Hongyu Chen's research while affiliated with Shijiazhuang Yiling Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd. and other places

Publications (5)

Household characteristics play an important role in helping utilities carry out efficient and personalized services. Current methods to obtain such information e.g. survey are usually costly and time-consuming. The widespread installation of smart meters enables the collection of fine-grained residential electricity consumption data, thus making th...
Full-text available
Home energy management systems (HEMSs) enable residential customers to efficiently participate in demand response programs in order to obtain optimal benefits. Traditional HEMSs only manage household electric appliances to reduce the electricity consumption cost while the optimal scheduling of natural gas appliances has been overlooked. Due to the...
Conference Paper
A variety of faults often occur during the operation of PV arrays, which may seriously affect the normal operation of the system, the machine diagnosis of the types of fault has become a hotspot in the field of photovoltaic power generation. This paper proposes a novel fault diagnostic technique for photovoltaic systems based on Cascaded Forest. Th...


... As a result, the process of re-identifying data senders can be considered as the multilabel classification problem. We adopt the well-established Random Forest algorithm [34] to train the attack model. In detail, the mentioned data is divided into explicit two groups with the ratio of 4 : 1. ...
... One load-management strategy in DSM is load-shifting ( Figure 1), a technique to shift peakhour demand to off-peak hours by reallocating the load demand [6] without changing the total energy consumption [7]. This can also reduce the cost [1,6,[8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15] as well as the capacity of the electricity grid. In practice, Yilmaz et al. (2019), quoted in [16], defined load-shifting as a "process where consumers time-shift demand, either through behaviour change or automation, in response to particular conditions within the electricity system, and [it] is therefore a potential solution to equilibrate the network". ...
... Woyte et al., 2013;Achim Woyte et al., 2003) establecen que las fallas pueden ocurrir debido a diferentes factores eléctricos o ambientales, tales como errores de seguimiento del punto de máxima potencia, desconexión eléctrica, pérdidas en el cableado y envejecimiento, efectos de sombreado, polvo o nieve.En la actualidad existen dos paradigmas para la detección de fallas en SFV. El primer paradigma se encuentra en los trabajos documentados por(Chaibi et al., 2019;Chouay & Ouassaid, 2018; Das et al., 2018; Dhimish et al., 2017;Fadhel et al., 2020;Hajji et al., 2020;Hu et al., 2017;Kumar et al., 2018;Lu et al., 2019;Mekki et al., 2016;Rouani et al., 2021;Sowthily et al., 2021;Yi & Etemadi, 2017). Los procedimientos reportados bajo este paradigma se enfocan en el uso de máquinas de aprendizaje, las cuales emplean un punto de vista de detección coherente.(Mellit ...