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Publications (3)

Evolutionary origins of archaeal and eukaryotic RNA-guided RNA modification in bacterial IS110 transposons
  • Preprint
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June 2024


7 Reads

Hugo Vaysset


Chance Meers





Samuel H. Sternberg

Transposase genes are ubiquitous in all domains of life and provide a rich reservoir for the evolution of novel protein functions. Here we report deep evolutionary links between bacterial IS110 transposases, which catalyze RNA-guided DNA recombination using bridge RNAs, and archaeal/eukaryotic Nop5-family proteins, which promote RNA-guided RNA 2’-O-methylation using C/D-box snoRNAs. Based on conservation in the protein primary sequence, domain architecture, and three-dimensional structure, as well as common architectural features of the non-coding RNA components, we propose that programmable RNA modification emerged via exaptation of components derived from IS110-like transposons. Alongside recent studies highlighting the origins of CRISPR-Cas9 and Cas12 in IS605-family transposons, these findings underscore how recurrent domestication events of transposable elements gave rise to complex RNA-guided biological mechanisms.


Figure 1. Evolution of DefenseFinder models. A. Evolution of the number of defense systems across the different versions. B. Proportion of the currently detected systems which were added in v1.0.0 (Old and RM/Cas) or in more recent versions (New) of DefenseFinder models across different phyla of prokaryotes.
Figure 2. Architecture of DefenseFinder Webserice. A. Homepage of the DefenseFinder webservice. B. Results page of the Webservice. Three different output tables are available and a visualization of the chromosome with the different defense systems hits.
Figure 3. Architecture of the DefenseFinderWiki collaborative knowledge base. A. Table presenting all the different defense systems. The table can be filtered by system, type of sensor/activator or effector and Pfam inside the system. B. An example of one page of the knowledge base covering the CapRel defense system.
Figure 4. DefenseFinder results database A. Main table used to search through the DefenseFinder results. Searching through this table can be done using only keywords or by using a combination of conditions on the system, the phylogeny, or the name of the replicon. B. Interactive bar charts of the count of each system on the left and the count of each taxonomic order reactive to the filter in the main table. C. Interactive heatmap displaying the count of each system in each taxonomic order reactive to the main table. The taxonomic level can be modified from superkingdom to the species level for both the barchart and heatmap.
A Comprehensive Resource for Exploring Antiphage Defense: DefenseFinder Webservice, Wiki and Databases

January 2024


41 Reads


3 Citations

In recent years, a vast number of novel antiphage defense mechanisms were uncovered. To facilitate the exploration of mechanistic, ecological, and evolutionary aspects related to antiphage defense systems, we released DefenseFinder in 2021 (Tesson et al., 2022). DefenseFinder is a bioinformatic program designed for the systematic identification of all known antiphage defense mechanisms. The initial release of DefenseFinder v1.0.0 included 60 systems. Over the past three years, the number of antiphage systems incorporated into DefenseFinder has grown to 152. The increasing number of known systems makes it a challenge to enter the field and makes the interpretation of detections of antiphage systems difficult. Moreover, the rapid development of sequence-based predictions of structures offers novel possibilities of analysis and should be easily available. To overcome these challenges, we present a hub of resources on defense systems including 1) a search tool (DefenseFinder as a web service) 2) a knowledge base, and 3) precomputed databases (results of DefenseFinder ran on RefSeq database, predicted structure database computed with AlphaFold). These pages can be freely accessed for users as a starting point on their journey to better understand a given system. We anticipate that these resources will foster the use of bioinformatics in the study of antiphage systems and will serve the community of researchers who study antiphage systems. This resource is available at: .

