perinuclear TPPP co-aggregation with alpha-synuclein (aSyn). Finally, recombinant TPPP aggregates are toxic to primary oligodendrocytes. Thus, while the liquid condensate property of TPPP facilitates microtubule nucleation, it also predisposes TPPP to aggregate in disease.


ER and Golgi trafficking in axons, dendrites, and glial processes

August 2022


35 Reads


10 Citations

Current Opinion in Cell Biology

Both neurons and glia in mammalian brains are highly rami-fied. Neurons form complex neural networks using axons and dendrites. Axons are long with few branches and form pre-synaptic boutons that connect to target neurons and effector tissues. Dendrites are shorter, highly branched, and form post-synaptic boutons. Astrocyte processes contact synapses and blood vessels in order to regulate neuronal activity and blood flow, respectively. Oligodendrocyte processes extend toward axons to make myelin sheaths. Microglia processes dynamically survey their environments. Here, we describe the local secretory system (ER and Golgi) in neuronal and glial processes. We focus on Golgi outpost functions in acentrosomal microtubule nucleation, cargo trafficking, and protein glyco-sylation. Thus, satellite ER and Golgi are critical for local structure and function in neurons and glia.

Citations (1)

... These peaks concentrated around transcription start sites ( Figure 4B) and largely overlapped with promoter areas ( Figure 4C). After gene annotation, we found enrichment of the Reactome pathway ontology terms of 'chromatin modifying enzymes' and 'chromatin organization', as well as gene ontology terms related to transcription factor binding and activity ( Figure 4D-E and Figure S15A Figure S15C) are all processes that have been implicated in synaptic plasticity and neocortical development [35][36][37][38] , and 'nonsense−mediated decay' has been described to play a role in axon growth as well 39 . Indeed, the identified genes in these ontologies showed overlap with the ones from the 'signaling of ROBO receptors' and 'regulation of SLITs and ROBOs' ontology terms ( Figure 4E), and converge on a role of CHD3 in axon development and function. ...


The chromatin remodeler CHD3 is highly expressed in mature neurons and regulates genes involved in synaptic development and function
ER and Golgi trafficking in axons, dendrites, and glial processes
  • Citing Article
  • August 2022

Current Opinion in Cell Biology