Figure 4. Bacterial adsorption factors are the major determinants of phage-bacteria interactions in contrast with defense systems which marginally reduce bacterial susceptibility to infecting phages.
Figure 5. Adsorption factors are sufficient to accurately predict phage-bacteria interactions, even for phages with very few lytic interactions. A. Distribution of the prediction performance among phage-specific models. One classification model is fitted for each individual phage and evaluated on Group 10-Fold Cross-Validation. The performance on the validation sets of each phage-specific model is measured by the AUROC metric and averaged across all cross-validation folds. By definition, AUROC ranges from 50% (random predictor) to 100% (perfect predictor). B. Overall prediction performance of the predictive algorithm across the 96 phages. Contrary to what is presented in A. the predictions of each phage-specific model on the validation set at each cross-validation fold are aggregated together. Prediction performance of the obtained model is assessed using the ROC curve and the AUROC score (blue). C. Distribution of the prediction performance among phage-specific models as a function of the phage number of lytic interactions. As in A., the performance of each phage-specific model on the validation sets of each cross-validation fold is averaged. It is plotted against the number of lytic interactions performed by its corresponding phage, which gives the amount of class imbalance in the classification problem. D. Prediction matrix obtained using adsorption factors and core phylogeny only. One classification model per bacteriophage is trained to predict the phage-bacteria interactions bacteriophage from the interaction matrix. Each model takes as input the same bacterial adsorption factors as well as the core phylogeny of the bacteria. They are trained and evaluated on Group 10-Fold Cross-Validation. Predictions obtained on the validation set at each round of the cross-validation procedure are compared with the ground truth and are reported in this prediction matrix. Blue : True Positive. Red : False Positive. Gray : False Negative. White : True Positive.
Predicting phage-bacteria interactions at the strain level from genomes

November 2023


115 Reads


5 Citations

Predicting how phages can selectively infect specific bacterial strains holds promise for developing novel approaches to combat bacterial infections and better understanding microbial ecology. Experimental studies on phage-bacteria interactions have been mostly focusing on a few model organisms to understand the molecular mechanisms which makes a particular bacterial strain susceptible to a given phage. However, both bacteria and phages are extremely diverse in natural contexts. How well the concepts learned from well-established experimental models generalize to a broad diversity of what is encountered in the wild is currently unknown. Recent advances in genomics allow to identify traits involved in phage-host specificity, implying that these traits could be utilized for the prediction of such interactions. Here, we show that we could predict outcomes of most phage-bacteria interactions at the strain level in Escherichia natural isolates based solely on genomic data. First, we established a dataset of experimental outcomes of phage-bacteria interactions of 403 natural, phylogenetically diverse, Escherichia strains to 96 bacteriophages matched with fully sequenced and genomically characterized strains and phages. To predict these interactions, we set out to define genomic traits with predictive power. We show that most interactions in our dataset can be explained by adsorption factors as opposed to antiphage systems which play a marginal role. We then trained predictive algorithms to pinpoint which interactions could be accurately predicted and where future research should focus on. Finally, we show the application of such predictions by establishing a pipeline to recommend tailored phage cocktails to target pathogenic strains from their genomes only and show higher efficiency of tailored cocktails on a collection of 100 pathogenic E. coli isolates. Altogether, this work provides quantitative insights into understanding phage-host specificity at the strain level and paves the way for the use of predictive algorithms in phage therapy.

Citations (2)

... For functional annotation, we used the Rapid Annotations using the Subsystems Technology (RAST) server [41], and verified key annotations by BLAST search against the NCBI and UniProt databases. Prophage regions were identified with Phaster [42] and phage defense systems with DefenseFinder v1.2.0 [43]. ...


Metabolically-versatile Ca. Thiodiazotropha symbionts of the deep-sea lucinid clam Lucinoma kazani have the genetic potential to fix nitrogen
A Comprehensive Resource for Exploring Antiphage Defense: DefenseFinder Webservice, Wiki and Databases

... Ten E. coli phages from our lab collection (the Antonina Guelin collection [11] and unpublished ones) and an assembly of these 10 phages (subsequently designated as the cocktail) were used for this study (phages listed in Supplementary Materials File S2). Phage stocks (>10 8 PFU/mL) corresponding to filter-sterilized lysates (in LB-Lennox) were distributed in a 96-deep well polystyrene plate (1.2 mL, TreffLab, Switzerland). ...

Predicting phage-bacteria interactions at the strain level from genomes